- chapter thirty eight -

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• Demi
If I could, I would keep Sierra with me forever but I knew this had to be done. It's gotten out of control and way beyond my ability. I know this will help her in the end even though she doesn't think so. The only problem is that Sierra was so stubborn to me, how is she going to do with people she doesn't trust? Especially since a nurse slapped her. That still makes me upset that a nurse would even dare think of doing such a thing. I glanced at Sierra who had tears continuously streaming down her face. She was biting her lip so much that it was bleeding. "Baby, don't bite your lip so hard." I said taking her hand, rubbing my thumb over it. She shrugged and laid her head on the window. I let out a long breath as I began to feel guilty that I was the cause for her tears but I knew that I couldn't back out. As we pulled into the treatment facility I saw Sierra's head snap. "Demi, no. No, no, no, no, no!" I let out a shaky breath, trying to retain my strong demeanor. Sierra started to panic, shrieks and sobs sounded through my car; making a nightmare come to life. I absolutely hated seeing Sierra so upset. I quickly put my car into park and reached out for Sierra's wrist. "Baby, it's gonna be okay." She ripped her wrist out of my hand and stared into my eyes. "Don't you dare say something like that." I nodded and bit my lip as tears surfaced in my eyes. "Sierra, listen to me. If you cooperate, you will be out of their faster." Sierra didn't respond, she merely rolled her and got out of the car, slamming the door shut. I then, went to the back of the car and opened the trunk. I pulled out her suitcase and took hold of Sierra's hand, practically dragging her to the doors of the treatment facility. But I expected nothing less than that. I know how horrible it felt to go to treatment but I also remember how amazing it felt to be better. As we entered the building, I heard Sierra whimper as the tugged on my arm. "Come on baby." I whispered. I approached the front desk and the lady smiled. "Sierra Lovato?" I nodded, taking the  form out of my hand. I sloppily filled it out due to the full on sobbing Sierra. Not that I was angry with her, I simply couldn't bear to my baby girl so upset. "Here." I breathed out, shoving her the form and my credit card. I took Sierra into a small and dimly lit room. I pulled her in for a hug and she collapsed into my arms as a sobbing mess. "I don't want to go. Please." I shook my head against her and gently kissed her forehead. "I don't have a choice. When you get out, you'll understand why." She laughed dryly and shook her head. "Like I'll get out." She muttered. "You will, I thought I would be there for the rest of my life but look where I am now." I stated. She smirked. "In a treatment facility again." I chuckled and rolled my eyes. "That is quite true." Leave it up to Sierra to change something serious, funny. "Please promise me you'll try your best." Sierra looked down and fiddled with her fingers. "I can't promise something like that." She whispered. I sighed, staring off into the distance. It was silent for a few moments until a loud knock interrupted it. "We need Sierra Lovato." Sierra squirmed in my arms and I could feel her heart beat increase against mine. "Baby, baby calm down." She pulled away, biting her lip and avoiding my eyes. "Look into my eyes." She locked her eyes onto mine, fear evident. "I have to go but I love you, don't forget to stay strong." I said, never once losing eye contact. She simply nodded and whispered something. "What?" I whispered. "I love you too." I kissed her forehead over and over and pulled her into a bear hug. "Come on." I said quietly, taking hold of her hand. I slowly walked to the door and opened it, slipping out into the hall. Two strong men, gently took Sierra away before I even had a word to say. I was about to run after them but I knew it wouldn't help Sierra. I watched as she thrashed against the men shouting and shrieking. I flinched when the firmly pushed her into the room that had padding on every single surface of the room with people monitoring them for a full twenty hours. Although I felt like I couldn't move, I couldn't bare to watch this any longer. I rushed out of the lobby and pushed through the double doors, tears streaming down my cheeks. I unlocked my car and staggered into it as helpless sobs ripped through me. Maybe letting go of Sierra wasn't the best for my emotinal or physical health, but I'd rather me be in pain that Sierra falling into her problems even more. I laid my head against the stearing wheel,  as the emptiness surfaced. My hands shook as I forced the key into ignition, begining the loneliest and saddest car ride ever. After an hour had passed I had finally reached my home, my emotinal and physical strength down to -100. I sighed as I walked into house, immideately hit with memories of Sierra and I. I collapsed onto the floor, holding my head as the memories swirled around my head and tears fell from my eyes. I screamed, trying to block out the memories quickly turning into the old yet familiar voices. The numbness and emptiness I had felt earlier increased to the max and I did my best to "shut myself down" like I had done in the past. However, how can I say past when it is clearly present as well. I knew how bad it was to shut myself down but I couldn't bear to feel the excruciating sadness, pain, and emptiness any longer. I knew that however long Sierra was going to be in the treatment facility, was long I would be nothing but a mere breathing machine. But even then, life without Sierra made even breathing even task. 

hi, it is literally 11:57 p.m. as I am writing this so I have three minutes before I'm considered late. ahhaha, sorry for not updating early but I had a really busy weekend and I was really tired. I know this is shorter but I hope you can bear with it. and you guys passed the goal!! YAYYYAYAY! you all are so amazing and beautiful. I love you all and stay strong! God Loves You. 

next update : Friday 
early update : 45 votes and 14 comments 

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