- chapter twenty five -

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Demi's p.o.v

I took a deep breath in at the surroundings around me. We were officially in Bora Bora, after landing in and being boated to Bora Bora from Motu Mete. At Motu Mete we were welcome with Lei's and the staff was genuinely kind. I stood in awe at the beauty of this place. We just got through check in, and we were making our to the bungalows we were staying in. Last time I heard, Sierra and I were sharing a room, Dallas and Maddie, and then my Dad and Mom. I looked out at the ocean that surrounded us, it really was beautiful. "Demi!" I jumped slightly, startled. Sierra took hold of my hand and started to pull me around. "Who's the lost puppy now?" She teased. I rolled my eyes. "You got me this time, Sie." My mom started to speak up, so I focused on her. "Alright. For sleeping arrangements, We're sharing a room." My mom pointed at Dad and herself. "Then we have Demi and Sierra. And then Maddie and Dallas." We all nodded, and got our keys from my mom. "Open it Demi! Open it!" I laughed at Sierra's excitement. She's so cute. The door clicked and then Sierra swung it open. I flicked on the lights and put my suitcase down. I heard Sierra shriek and I dropped everything I was doing. I looked at Sierra following her gaze to the floor. In the middle of the room, the floor had glass flooring put down. There was a stingray clinging to it. I must admit, it was quite freaky. Sierra got on her knees, and stared at it. "That's. Awesome." She said. "Sorry for screaming, I wasn't expecting that." She said, her voice quiet as she was mesmerized by the lagoon life. "It's fine, babe." I began unpacking my stuff into the drawers, as did Sierra. After we go adjusted into the bungalow and stared at the see through floor, I pulled my phone and noticed that my messages had multiplied and not only that but it was 2:32 a.m. "Sierra? It's 2:32, you need to get ready for bed." I heard no reply, so I looked over at her bed across from mine, and there she was sleeping away. I stood up and walked over to her, easily picking her up and pulling the covers over her. I stood there smiling at her. Gorgeous girl. I sighed happily, and then pulled out some pajamas. Once I was ready for bed, and I climbed into my bed. I started to debate whether I should answer the 282 messages I had. If I did I would be up for a long time and I would be tired for tomorrow. But if I put it off, the messages will add up more and it will take even longer to answer. However, I didn't really have a choice as I drifted into sleep..

// Sierra's p.o.v

I tried my best to block the sun from my eyes but nothing was working. I sighed in defeat, as I threw the covers off of me and stood up, rubbing my eyes. I went over to my drawers and pulled out and outfit. I walked into the bathroom, turning the shower on. I didn't know what time it was but I did know it was early. After I showered, I changed into my clothes and got ready for the day. I exited the bathroom, and picked up my phone. It was 9:02. I guess it wasn't that early. I decided that I would go for a walk; just be alone. Most of the time, being with my thoughts drove me crazy. But there were a few times it was peaceful to be with my thoughts. I slipped some flip flops on and opened the door quietly. I closed the door and wandered aimlessly. Just enjoying the sun on me and the quietness. I was pulled out of my thoughts, by a guitar strumming the chords to a beautiful song. Medicine by Daughter. I followed the sound and soon I was met with a girl, sitting on the edge of the boardwalk. She was softly singing, but I could tell she had a beautiful voice. I just stood there, losing myself in the music. The song came to an end and I opened my eyes. It took all my courage to say something to her. "That was beautiful." I breathed out, but by now I was close enough for her to hear me. She jumped a little, startled by me. She turned around and looked like she was scared, but still gave a small smile "Thanks." I plopped down next to her. "Hi. I'm Sierra." I put my hand out for her to shake. She took and shake it, a genuine happiness taking over her features. "I'm Carissa." I smiled. "So where are you from." Her eyes were gazing over the water. "California." I laughed a little. "I'm from there too." We started to get to know each other better and better. Turns out we have a lot in common. I pulled my phone out. 20 missed calls and 24 texts. Oops. I stayed out for more than two hours. "I gotta go." I said, starting to get up. "Wait!" She said. "Let's get each others numbers!" We quickly exchanged numbers and then I started running to the bungalow. Once I got inside there stood a furious Demi and a worried Diana. "What. Were. You. Thinking?!?!" Demi shouted. I shrunk back a little. Diana held Demi back. "Calm down, Demi." Diana said quietly. Demi closed her eyes for a second. "Sierra, why did you just leave like that. You could've said something." Demi said firmly. I looked at my feet. "I-I just wanted to go for a walk. Alone." I said quietly. "You still could of told me." I nodded, not daring to look up. "Next time, you need to tell me. Or you will be in trouble. And you ignored me texts and calls." I didn't move or anything, I just stood there. In shame. Diana piped up. "Well, I'm going to leave you two. I'll see you in a bit." Once Diana left, I slowly walked over to my bed and sat on it. You never fail to make anyone angry. "Baby girl? Look at me." Demi said, as she sat next to me. "It's okay baby. I just get so worried when you leave. Especially when you don't tell me your leaving. And don't answer your phone or reply to my texts." She wrapped her arms around me and kissed my forehead. "Anyways, you need to eat." I sighed. She got up and went to the tray from room service. She put some eggs on the plate and half a pancake. "Here you go baby." She said, handing me the plate. I made a disgusted look at the food. I knew there was no way out of this. I slowly picked up the fork and poked at the eggs. Once it made contact to my mouth, my stomach turned into more knots. Probably like a half an hour later I just finished the eggs. "Demi. Do I have to eat the pancake?" She pressed her lips into a thin line. "No." She said quietly. I sighed in relief, and got up. I tried to casually make my way to the bathroom. Didn't work. Demi took hold of hand. "No you don't." I sighed as she pulled me onto her lap. "Baby, I'm so proud of you." She said, while stroking my hair. We sat there in silence until there was a knock at the door. I climbed off of her lap and she went to get the door. "Hey Mads." Demi said. "Hey. We're leaving in ten minutes." Demi nodded. "Where are we going?" Madison stood there thinking. "Oh right! It's called 'Tanoa Private Tour'" Madison said. "Mom said all the reviews were great. It sounds pretty cool. Bring your swimsuit!" She said and then went back to her bungalow. Demi laughed. "That was very informational."

// Demi's p.o.v

This tour was turning out really good. Tanoa picked up in his boat, which was very luxurious and VIP. I could've just sat there for days. He made us lunch, and it was very, very yummy. We had stopped several places to swim and feed sharks and stingrays. Sierra had no fear with sharks or stingrays. I was a little hesitant, but it was really fun. He ended the tour with an island tour by boat, and then dropped us off back. It was a very, very good day. We all climbed out of the boat, and thanked him. We all just stood around, trying to digest what happened. "That. Was. Really. Fun." Dallas said. We all agreed and just broke out in conversation about it. "Sierra!" A voice called. Sierra turned around and walked over to the girl giving her a hug. The girl looked quite familiar. The girls wouldn't stop talking so I walked over to them. Sierra glance up at me. "Oh right. This is Demi." The girl looked so confused. "She's your mom?" The girl said slowy. "Yeah. I was adopted." It was silent for a minute. "What's your name?" I asked. "Carissa." She said. I knew it! It was her! Carissa Marks. You see, Carissa's sister went to school with me. She bullied me. And then she came to my meet and greet. I thought she was going to bully me but it turned out she came to apologize. She wasn't begging for my friendship, she was coming to apologized. There was so much sincerity in her eyes. In her words. She told me she always thought I was the prettiest girl, and she felt like she was worthless. I felt bad for her, but once someone bullies you, you don't just trust them. It takes a long time. She told me how she had struggled with the things I did when we were in school. We didn't keep close ties, but if we saw each other, we would talk to each other. So now my chance was here to see her again. "Where's your sister?" I asked, Carissa's face fell. "She's not here." My stomach turned into knots, having an uneasy feeling about this. "What do you mean?" I asked. "She..She killed herself.."


"I shouldn't have just brushed her off!" I said, as tears poured down my face. I looked over at Sierra, who was looking quite scared. "Demi. It's not your fault. Carissa told me that in her um.. letter.." She said, both of us knowing what type of letter it was. "That apologizing to you was going to be one of the last things she was going to do. Demi, look, and let these words sink in." I removed my hands and looked into her eyes. "It is not your fault." I took a deep breath in. "You're right." I smiled. I prayed to God for a while for peace. I took a deep breath and took Sierra's hand as we made our way to my Mom and Dad's bungalow for Dinner. We all took a seat around the table and then my dad prayed. We started to dig into our foods, except Sierra. I had finished my whole plate and Sierra didn't even eat half of it yet. "Hey Demi?" Dallas asked. I smiled at her. "Do you want to somewhere with me? You know, free your mind and stuff." I nodded, and then looked over at my mom. She looked over at me, and then I glanced at Sierra. She nodded, understanding what I meant. "Alright, let's go!" I said, standing up. Then I bent over to Sierra. "I'll be back soon, baby girl. Please eat." I said and then kissed her forehead. She merely nodded and then sighed. "Alright bye." I said and then left with Dallas.

// Sierra's p.o.v

After Dallas and Demi left, I began to get up but was stopped by Diana. "You have to finish your food, Sweetheart." I was just us right now. "But I-" Diana sighed. "I know about your eating habits." She said. My eyes widened. "How?!" She hesitated for a second. "Demi told me.." She said trailing off. I just sat there, I wanted to get out of here. I began eating the food as quick as I could. When there was only a little bit left, I asked if I could leave. "I promise I won't purge." I added. I was serious when I said that. I didn't want to gain weight, but I had so many emotions running through me. She then nodded, so I went over to Demi and I's bungalow. I flung myself onto my bed, closing my eyes. Tears poured down my face freely, as my thoughts went all crazy.. I felt so much. Could I even trust Demi with my secrets? I never gave her permission. There's a reason they're called secrets. All I know is that I felt.. Betrayed.

Thanks for reading! You guys are beautiful and loved, never forget that! I love you! Stay Strong and God Loves You.

Next Update: Saturday.
Early Update: 26 votes and 5 comments.

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