Chapter 41

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*smut ahead.

"I need you."

Harry's POV

She had the audacity to put that smirk on her face knowing damn well I was pissed. The meeting today that was held was a mess. Now I know I can never rely on my team on anything, that also includes Niall. 

Everyone wanted their stupid ideas to be heard. Everyone wanted to protect her. But I didn't want that. I wanted to be the only one who protects her. I wanted to be her defender

I stormed my way into the house looking for her. Athena really got on my nerves. Everybody was being such a bitch today, annoying me every minute. But for Athena, it seems that the moment I left her with Cara, a switch in her turned on. Suddenly she had confidence that skyrocketed through the roof. And I guess that was what was irritating me. 

"Athena," I called out, hanging my car keys on the holder, and headed upstairs. "Stop testing me, I need to talk to you," I said trying to make it sound like a threat. There was still no reply. I feel like at this point I am at the tip of the iceberg ready to blow.

"I swear to fucking god, you're not gonna like me when I find you so I suggest you come out now". I looked at every inch of the upstairs which made me dumbfounded. "Where the hell was she?". Giggles were heard as I made my way towards my room. This bitch had the courage to go into my room I see. 

Well, this should be fun. 

I slowly dragged my feet against the wooden floorboards not wanting to make a sound. I peeped into the room and saw no figure of her insight. Gently, I opened the door and made my way inside. There I saw Athena looking outside the bedroom window for me. I released a huff and steadily made my way behind her. She still hadn't realized I was behind her and I found it extremely amusing. 

My hands grabbed onto her shoulders as I pulled her back to my chest. She realized a small scream but was then silenced by my palm covering her mouth. "So, you think you can just break in here without permission?" I whispered darkly in her ear. Her figure shifted slightly under mine. 

She tried saying words that came out as muffles as I was still covering her mouth. "Shh shh, I've heard enough of your talking today, it's time you learn to shut up and listen, yeah?" The room was painted with the moonlight shining through the windows. The dark atmosphere somehow made this situation more interesting. 

I spun her body, releasing her mouth and grabbing her shoulders. I looked into her dark brown eyes that had the feeling of lust swimming in it. I grabbed the pieces of brown hair that were messily scattered on her face and placed them behind her ear. Being this close to her, I noticed she had light freckles on her that I hadn't noticed before.

"You pissed me off so much just now, you're so fucking annoying," I said as I placed my forehead against hers. I hated her. I hate her. I hate everything she does. She's cunning. A cunning little bitch.

"You get so easily pissed off, Styles," Athena said as she looked up at me giving me a sly smirk. "Do you want me to apologize?" She asked while giggling. Athena brought her mouth to my ear and whispered the words "cause I won't." 

I let out an annoyed groan before pinning her small figure against the door. I placed one of my hands around her neck, choking her while the other was holding her body up so she would be the same level as I am.

"You need to learn your place, princess. I am sick and tired of your behavior." I said leaning closer and burning my eyes into her. "Oh, what are you gonna do? Punish me."

This isn't the Athena I know. This has to be her look alike right? There's no way in hell daddy's little girl who becomes the devil herself. The princess would never be the villain, right?

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