- chapter fifty nine -

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• sierra

Smile, the worst is yet to come

We'll be lucky if we ever see the sun

Got nowhere to go, we could be here for a while

But the future is forgiven so smile

We're trying so hard to get it all right

But only if you're lonely at the end of the night

And I wanna be somewhere, away from this place

And somewhere just a little closer to grace

"We had to amputate her left leg." Shock. There is no other way to comprehend information like that especially about Demi. This Demi is Demi Lovato who happens to perform for her life. It is hard for anyone but if Demi survives this, she's going to go insane. I'm going insane. She's going to be in a horrible depression and I can't help her in that kind of state. I know we help each other but the kind of mental state she will be in will be beyond what I can even begin to help with. She will need a lot of both mental and physical therapy. What?-Why?-I..-" Sam silenced me and squeezed my hand. Anxiety accelerated through my veins and I felt like I was going to pass out. "Deep breaths, okay? Her leg was barely hanging onto her body when we brought her in. The blood circulation had stopped in her let by the time we got to her. The limb was dead and it would only cause disease if we left it there. The disease could of spread to heart and killed her if we left it like that. I understand she is a performer but we were thinking in the best interest for Demi's life, okay? She can get through this but she will need you by your side." I nodded still unable to speak. "This is not the end of Demi's life. Prosthetics are a huge contender for Demi if she is willing." Sam gave a small smile and stood up. She slid the chair back and glanced at me. "You can go see her if you want." My heart jumped. That's all I've wanted since I've woken up. Just too see her tangible. "You need to start moving. It will be hard but your body is ready for some limited work." Over these past few days I've really been able to experience first hand on how strong the human body is. It will take a while for my body to heal fully but I've noticed improvements in such a little amount of time. I slowly swung my legs over the best and mustered all my strength to stand up. I could feel myself and reached out, blindly grasping for something to sustain me. Sam quickly grabbed ahold of my arm and steadied me. "You okay?" I took a shaky breath but nodded and slowly shuffled along the floor. The walk to Demi's room seem to take an insurmountable time for just walking down the hall. I'm not sure if it was because I was slow or because of how badly I wanted to see Demi. I'm not sure how I'm so calm right now. Everything has been so enshrouded with uncertainty and fear and it has happened all to quick for me to sit down and just comprehend it. I've learned that a lot of the times in life, no matter how hectic or unreal something is, you don't always get time to sit down, drink coffee, and comprehend what's going on. You have to act and fast because life sure won't wait for you and sometimes you're too late. The door is locked, the lights are turned off and it's too late. A lot of the times, you just can't sit around and wait. You have to stay calm. Staying calm helps you think rationally and it helps you see in perspective. When I'm anxious, bewildered, and fearful I act on impulse. In situations like these, it can hurt all who are involved. Sam slowed down when we approached Demi's door and she put her hand on the handle but didn't open it. The longer I can't see her, the more the insanity will grow. I started at her hand waiting for her to reveal the only person I wanted to see. "Sam! Open the door!" I hissed. "I know you want to see her but I also don't know if you're mentally in a state where you can handle seeing her. She's not in the same the late the you saw her." My patience grew short and anger started to boil within me. "The last time I saw her she was covered in blood. I'd rather see her with no left leg and stitched up than to see her body soaking in her own blood." That seemed to silence her for once. I liked Sam but she doesn't know how I handle things. Tears will be shed but I have every right to cry. Sam sighed and hesitantly opened the door for me. I walked in and slowed down when I saw Demi. I glanced at her what once her leg, now just a thigh. My love and opinion on Demi is not and will not be changed by this but even though Demi is strong this will change her for the worse at first. I pray that she turns this loss into strength but she will not be herself for a long time. I pulled up a chair next to her bed and gently intertwined our hands. I looked intently at her face, taking in the differences. Her face was pale and drained of color in contrast to her natural glow,soft, and bright face. Her lips were chapped and were starting to lose their pink pigment. She looked dead but so peaceful.. Too peaceful. "Demi." I whispered and squeezed her hand gently. "Please wake up. I need you to wake up. I didn't mean what I said. I don't hate you, I love you and we need each other." I choked back the tears and tilted my head upwards. "Alex needs you, your family needs you, and I need you. In fact, I'm going to call Alex and he is going to be right here when you wake up and your family too. We all need you. You have to wake up." I glanced down at the remain of her leg. "They amputated most of your leg but you can get through this. Just please wake up. Please." I kissed Demi's hand and let her limp hand slip out of my fingers. Demi's phone sat next to her on the bedside table. I reached for it and pushed the home button revealing the picture of Demi and I at the grand canyon as her lock screen. I smiled slightly at the memory and tapped in her passcode. I pulled up her contacts and scrolled through them until I found Alex with a blue heart emoji next to it. I hesitated but hit the call button. He deserves to know. After a few rings he picked up and I panicked in the inside. I've never been good at explaining situations like these. "Hello? Demi! You were supposed to be in Boston three days ago! What's going on?" He ranted. "Alex! Stop, calm down. This is Sierra." The line went silent. "This can't be good.." I sighed and forced the tears back down once again. "Demi and I got in a car accident. The injuries were pretty severe but I'm recovering well. Um, Demi.. She- They had to amputate her left leg and she hasn't woken up yet. It's been three days and she is still on a ventilator." Silence. "We're at Sasco Barstow Community Hospital in Barstow.." I rambled quietly. "I'll be there." He stated and with that he hung up. After that I called Demi's mom and thought that it would be best if Marissa knew as well. After having tp hear Demi's mom sob and scream through the phone I was about to breakdown but I have to be strong. If Demi wakes up I'll have no reason to cry. I know all of this will hit me like a brick wall later but for now I'm going to try my best to hold it all together. I held Demi's hand again and let the salty tears drop onto her hand. "Demi, you have to wake-" I was interrupted by a loud beep. The world stopped and I no longer could think straight. My brain was fuzzy and my head was spinning. I felt like I was drowning.. Demi flatlined. Doctors ran in and pushed me around but I was unable to move. I ended up on the other side of the wall of Demi's room but their frantic yells still filled my head. "Charge at 300!" I snapped my head and looked through the window. They were crowded around Demi and one doctor held paddles in his hand. They were using a defribillator to revive her. I slid down the wall and let the the tears stream down freely. There was no strength left in me, not anymore. I heard her flatline again and a broken sob slipped through my mouth. Everything was completely silent except the words that left a doctor's mouth. "Time of death, 11:34 a.m."

Not really sure how to conclude this but.. Another shocker? Thank you so much for reading and I hope you liked it. Let me know what you think! (: I love you all and hope your week is amazing.

next update - 5-9 days
early update - 55 votes & 12 comments

1. smile by mikky ekko

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