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My Elaine,

Remember in 4th year when you asked me to the Yuleball?
In return, I got a favor, and I would like to use that now.

Will you please stay away from me for your own good?
Please just stay away, don't talk to me, don't contact me.
I'm doing this for you.

I will never forget you.


Forever yours,


I would never tell him how much I cried that night.

I threw up for hours after I read the letter.
Molly stayed with me the whole night, hugging me tightly as I would sob in her soft embrace.

I wanted to write back to him even though he had told me not to.
I wanted to write my feelings down but the paper stayed empty.
And I couldn't have described it any better.

I felt empty, like a ghost not knowing where the light is.
Just completely empty.

That emptiness turned to anger.
I didn't understand why he didn't wanna see me anymore, especially at the time I needed him the most.
Did goodbye meaning letting go? And did letting go mean forever?
And how do you say goodbye if your heart still wants to hold on?

So I stayed angry.
Angry at the deatheaters, angry at Voldemort, angry at everyone.
But I just couldn't stay angry at him.

Harry was of course pleased when he heard the news and told me too.
"I told you he would only hurt you" was what he had said.
And to that I answered by slapping him, leading into a fight Remus and Arthur had to break up.

Ginny and Hermione tried to cheer me up, as girls do.
But nothing seemed to help the aching pain I was in.
First Sirius, now Draco.

"There are plenty of fish in the sea"
But how come no one can compare to him?
How he talks, how he acts, how he smile, how he love.
So why tell me about all the other fish in the sea when the one I had caught was the rarest of them all?

The twins were no help either, and who would've thought that.
They always had a way of cheering me up, but this time nothing could even put a smile on my lips.

Apparently, I just had to accept it.
Everyone misses someone because even infinity misses the end.
And oh how I missed him.


It was only when I read the daily prophet that a little of my sympathy came back.
Draco's father had been sent to Azkaban.

I knew he deserved it, I was glad he had been sent away.
But I could only think about how Draco felt, and I convinced myself that that was the reason he didn't wanna see me anymore.
Not that it was a valid reason, but It was technically my fault.

We visited the twins' shop, which had a lot of fun magic in it.
For the first time in a long time I laughed, all because Ron accidentally ate one of the puking pastilles, making him puke in an abounded trashcan.

Aching Hearts // Draco Malfoy fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now