Chapter 26

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"Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over."

IT'S FUNNY HOW FAST TIME FLIES, just yesterday I was unfortunately kidnapped for something I thought I wasn't associated with but in the end, I am involved in it in many ways.

But then I was saved by a man I had no clue of. 

And now that man is gone.

Something I'll solemnly remember was giving Harry the pendant yesterday. It was given to me by a friend I once had. Mikayla Smith. 

She was a my best friend ever since fifth grade. To finally have someone who understands how hard it can be to make friends when you're an introverted person is nice. The Smiths moved in the house across mine. After they left, it was not taken care off until an elderly woman who has an obsession with cats moved in. 

She barely turns on her outside lights let alone her insides. Her house is practically lit up with candles after candles. A very interesting aesthetic. 

Mikayla brought a lot of light into my life. Yes, it may seem cliché but it is very much true.

Kayla was a Sub-Saharan African from Spain. Her skin was copper-brown, like a windfall autumn leaf. She had puffy, pouting lips and they were blossom soft and a button nose and hair that curtained her oval face.  Her hair was coral-black and it crashed over her shoulders.

She was basically the definition of perfect.

Mrs. Smith her step mother, treated me as her own. I didn't have a strong female figure so I looked up to that woman a lot. She was always there with me through out my teenage years.

She was the first I told when I got my first period. She was always there for my cheer performances in school. She always took me out to the mall when Mikayla was going. She never made me feel left out.

Mr. Smith Mikayla's blood related father always gave me a sketchy feeling. Like don't get me wrong, he always cared for his family and even me and my dad. But sometimes I just get a bad vibe from him. Or maybe it's just me. Probably just me.

Kayla had a younger sister, Rayna who I considered as my own. Being the only child obviously has it's pros and cons but I think in my situation, the cons were more. I didn't have anyone from my family to share too. Like if I had a older sister, going through whatever I went through might just be a whole lot easier.

But it's faith, isn't it?

Kayla was also may I say, my ride or die. We got in a lot of trouble together, partied alone together, travel together and did everything together. 

Spilling out our weekly celebrity crushes was what we were known for. Even though there were thousands and thousands, there will always be that one. 

Mikayla's all time crush was Tekno. She was highly obsessed with everything he did and for me?

My taste fancied Chris Evans. Probably until I die. Can you blame me? Look at his body.

Everything was perfect. Every fucking thing. 

But eventually the dark stormy clouds covered the blazing perfect sun and brought darkness.

Mikayla came into my room with tears running down her face. She was never someone who got affected by anything so seeing her cry this hard was something new. I sat her down on my bed and she immediately latched her arms around my figure, crying on my shoulder. 

She sniffled and broke the terrible news onto me. She was moving back to Spain and they were leaving in a week. 

You know, they say even if something minor happens it easily can turn your whole perfect happy world upside down. And that's exactly what happened. 

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