- chapter fifty four -

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• Demi

I sat there in silence as I sipped my coffee pondering on what Sierra shared with me. It breaks my heart to see Sierra so upset and angers me that there is so many people that have no respect whatsoever. Normally my first instinct is to off at whoever hurt Sierra but that always causes problems. Something Sierra doesn't need more of. I'm so proud of her fighting the urge to hurt herself. I know how strong they can be and how easy it can be to give in. I know how loud those voices are and how they seem to block off every sane thought out. I know how hard it is and I'm very proud of Sierra. Alex ended up staying in a hotel and said that he would come over later. I'm just concerned on how it will go down with Sierra. She doesn't have a good history with men in many aspects and I don't want to frighten her. I know for a fact that Alex is a wonderful man and would never hurt anybody. He's always putting people before himself and he's just so kind. Dang, I'm so lucky. The doorbell rang and I'm almost positive that it's Alex. He always comes at the right time. I set my mug down and rush to the door. I open the door to see Alex standing there with roses and chocolates in his hand. With a cheesy smile he placed the flowers and chocolates in my hand. "For my beautiful girl." I give him a quick kiss. "Alex, you're literally the best." He smiled softly and shut the door behind him. "Well you're the bestest." I giggle. "For someone who has an English major you really suck at grammar." I took his hand and led him into my living room. I set the gifts on the table and wrapped my arms around him. "Hey, it's not my fault I have a girl who cant be described in words." I roll my eyes but I couldn't wipe the smile if I wanted to. "You're so cheesy." He kisses my forehead and runs his fingers through my hair. "I love you." He says in my ear, drawing me closer. "I love you too." I murmur against him. We stand for a few minutes simply enjoying each other's presence. "Demi?" A voice interrupts. We practically jump out of each other's embrace as we turn to Sierra. Sierra stands there, her mouth agape. Alex and I exchange a glance. "Wha-H-Demi?!" I gulp and smile nervously. "Uh, Sierra this is my... My boyfriend, Alex." Sierra stands there with an unreadable face. "Well no kidding." I sigh and run my fingers through my hair. I can feel Sierra's eyes on me but I don't dare look up. I know she's angry with me. I didn't even tell her about Alex and I. Ugh, I'm so stupid. Alex glances me and holds his eyes on me, forcing me to look up at him. "Well, Demi, seems like you finally found a decent one." Sierra say, which leaves me in shock. Though, it's very accurate. None of my relationships were good, whether I was aware of it or not. I smirk and nudge Alex in the shoulder. "Hear that? You're decent." He laughs. Sierra half smiles and starts back up the stairs. "Well I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." I roll my eyes for what feels like the millionth but still smile. "Be ready in a half hour! We're going out for lunch." I turn back to Alex and give him a quick kiss. Sometimes, life falls together in the best but weirdest ways...

Hellloooo, long time, no chapters.. Life has been pretty stressful and I have been working on getting better in aspects of my life. I'm sorry for no updates but in all honesty taking a break was much needed. I will try and update but no promises. I may or may not get back to a regular updating schedule but we will see (: Also, do you guys want me to continue this story or should I quit? And do you guys ship #Dalex or should it not be a thing? I want your feeback!!! I love you all & hope you guys are well. Votes & Comments are very encouraging & might help for an early update (; if you read up to here comment, Warrior.

next update : within 2 weeks
early update : none for now

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