- chapter fourty eight -

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"Wilmer." She whispered. I felt like I was going to pass out. My ex boyfriend raped my daughter and too add on to that I didn't even have a clue this was going on. I had a long history with Wilmer. We met a while back but hadn't really started the relationship until after treatment. He was attractive, had a good attitude, and made a living. The ideal package. I broke up with him about a year and a half ago due to all the cheating and lies. He came begging on his knees for one more chance which he had done several times before but enough is enough. I did forgive him but I will never date him again. He caused me a lot of pain and I almost relapsed. He would constantly tell me how fat and worthless I was but somehow I stupidly would accept his worthless apologies and come back to him. Sometime or another I got my head on straight and it was over. Now he has the nerve to rape my daughter?! I can't believe he would do that to her and he will definitely hear a mouthful from me. "Sierra." I whispered. I wiped away her tears and pulled her onto my lap. I wrapped my arms around her and gently rested my head on hers. I was so angry at Wilmer. How dare he?! You can mess with me all you want but once you get to my family, you've crossed the line. "I'm so sorry Baby girl. I haven't been with him in over a year. What did he say to you?" I said whilst stroking her hair. She let out a strangled sob into me which broke my heart into pieces. "It hurts to much to think about it." She whispered. I kissed the top of her head. "I know baby girl, I know but you need to tell me. This is a serious issue." She gulped before more tears streamed down her face. "H-He told m-me If w-was a-all my f-fault that y-you w-wouldn't come b-back to h-him and then h-he j-just raped me." I squeezed my eyes shut to keep myself from erupting with anger. I sighed. "We will get this taken care of baby girl, I promise." She shook against me. "I deserved it anyway. I took away your love life and just your life in general." I hushed her. "You didn't deserve that. No one does. That's not true because you are my life and I don't want it any other way. I love you so much." She stayed silent but I could feel her tears soaking through my shirt. "I love you too." She whispered.

"Sierra! Lunch!" I called up the stairs and turned to walk back into the kitchen. I served the two grilled cheese sandwiches onto two plates and set them down on the table. They were slightly burnt but way better than I've done before. Sierra jogged down the stairs and instantly frowned once she saw the grilled cheese. "They're burnt." She said bluntly. She pulled out the chair and sat down whilst inspecting the sandwich. "Thanks for the lovely comment!" I said sarcastically as I sat down. I prayed for our food and began to eat my sandwich while Sierra sat there, staring at her sandwich. I couldn't really tell if she really didn't want to eat because of it was burnt or because she was thinking about the calories. She hadn't been eating much since she got back from the hospital which was understandable, but we've been back at least a week. I'm starting to worry that she's forgotten all her progress in recovery. "Babe, just eat it don't think about it." I said and rubbed her hand with my thumb. She bit down on her lip and picked it up slowly. After watching, it was clear that she was scared she was going to gain weight. She had been eating for a few months and now all the progress she had made was crumbling down. I wasn't disappointed in her just sad to see her struggling again. She brought it to her mouth and slowly took a bite out of it. She looked over at me with fear in her eyes. I smiled and nodded for her to keep eating. We sat there for a while but I didn't mind as long as she ate. She finished the sandwich and sat there, gripping her chair as a restraint. "You'll be okay." I whispered in her ear as I led her over to the couch. She sat beside me and curled up against while I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm proud of you." I said smiling, looking down at her and brushing the hair out of her face. She looked up at me." You are? Because I just made you sit there for an hour while I ate a small sandwich. I thought I got better but once I again I let you down." I hate to see her like this. She was clearly upset with herself when she had no reason to. We all slip and fall but getting up is the important part. "No." I said harshly. "You should be proud of yourself. I don't care if it took five hours. You ate it and that's what matters. You did not let me down its just hard to see you struggling again when you worked so hard. You are better because even though you struggled, you still got through it." She huffed." Whatever." I continued to stroke her and then I remember I needed to talk to her about school. "Babe? Can we talk?" She stirred around and sat up. "What's up?" She asked. "Well, you need to go to school and I've already signed you up." Her eyes darkened and her face fell. "Oh.. " I reached out and held her hand. "It'll be okay and if you have any problems just come to me." I understand why she's upset. Every school she's been to has had people that push her around and bully her. Hopefully, this school will be different. She gave a sad smile and started to get up. "I'm going to my room." She disappeared up the stairs and I sighed, running my fingers through my hair. Now to deal with Wilmer.

"A ha." I said as I found a slip of paper that had Wilma's number on it. I had been searching for hours and I finally found it. I picked up my phone from my desk and hesitantly dialed the number. I was nervous to say the least but I have to do this. We haven't spoken to each other in over a year and I can tell it will be awkward. It rang and rang until finally he picked up. "Hello?" I cleared my throat. "Uh, hi. This is Demi.." I trailed off playing with the hem of my shirt. "Oh... What's up?" Wilmer said, trying to play it cool. "We need to talk." I bluntly said. I didn't want to waste anytime so the faster we can talk in person the faster this will all be over. "Aren't we already?" I rolled my eyes. Not the time for lame jokes, not the time. "Ha ha, very funny. Can I come over at 7 tonight?" Silence. "Okay. That will work." I ran my tongue over my teeth. "Alright. I'll see you then." I hung up and threw my phone onto my bed. That went better than expected but he doesn't know what's coming. I stood up and decided to go check up on Sierra. I knocked on the door a few times but she never answered which had me panicked. I used my key to unlock her door and prepared myself for the worst. Instead she was laying on her bed sleeping. I sighed in relief thankful nothing had happened. As I was about to leave the room something caught my eye. A pill bottle. I remember the bottle sitting over there when Sierra had tried to commit suicide. I picked it up and stared at it, my feet glued to the ground. One overdose wouldn't hurt, would it? It would be a nice release after all the stress I've been facing these few months. I unscrewed the cap and looked at the pills left. There was surprisingly quite a few left. Just go for it. I shook several out into my hand but before I put them in my mouth a voice interjected. "Demi? What are you doing?" I turned around and saw that Sierra was sitting up now. I was immediately pulled out of my thoughts and dropped the pills. I couldn't believe it. I almost relapsed. Guilt ran through my veins as I looked at a scared Sierra. "Demi! What's wrong?!" She scrambled out of the bed and quickly picked up the pills. I watched as she flushed them away in the toilet and I'm glad she did. She slowly walked out, tears streaming down her face. "I caused this didn't I?" She whispered, her big brown eyes looking into my eyes. "What? No, it's just I.. I saw the bottle and just kind of lost it. It was just a little slip that's all."
She eyes me suspiciously. "No, it's cause you're stressed and I caused it." I bit my lip. "Yes, I do stress about you. I just want to make everything perfect. I want you to live happily and free. I don't want you to be in pain. I don't want you get hurt. I want you to be happy." What was the point in lying? Sierra knows that I stress over her. Sierra stayed silent for a minute. "I feel special and cared for when you say that but, I don't want perfect. I just want us. I wanna go back to when we would just lay around and watch tv or go to the mall. When we would laugh and smile and have a good time. Now you're so stressed about trying to make things perfect." I threw my arms around her. I didn't know this was how she felt but she was finally speaking her mind instead of bottling it up. "I'm so sorry." She sunk into my arms. "See? These are the hugs I love." I giggled. "You're funny." I said and kissed her forehead. "Before we can go back to 'normal' there is one thing I have to fix.. Wilmer."

Hello! Sorry for the late update.. Again. Tell me in the comments what you think will happen. (: thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. You all are amazing and I love you all. 💖 also, this book has over 100k reads! It's insane. I never thought my book would get past like ten reads. Thank you all sosososo much! Stay strong and God loves you!

Next Update : Monday
Early Update : 20 comments and 74 votes

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