- chapter thirty six -

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• Demi

"Well we found something about Sierra..." I bit my lip and shut my eyes, only thinking about the worst that could happen. "Go on." I whispered. "Well after some tests we found that she has chronic depression and she's had it for more than 8 years. When you don't receive treatment it can lead to pretty big health problems and that is where Sierra is." Truth be told, I'm not surprised that Sierra had depression. You can see it in her eyes and even when she smiles. Her eyes just have this dull and bland look to them. Depressed. Indeed, I am sad and definitely worried. The lady continued. "Depression can weaken the immune system and that's were Sierra is having problems. See, for Sierra her depression is weakening particularly, killer T-cells which help kill carcinogens. More commonly known as cancer causing agents." My breath hitched at the back of my throat. "So she has cancer?" I asked, my anxiety rising. This can't be happening, she can't have cancer. "No, not yet. But the T-cells are disappearing it's gotten so bad. If we don't treat her as soon as possible, she will have cancer." Those words wouldn't stop replaying. She will have cancer. "W-When should I come in?" I asked, trying to hold my tears back. "Well, as soon as you can." I swallowed the lump in my throat. "Okay." I whispered. I immediately hung up and fell onto my bed, sobbing. It wasn't just that she could have cancer, it was also because it was my fault. If I had gotten treatment for her earlier, I might've been able to avoid this. But no, stupidly I had to fall for her pleads and ignored the fact that it could lead to health problems. Which I darn right knew could happen. My door cracked open and feet softly padded against the floor. "Demi?" I slowly lifted my head and pulled my hair out of the way. "Hey baby girl." I croaked and patted for her to sit down. She slowly sat down beside me, concern evident in her face. I bit my lip and pulled her closer. "I got a call from the doctors about you." I said quietly, not trusting my voice. "Oh? What did they say?" She said, her voice quieting at the end. "Well, they said after doing some tests they found depression and-" Sierra pulled away from me. "I do not have depression!" She snapped at me. "Sierra-" I said but was cut off. "Stop! I'm not crazy!" She screamed at me and got off the bed. "No, I know you're not crazy, it's okay!" She ran down the stairs clutching at her head. "STOP!" She shrieked. "Baby please!" I said with tears streaming down my face. It killed me to her body taking over her mind and I had no way to help her and that really hurt. She stopped and I slowly walked over to her and carefully began to put my arms around but to my surprise she ripped through my arms and raced back up the stairs. Thankfully I was an okay runner and was able to catch up with her. She ran into her bedroom and into the bathroom and I knew in that moment exactly what she was going to do. Before I could stop her she already had the blade out and began to vigorously slash at her wrist. "NO! STOP!" I screamed and ripped the blade out of her hand and in the process cut my hand. I grimaced in pain but kept it together. I watched Sierra as she sat against the wall with a dead look on her face. "I'm not crazy." She whispered. "I-I can't be crazy?" She said, seeming to almost question herself. I sat on the floor next to her, brushing my hands through her hair. "We need to talk." I said, taking a washcloth from the side of the tub and pressed it on her wrist. She gave a small nod for me to go on. "The lady said they found..depression.." I slowly said, not certain of what she might do. To my relief, she didn't do anything but play with her hands. "And you've had it for the past eight years. So because of that your depression has taken a toll on your body and has weakened your immune system to the point where it's began to killer T-cells  with kill cancer causing agents. So much that your body is on the verge of having cancer. The lady said if we don't treat it as soon as possible, you will have cancer." A look of horror spread across her face and I began to see tears well up in her eyes. "I'm sorry." She said and turned her face away from me. "Why?" I whispered and wrapped my arms around her. "Because you have to deal with me." I shook my head. "Baby, I love taking care of you and I want to be here for you." She just shook her head and began to get up but not before I could scoop her off her feet, causing a small smile to appear. "I love you." I said, kissing her head. "I love you too." She said and nuzzled her head into my neck.

After sitting in the waiting room for what felt like forever, a nurse came in and announced her name. "Sierra Lovato?" Sierra gulped and her sweaty palms tightened her grip on my hand. But I didn't mind one bit. "C-Can she come too?" Sierra asked gesturing towards me. "Yes, she can." We both got up and followed behind the nurse into the cancer department. Once Sierra read the sign, I could tell that added even more anxiety. The nurse pushed open the door revealing a completely white room with tubes, needles, and other equipment. "Here, have a seat up here." Sierra slowly made her way over to the chair and climbed onto it. "Well, we're going to produce some blood tests and if that's not enough, then we'll do a biopsy." The nurse patted my shoulder. "After that we'll see what we have to do. On that note, I'm going to have to ask you to leave." I nodded and dragged myself out of the room and back into the waiting room. I collapsed onto the chair and pulled my phone out, tears streaming down my face. I made a group message to my mom, Marissa, and the Fifth Harmony girls.

'Sierra might have cancer.'

And in seconds my phone buzzed thousands of times but ignored it. The pain in my heart ever growing by the second. Although the anxiety didn't leave, I was able to force myself to sleep to forget about the pain and numbness lurching around my brain.

"Demi?" Somebody whispered. I was quick to realize it was Camila. My eyes flicked open and I began to panic. "Where's Sierra? Does she have cancer? I need to see her! Where's the doctor?" I blurted out, anxiety rushing through my veins. Camila softy pushed me back into the chair. "Demi, calm down. Sierra is in her room sleeping and the blood test results should be back soon." I squinted my eyes at Camila and crossed my arms. "Don't you dare tell me to calm down when my daughter has a high risk of cancer and possibly dying!" I snapped. Camila looked slightly frightened at my sudden outburst but recomposed herself. "Demi, I know you're worried but you need to calm down. Getting all worked up about it will not make it better." I sighed and shrunk into the chair. "Sorry." I said and stared at the wall. "It's okay. Also, your mom and Marissa said they would come as soon as possible but won't be here until tomorrow." Camila said and gave a soft smile. I merely nodded and watched the hands of the clock go around. Another hour later and the doctor appeared with a clip board. "Demi Lovato?" I stood up as the Fifth Harmony girls did as well. "Your daughter Sierra..."

Hiii, so im back.. For now. Anyways you guys passed 50k reads!! Aasklfjslkrjwajl. Thank you so much! I never thought my book would get so far. Thank you guys SO much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. And I ended it with a cliffhanger.. Everbodys favorite thing right? ;) Anyways, Stay Strong and God Loves You!! Romans 6:23 

Next Update : Tuesday 
Early Update : 43 votes and 9 comments 

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