- chapter five -

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sierra's p.o.v 

'tap,tap,tap....' I woke up to the quiet taps of somebody typing on their phone. No alarm. No Kids. No yelling. Just typing. Rolling over, I looked up to see Demi leaning against the headboard on her phone. She smiled and looked down. "Hey baby girl. You're awake." She said softly, putting her phone away. She got under the covers, but her face still showing. I wrapped my arms around her and snuggled into her. Then, that's when it hit me. My adopter was coming today. His name was Drew, and I'm also certain he's going to abuse me. That's what they all do. I didn't want to go. The care home was a hundren times better. And, I'd have to leave Demi. I could feel tears springing to my eyes. I couldn't control myself any longer. I had to cut. I pulled away from Demi and got out of my bed. She looked up at me and made a pouty face. "I-I have to get ready." My voice cracked. Demi threw the covers off of her. "Sierra, what's wrong?" I just ignored her and grabbed my clothes. "Sierra?" I let out a breath and turned around. "Nothing." I snapped. I walked into the bathroom, and, as quietly as I could I got my box out. Sinking to the ground, I pulled out my blade and rolled my sleeve up. I started slicing at my wrist. I couldn't stop myself from it. Silent tears rolled down my face as I pressed a towel onto my arm. I put the blade back and hid my box. Today was the last day of Demi. Anyways, I remember Drew saying he would never ever return me. Which scared me. If he never returns me, I'm going to be there until I'm 18. Which is like 6 years away. I got up from the ground and got in the shower. Once I was finished, I got out, dried myself off and threw on my clothes today. Which, consisted of a grey knit sweater, black skinny jeans, and converse. After I was done, I walked out of the bathroom. There was no Demi. You mess everything up. 

Demi's p.o.v 

I sat on Sierra's bed, waiting for her. Then it hit me. I should go talk to Bree about the whole adoption thing. I stood up and went downstairs to Bree's office. I knocked softly on the door. "Yes?" I took a deep breath and walked in. "Hey. Can I talk to you?" Bree looked up and nodded. I sat down on one of the chairs and started talking. "Okay. So ever since I met Sierra, I felt a connection with her. And I always wanted to adopt her but I was too nervous. So I was gonna ask her last night about it, but things happened and so I just wanted to see if I could adopt her?" Bree gritted her teeth. "Woah, slow down there, Demi." I smiled innocently. "See, Demi. I know you're very capable of taking care of her." I smiled, hope and happiness flooding through me. "But.. Sierra's already being adopted. And she's going today after school." She mumbled. Not to mumbled for me to hear though. I was schocked at first. 'My baby girl is being taken from me?' But then guilt fogged up my thoughts. Why didn't I ask her. I lost the chance of having her as mine. I stood up. Drawing in a breath. I didn't know what to say. "How?" I barely got out. The tears started pouring down my face. Bree stood up and came to me. I dropped to the ground as sobs escaped me. I loved her so so much. "B-but I-I love h-her!" I yelled, as Bree wrapped her arms around me. "I know you do. But I can't do anything. Everything is set up and I can't get her back unless he's abusive." She said softly, rubbing my back. I picked my head up from my hands. "All the homes have been abusive? Haven't you caught on?" I asked. She looked taken aback at first, but softened her expression. "I know, I know. But he seems like a very nice and was very good with the kids. And we can't go around assuming things, can we? Plus, he could be the best things that ever happens to her." I sighed, she was right. But I was supposed to have her. I loved her more than anyone else. "But why didn't Sierra tell me?" I asked quietly. Bree just raised any eyebrow. "Because she knew this would happen." I looked up at her and mumbled. "Judgemental." Bree just laughed. "No,no. Not like that. She loves you to much to see you in this state. Seeing you sad breaks her heart." I just laid my head on Bree. "I know. I just wish I asked."  

I walked up to Sierra's room, sadness taking over me. As I approached her room, I hesitated. I composed myself and then walked in. Sierra looked up at me. Her eyes were bloodshot and there were tears stains on her cheek, signaling she had been crying. She quickly wiped away the tears and looked down. I sighed. "Are we crying for the same reason?" I asked, sitting down on her bed. "Probably." She laughed. I wrapped my arms around her and laid my head on her shoulder. I could tell she was holding tears. "I'm going to miss you." She whispered, keeping her gaze at her shoes. "Sierra..Y-you don't have to keep a gaurd up around me. I love you and will never judge you." I whispered. Her lower lip quivered and that's when her wall crumbled. She sobbed and wrapped her arms around me. "I-I can't g-go! I n-need y-you!" She yelled, clutching onto me. I couldn't help myself either, a new batch of  tears started streaming down my face. I couldn't say anything, I just hugged her tighter. She sat on my lap, crying. There was knock at the door, so I yelled back. "C-come in!" My voice cracked, but I didn't care. Bree walked, biting her lip at the scene. "This a very hard day on all of us. So, Sierra you can stay here. Spend more time with Demi." She said with a sad smile. Sierra let go of me and stood up. She loved Bree, and Bree loved her. Bree opened her arms, and Sierra ran into them. They just stood there hugging and crying. They both pulled back, and Sierra returned to me. Bree started to leave, and I mouthed a "Thank you" and she left. "Sierra. This is a hard day. But let's make the best of it, while you're here." Sierra let out a sarcastic laugh. "I'm almost posotive that I'll be back. Regardless of what he said." I rubbed her back. I knew what she meant. She was used to being abused and being set the back. And if that happens again, I'm gonna make sure she's mine. "Baby, Who knows? You might end up loving him" I said, not even convinving myself. "Not as much as I love you." She murmured, playing with my hand. That brought tears to my eyes. "Baby. I love you more than you could imagine." I said, while twirling strands of her hair around my finger. She just nodded. There was silence for a little. This time, a comfortable one. 

"C'mon baby, let's go do something." She sighed, and stood up. We didn't plan anything. We just walked out and walked to downtown. Obviously, because I didn't have a car at the moment. And it was only half a mile. We held hands, and decided to go to the ice cream parlour. She was very adamant about having a small ice cream. In a cup, just plain vanilla, and no toppings. What's the fun in that? But I shrugged it off and we enjoyed our ice cream. I decided to call Max. He could bring us the car so we could go out into the city. When he arrived, we decided to go to the mall and then see a movie. Once we got there, we went into topshop first. We decided to make it fun and pick outfits out for each other. I went through the racks and picked some jeans. But when I looked at them, they looked way to big for her. Sierra was a very skinny girl. I think it's natrual. I think. Unless, it's an eating disorder that she's hiding from me. I was caught in a trance, but shook myself out of it. I couldn't let anything ruin my day. I finished picking out my outfit for her, and I called Sierra from my phone. We both met by the changing stalls and She walked up to me and handed my a pile of clothes, a pair of shoes and a necklace. I looked them over. "Nice job, baby girl!" She giggled. She took the dress,hat,purse, and heels and walked into the dressing room with her. We changed into the outfit and looked in the mirror. "You look so classy!" I said, looking over her outfit. She smiled, pulling on the dress. "I love it. Except the dress is to big." She said. I looked at the dress, she was almost swimming in it. It was a 0. I tried to stop the thoughts, but what if she had an eating disorder. That was a 0. A 0. "Baby, that's a 0." I said, trying to shake the thoughts. She just shrugged. There was an uncomfortable silence for a minute. We've had enough of those. "How about we take mirror selfies?" I asked. She nodded her head. I took out my phone and we both posed in front of the mirror. Then, I attatched one of the mirror selfies and tweeted: 

@ddlovato: i love my beautiful girl. @sierram_ pic.twitter.com/fGsiIfEr4 

We changed into our old clothes and went to the counter to pay for it. After we were done there, we went into many other shops. Then, we went to the movie cinema at the mall and decided to see 'God's Not Dead'. The movie moved me and brought me to tears. After the movie we decided to get dinner. We went to the food plaza and decided on Taco Bell. I got a crunchwrap and nachos and cheese on the side. Sierra just got a plain taco with meat and nothing else. That also added to my suspicion on an eating disorder. As we sat down, I watched Sierra pick at her taco. I opened my mouth to say somthing but just let it go. "By the way, Sierra, I loved the outfit you picked out for me." She just smiled. After I had finished my meal, Sierra had barely eaten half of it. "Demi? I'm not hungry." She said, looking at the taco. I furrowed my eyebrows. "Really? Cause you never ate breakfast." I said, looking her into the eyes. She just shrugged. "I have to go to the bathroom." She stood up from her seat, and ran to the bathroom. I knew it. She has an eating disorder. I ran after her into the bathroom, she went into the family bathroom and shut the door. But I didn't hear the door lock. I quickly opened the bathroom door, and quickly closed it. And I was also greated with a purging Sierra. Tears were threatening to spill, but I held them back. After she was done, I just looked at her. She looked back at me, guilt coloring her face. "D-demi I-." I cut her off. "It's okay baby' I said, and sat down on the floor. The bathroom floor is disgusting, but I couldn't care right now. I wrapped my arms around her. She just cried into me. "I didn't m-mean for t-this to happen." She chocked out. "I-it's t-the p-people a-at s-school." She sobbed. I felt her pain. I knew what it was like. "It's okay baby! You'll get through this! I promise!" I said, rocking her back and forth. "I can't get through it." She whispered. I kissed her forehead. "Sure you can. I'll visit you. And you can text and call or facetime me or whatever, whenever. Even if it's three in the morning." I hugged her. "No. I just can't. I'm too fat." She whispered. "You're not fat, you're to skinny. I can feel your ribs." I said. She just shook her head and stood up. "Can we just go?" She asked. I nodded and flushed the toilet. She washed her hands and we both walked out. I can't let her go.. 

By the way the outfits are linked below. I know like one of the things in Demi's outfit is not from TopShop. But, oh well! Thank you guys for reading and I made it longer than usual! So Yay! :) 



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