Chapter 96: Come & Blessings on Blessings

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Please excuse ANY grammatical errors.

May 10, 1998

~Tionne's P.O.V~

Life is TOO short to be worried about people who don't care about me, especially since I have Sickle Cell Anemia. Having that has me in and out of the hospital and ALWAYS working if I'm going to live the next day. I'm always in pain because of this and have a shorter lifespan than the average person.

The tornado did horrible damage to Georgia and nearby areas. Being part of this made me realize that I need to let go. I need to let go of this one-sided live thing I have going on with Dalvin. Dalvin doesn't care as much as he says he does. If he did, he would've come to see me at least ONCE out of all those times I was hospitalized. He's NEVER done that and that's the definition of actions speaking louder than words.

Not to mention him constantly cheating on me. I don't know how many women I beat up because of him. I've dealt with so many lies from this man. Truth be told, I was been done with him. I clocked out mentally way before I decided to make this decision. How far ago did I mentally leave him? Honestly, it was before the year 1997 ended but I've been holding on emotionally and physically. Now is time for the physical and verbal to happen now that I'm mentally prepared.

The reason I held on is because of our history. But why was I holding onto a history that Dalvin doesn't even care for? All history isn't good history. History with someone means nothing when the present is shared with many women on his part. He did care for our history so why should I? I waited for Dalvin to pick up the phone. Yes, I'm doing it over the phone because I no longer give a fuck about anything to do with Dalvin. Dalvin isn't in Georgia at the moment either.

"What's up, baby?" Dalvin asked in a tone that shows he just woke up.

"Hey, Dalvin," I replied. "I don't wanna keep you on the phone too long because I know you got shit planned BUT I do need you to be alert for what I'm about to tell you."

I heard shifting over the phone. I could be him but he also could be talking to me with another woman lying next to him. He's done disrespectful shit like that before.

Dalvin cleared his throat. "What's up? Is everything good?" He exhaled loudly.

"I'm fine. Let me cut straight to the chase. I'm done." I told him.

"Done with what? Was you in the hospital or something and just got out?" He said confused.

See what I mean? I've been out of the hospital for about a week and a half now. He KNEW that because I told him when I left. "No, Dalvin... It's over. I'm tired of you and you got me out here looking like a fool. Been having me look like this for years now. Fighting over a man who CLEARLY doesn't care for me. This whole relationship has been one-sided for a while now and I'm done with this relationship." I told him all in one breath. I suddenly felt relieved.

"You done with ME?" Dalvin said sounding surprised. His ego is showing due to his emphasis on the word ME.

"That's EXACTLY what I said, Dalvin. I'm done with you." I repeated.

"What happened to you being down? But most importantly, why you doing this over the phone? You couldn't be woman enough to tell me this in person?" He chuckled. "This has to be a joke and April already passed."

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