- chapter fifty six -

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• Demi

"I am a horrible parent." I paced my living room whilst ranting to Alex. "Demi, Y-I turned on my heel and cut him off. "Alex, you have no place to tell me that I am a good parent." I drop my hands to my side. "We specifically came here for me to help Sierra not for me to take you to the beach. Sierra was very upset with me and it's my fault not yours. You're distracting from whats most important in my life." Alex narrows his eyes at me. "Alex, I love you but I can't. I no little to none about you and I have responsibilities. If you aren't going to take this seriously and actually invest yourself in this relationship.. Then get out. I have daughter who is struggling right now and I need to be there for her. I want you here, I really do but please know that Sierra comes before anyone else." I sit down across from him and Alex keeps his head down. "You told me from the beginning that you understood me on the need to see Sierra." I rub my sweaty palms on my jeans. He was probably going to break up with me but I have to do, what I have to do. Sierra comes first, she always will. I love Alex but I don't know him. I can't love someone I don't know. I did that with Wilmer. Look where that ended up. I can't keep letting myself fall without knowing I have a safe place to land. "Demi, I said that and I still mean that. I meant that as a friend and as a manager. You invited me to come but next time I think I need to stay home. I respect that Sierra comes first. She needs you and you need her. I don't want to be a distraction. I've booked a plane ticket for myself, alright? Enjoy your time with Sierra." Alex stood up and kneeled down in front of me. "I promise, if you still want to be with me, I will show you who I am." He took my hand and planted a kiss on it. "I will see you soon." And with that, he left leaving me with a huge grin.

I opened the door to Sierra's room and stood still when I saw her sprawled out across her bed, sleeping. I cancelled a show so I could spend some much needed time with Sierra. I did reschedule but I know fans will still be upset and they have every right. Right now, I need to be with Sierra. I laid down next to Sierra on her bed and began to run my fingers through her hair. "Hi." She murmured, shuffling closer to me. "Hi. Do you want to go- Sierra cut me off by putting a finger to my lips. "I don't want to go anywhere. I want you here with me. Is that okay?" I laughed and wrapped my arms around her. "Yes, of course silly." The room grew silent but it was comfortable silence. I didn't want to leave her. I can't leave her. I'm going to take her on tour with me. I need these moments to keep me soft and I need the hard moments to keep me human. I need Sierra. I kissed her cheek bringing me closer to her. "Guess what?" I said, propping myself up against a pillow. "Hm." I grinned at Sierra. "You're going on tour with me." Sierra did nothing but stare at the ceiling, a blank expression sitting on her face. I thought she would be excited, she was so upset I was leaving in the first place. I thought Sierra would've jumped at the opportunity to come with me on tour. "Sierra?" I brush some strands of hair out of her face. She closed her eyes and turned over on her side. "You don't want to come?" She shrugged her shoulders. "Um, I- Not really." Well there goes that idea. Just a day ago she was upset I wasn't spending time with her. I understand that, I was wrong but now I cancelled a show and she wants nothing do with me. What did I do wrong? What happened? "Demi, I just want to be alone right now." I was in shock. "You just asked me to stay and now you want me to leave? Fine." I spit at her and throw the covers off of me. "Stop playing this game, Sierra. If you had told me earlier that you didn't want to spend time with me I could've spent time with a person who actually want to spend time with me. You might care to know I practically kicked him out!" Sierra was now sitting up, looking at me with wild eyes. "Demi-" I shot her a look that was enough to silence her. "Save it. If you want to come on tour with me let me know when you care." I slammed the door on my way out and rushed down the stairs.

It's funny how fast something can change. You're there at the top of the stairs and within two seconds you're at the bottom and you have no one. I have no one. I have deserted all my friends and family for Sierra. Does she realize I have given up everything?! Today I kicked my boyfriend out for her, I cancelled a show, and invited her on my world tour. Sierra is my life but to Sierra maybe I'm just in her life. I am not her life and I can't help but be sad about that. "Demi." I snapped my head towards Sierra. "What? Don't you dare start crying." Sierra stood there tall and I felt completely incapable. "I am not going to cry." She stated boring her eyes into me. Did I miss something? When did she evolve into this kind of person? Sierra is a sensitive but strong girl and I have never seen her using her strength like this. "Demi, I don't want to go on tour with you. I want to start my life. I want to have friends, I want to dance, I want to take art classes, heck, I even want to go to school. You need to start your life too. I shouldn't be the center of your life. You have a boyfriend now and I can't stop thinking about the fact that in a few years you could be married to Alex and have children. I have four more years and I will be off to college and out of your life. I need to live Demi. I want to experience things and if I don't the only thing I'll be able to say is that all I've done in life is fight monsters. Monsters inside of me, monsters who want kill me, and monsters who are just plain obstacles in my way. I need to live and you do too." I could feel the tears start to fall down my face. "Four more year and you'll just be out of my life?! After everything I've done for you and you treat me like this? Just quit being a part of my life? What are you trying to accomplish here?!" I was now on my feet inching closer and closer to completely losing it. Sierra didn't even look like she cared to say the least. Sierra saying that she'll just be out of my life is like a slap in the face. She can't just do that. I will not let that happen. Not. Gonna. Happen. Not on my watch. She can't leave me. Sierra averted her gaze to the floor, biting her lip. "Demi, it's the truth. I'll have to leave. You'll get married to Alex and have all these lovely children and I'll have to leave." She whispered. I was confused honestly. Did she think that if I get married and have kids she can no longer be in my family. I shook my head and stepped closer to her. "Sierra, you will always be my family and I'll always be your family. I want you to live and experience things. You don't have to go on tour but I don't want us to grow apart. I want you to go to college and sure I want to get married and have kids but that sure as heck does not mean you can leave me. You'll always be apart of our family, okay? When I get married and have kids they'll be your family too." Sierra screwed her eyes shut, tears starting to fall down her face. "I can't be apart of your family in the future. It just won't feel right." Sierra turned on her foot and started to make her way to the stairs. I grabbed her by her arm and pulled her back. "I'm your mother and you're my daughter." Sierra shook her head keeping her face stoic. "Do I call you my mom? I called you that maybe two times. You adopted me but there's like what, 9 years separating us. You're like my big sister but it's so hard to see you as my mom." I dropped my hand from her arm. "Just go. If you're gonna leave why don't you leave now. Save me the heartache." Sierra frowned. "Like leave, leave?" I nodded, not daring to look at her face. "Well where I am supposed to go?" I sighed and began to walk off to the staircase. "Pack your stuff. You're right, only four more years. Why don't we just end it now. Pack your stuff and we'll go." A single tear dropped from Sierra's eyes. "To the orphanage?" The whole room was silent and it seemed as if the world stopped. "Yes."

Thank you for reading and I hope you liked it. That took quite a turn.. What do you guys think will happen? Let me know in the comments. Also, I just put out the prologue of my new story 'Doctor Lovato'. Check it out and let me know what you think and if I should continue. 💕 I love you all x

next update : within this week
early update : 38 votes and 6 comments

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