- chapter thiry five •

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Demi's p.o.v

I slid my key into my house, walking into the much to quiet atmosphere. After my mom pleaded and begged for me to go to my house to rest up, I eventually gave in. I knew that I wasn't going to win the argument anyways. I set my bag down on the kitchen table and went into the kitchen to make dinner. I pulled out bread, ham, cheese, mayonnaise and made myself a sandwich. Sitting down, I prayed for my food and slowly began to ate. I had lost my appetite due to the anxiety in the pits of my stomach. It scared me if Sierra would ever remember our relationship. Sure, we could build a new relationship but I could never recreate the moments where she's vulnerable and pleading for my help. I don't enjoy seeing Sierra feel hopeless but I feel treasured when she comes to me for help. Or the times when she seems genuinely happy. I will never get bored of that. Tears burned in the back of my eyes as I began to reminisce on the memories with Sierra. Is our relationship ever going to be the same? I washed my dishes and slowly walked up the stairs as my mind fogged up with negativity. This shouldn't be happening, after all, Sierra is alive and she could possibly remember everything. But I guess time will tell. I laid down on my bed, not bothering to get ready for bed. I grabbed an extra pillow and wrapped my arms around it, snuggling into it. This sure isn't Sierra but it will have to do.

'Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.' I groaned, shielding my eyes from the light my phone was projecting. Who on earth calls someone at 3:15 in the morning. I blindly felt around for my phone and put it to my ear. "Hello?" I said groggily with an annoyed tone. "Demi, Sierra is begging for you." I recognized this as Marissa. "Okay, I'll be there." I said and hung up. I raced down the stairs as fast I could and slipped my shoes on and quickly grabbed my keys. I sped out the door and slipped into the drivers seat, and put the car in ignition. I went at least 20 miles per hour over the speed limit but I didn't care, anything for my baby girl. I parked the car and ran into the building not bothering to stop at the desk despite their pleads. I'm sure they've seen enough of me these few week to know who I am by now. Besides, I already know her room number. Floor E, Room 458. I stumbled into the elevator and pressed the fifth floor over and over again, as if it would make it go faster. I watched the screen, as the number when from 1 to 2, to 3, to four. And it seemed as if four to five, took five hours. As the elevator dinged and the doors opened, I peeled out and looked for room 458. I slowed my pace down as I reached Sierra's room. I bit my lip softly, slightly nervous. I took two steps in and both my mom and Marissa's heads shot towards me with worried expressions. My mom was at the side of Sierra's bed, holding her hand and stroking her hair in attempt to calm her down. I saw a sweat bead break through Sierra's skin and saw her pained expression. I rushed to her side and started to gently shake her. "Baby, wake up." I said softly. "Come on, it's okay, it's just a drea-" Sierra shot up in a panic and began to breathe heavily. "Sierra, breathe. It was a just a dream." I said softly, gently rubbing her back. She looked at me and gave me a response I didn't expect. She glared at me and pushed me away. "Get out." She spat. I felt my heart drop into my stomach. "You're the one who tried to shoot me." She whispered, backing away from me. And in that moment, I could practically hear everybody's jaw drop. "What?" I whispered, refraining from crying. "You're the one who shot me." Sierra said bluntly. "Sierra, I don't think you understand." Marissa said. "Demi would never lay a finger on you in that way. It was your birth parents who were after you." Sierra flinched when Marissa mentioned her birth parents and nobody will understand how badly I wanted to hug her. "B-But I remember it.. It was Demi's face and she pointed the gun right at me..?" Her strong demeanor was crumbling and her eyes became glossy with tears. "I-I don't know!" Sierra sobbed into her hands. "I'm- I'm sorry!" I didn't know if I was supposed to hug her because she seemed very adamant that I shot her. But that's exactly what she needed, a pair arms wrapped around her and somebody telling her it was going to be alright. I slowly approached her and wrapped my arms around her. "I know you think I shot you but just know I would never, ever hurt you.. Ever." I whispered into her ear. She seemed to begin to relax but I could tell she was slightly nervous. As she began to relax more, I noticed she had fallen asleep. I gently rotated on the bed and laid her down, gently setting her head on the pillow. But before I could leave, she sleepily grabbed at my hand. I softly smiled and laid down next to her, wrapping my arms around her. An in turn, she snuggled into me, just like how it was supposed to be.

As usual, I woke up to the sun blinding my eyes. I don't know why, but that always seems to happen. I pulled my phone out and checked the time. 10:15.

I guess I slept in later than I thought I did. I quietly crawled out of the bed and went into the hall to find a doctor, seeing when I could bring Sierra back home. I went up to the front desk and asked for Dr. Herald and they told me they would send him out. I sat in the waiting room, tapping my foot. A few minutes later, Dr. Herald appeared and gave me a small smile. I stood up and cleared my throat. "I was wondering when I could take Sierra home?" I asked, sliding my hands into my pockets. He sighed and rubbed his beard in thought. "I suppose whenever.. Is she beginning to remember you?" I shrugged and looked to the ground. "A little bit I think." He nodded and opened Sierra's folder, handing me discharge papers. "Just turn this in when you think she's ready to leave and you'll be set." I smiled and took the papers from him. "Thank you." He nodded and then walked off. I walked back down to Sierra's room to be met with my mom and Marissa. I smiled and gave each of them a hug. "I'm thinking about bringing Sierra home." Marissa bit her lip. "Are you sure that's a good idea? She barely remembers you Dem." I frowned. "Well, I thought maybe bringing her home would rejuvenate the memories." Marissa shrugged. "Maybe." My mom, Marissa, and I all talked before Sierra began to wake up. She pushed herself up and stretched, rubbing her eyes. "When can I leave?" She asked bluntly. I chuckled. "Whenever, you're ready." She gave me a quizzical look. "Who are you?" My eyes widened. And just when I thought we were making progress.. She gave me a cheeky smile. "I'm kidding, Dems. I remember everything now." A huge grin came across my face. "Really?!" She nodded. "I know that you adopted me, all the fun memories, all the slightly upsetting ones, and I also know that you didn't shoot me." I chuckled. "Well in that case then.." I stood up and opened my arms and before I knew it, Sierra melted into my embrace. "I missed you so much." Sierra murmured. I hugged her tighter. "Me too. You have no idea."

After I signed the discharge papers, we said our goodbyes to my mom and Marissa, and sped away to our home. It was quiet in the car ride but I could tell the she had a million things going through her mind. "Demi?" Sierra whispered, not taking her eyes off of the window. "Did you know it was my birthday, four weeks ago." I smiled softly, and went to hold her hand. "Of course baby. All I did that day was cry.." She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. "Did you know I'm two months clean?" A huge grin took over my face. "Of course baby! Do you think I would forget? I am so proud of you baby girl!" I said and squeezed her hand. She simply shrugged and went back to staring out the window. I frowned. "Baby girl?" I said softly. "Are you okay?" She merely nodded but I could see a tear break free. I decided I would let it go until we got home. I took a glance at the clock. 12:15 p.m. Just in time for lunch. "Sierra? What do you want for lunch." She shrugged. "Nothing." I gave her a look. "You know that's not an option." I pulled into Wendy's drive thru, ordering a chicken burger for me and a salad for her. But even then she merely stabbed at her salad. "Come on, Sie, please eat." She kept her head down. "Demi, I'm really not hungry." I sighed, taking the plastic bowl of salad. "Fine." We pulled into the driveway and we both got out of the car and made our way into the house. I followed Sierra into her room and laid down on the bed with her. "Baby, can you tell me what's wrong?" She shook her head. "Demi, stop. I just got shot. What do you expect me to do? Jump up and down?" I shook my head. "Never mind." I whispered. I got off the bed and went into my room, falling into the bed. I know Sierra wasn't going to be happy, but I could tell it was more than that. But I guess I'll try and find out later. Before I could fall asleep, my phone rang. I sat up and reached for it and looked at the caller ID. I accepted the call and put it to my ear. "Hello, is this Demi Lovato the mother of Sierra Lovato?" The woman said. "Yes." I replied. "Okay. Well we found something about Sierra..."

Ooh cliffhanger.. Anyways, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Just a side note, two comments do not count for the goal. But regardless I love to hear your feedback. (: I love you and you're all beautiful. Stay strong and God loves You!

Early Update : 8 comments and 41 votes

Next Update : Monday

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