- chapter twenty three -

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Sierra's p.o.v 


"Up,up,up! The sun is shining, blue sky is out, and I need to see your smile shining!" Demi chirped, while shaking me. I groaned and lazily hit her. "Go away. I though you hated me." Demi stopped shaking me, and gently pulled the hair out of my face. "What? I love you. If you're talking about last night, I'm just sad that you feel you have to do that to yourself. And I'm sorry for being rude. I should've taken it easy on you." I just shook my head and shrugged. "It's fine. Now can I go back to sleep?" She laughed. "Nope, I have a little surprise for you. Oh, you need to pack two weeks worth of clothes and stuff." I perked up. "Just tell me." Demi looked like she was having a hard time containing the 'surprise' "Alright, if you insist. Okay, well My Mom, My Dad, My Sisters, and you and I are going on a vacation in Bora Bora!" She said with the biggest smile on her face. I smiled. "That's great!" When in reality, I didn't know if it would be so great. Yes, I'm going to a Beautiful place. But, I've never met her family before. I've only met Madison. And, I feel like a vacation with them would be the next step after knowing them for a while. But Demi's so excited, so I'm going to make the best out of this trip. "So you better get packing!" Demi said. I started to get my stuff out. "But you need to eat breakfast first." I groaned. "Of course I do." I mumbled. I followed after Demi to the kitchen. "I already ate, but I saved yours." I fake smiled. "You didn't need to." She gave a small smile and took my hand. "I know how hard this is. But you have to eat baby." She kept my hand in her hand as I ate. 'Sierra, look, you're getting fat, your special talent. Except, it's not a talent, you just choose to. So how about you stop eating huh? You're way, way too fat as it is. The voices just keep on pestering me. I dropped me fork on the table. "Demi, I can't do this. I'm done." Demi gave my hand a squeeze "Baby, you have to." I shook my head. "I can't." Demi gently picked my head up. "Stop saying you can't, your putting limitations on God. Believe that you can do this, and He will help you full through. I'll help you too." I started to feel anger rise. No matter what people say. "Demi, I can't!" I brought my fist on the table. Or what I thought was the table. Instead it hit my plate, which resulted it flying in the air and the food landing on Demi. Everything was silent. The plate broke, but we just stood there for a minute. "Demi, I didn't mean to. I thought it was going to hit the table not the plate. I'm so sorry." I rushed out, grabbing a paper towel and beginning to get the food off of her. Demi just laughed. "It's fine, Sie. However.." And with that, I was engulfed in a huge hug. "Demi!" I laughed, as I picked the food out of my hair. "You can keep it!" I said, as I threw it back at her. Demi gasped. "Ooh, you probably will regret that." I smirked. Then I was tackled to the ground by Demi and got a series of tickles. I was laughing so hard my stomach hurt. "Demi, stop! I giggled. She smirked at me and sat up. "Regret it?" I took in a deep breath. "Nope." She just rolled her eyes. "Well we both gotta take showers now, so come on." I got back up on my feet and headed to my room. I went into my closet and pulled out and outfit. Which consisted of black skinny jeans and a burgundy tank top with an aztec patterned pocket. Then I grabbed a pair of no-show socks and my black, low cut converse. What other pair of shoes do I wear? I opened the bathroom door and just seeing the toilet was triggering. It was as if the toilet was screaming at me "Purge!Purge!Purge!Purge!" I did my best to block it out as I got in the shower. I shampooed my hair,conditioned my hair,washed my body, and then I got out. As soon as I stepped out my phone started ringing. I scrambled to get it and didn't bother to check the caller ID. Which, was a stupid idea. "Hello?" I said, as I put it on speaker, so I could get ready. "Hey. It's Hadley." I cringed. Of course. I just kept silence. "Can you meet me at McDonalds today." I laughed. "Probably Not." I could hear her sigh. "Why not?" She asked "Because I'm going on vacation in like four hours. Peace." I said and hung up. I didn't have time to deal with her. After I got dressed and ready, I heard Demi. "Sierra?" She yelled. I quickly walked into her room. "Yeah- Woah." There Demi sat, surrounded by huge piles of clothes. She looked up and innocently smiled. "Just having a little trouble picking out my clothes." I nodded. "Just a little." She patted an empty space on my bed. I stepped over the piles of clothes and sat on the bed. "Anyway, I'm running low on some of my makeup. So I have to go pick some things up. Do you want to come?" She asked "I-" My phone buzzed in my pocket, so I pulled it out and looked at it. Once again, Hadley. 'Please! It's urgent!' I gave up. I'll just go and get it over with. "No Thanks. I'm good." Demi nodded. "Okay. Promise to stay safe?" I knew what she meant by safe. No self-harming,purging,suicide, stuff like that. "I promise." I said. She smiled. Then she got up, gave me a hug, and a kiss. "Bye Baby, see you soon. Get ready we're leaving in a few hours." I nodded and then headed to my room. Pulling out my phone, I texted Hadley back. 'Fine. I'll meet you at 11:00.' She thanked me and then I began putting my clothes and other things in my suitcase. Once I was finished, I texted Hadley I was on my way. I opened the door and stepped outside. Los Angeles can be quite dangerous, but I had to do this. Once I arrived, I saw Hadley standing there. But she was there with another girl. The girl who beat me up at the new school. I sighed. As I entered they both pointed to a booth, so I quickly sat down. "Okay, so there's a few things we need to go over." Hadley's friend said, whom I'm assuming was Gabrielle.  I nodded. "I am the boss of you. You do what I say." She faked a smile. "And I say, kill yourself. In one week." I raised an eyebrow. No matter how bad I wanted to kill myself, I would hurt Demi doing so. "Or what?" She laughed. "Or I hurt everybody you love. Starting with Demi." I started to stand up. "You will not hurt Demi. If you're going to hurt anybody, hurt me." She smiled. "Okay!" And with that, she punched me straight in my face. "You can leave now." I couldn't even talk my face hurt so bad. I quickly made my way out of the building and started to run back to our house. Guess I was on time. Too on time. Demi's car was just pulling in. She didn't see me until she parked, but once she did see me, she quickly ran over to me. "Sierra? What happened?" She asked, looking at my face. "I-It doesn't m-matter." Demi took my hand. "Of course it does." I stifled the tears in. I didn't want her to see me like this. I can't stand how people treat me anymore. That makes me want to kill myself. Speaking of which.. I have to anyways. Why don't I just get it done and over with? "Demi.. Just give me some time." She nodded and we both went inside.  I hurried up to my room shutting and locking my door behind me. I went to my dresser drawer and felt around until I found it. My blade. I have several hidden around just in case. I ignored the buzzing from my phone, and headed into my bathroom. I fell to the floor. I looked at the blade and at my wrist. My scars were starting to fade. This was the first day I wore a tank top. Stop thinking, just do it. The voices urged. I put the blade on my wrist and gently dragged it across my skin. The feeling started to spark, but I couldn't stop yet. Not yet. As I dragged the blade over my wrist, again and again, I started to ponder on scars. What people forget about scars, is that, the scars aren't even half the story. I remeber a qoute, that goes like this. "There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds." It's one of my favorites. After a few more cuts, I stood up but something pulled me back, that I needed one more cut. I sat back on the ground and ripped the blade through my skin. I felt so relieved.. But I also felt blood gushing out and onto me. I weakly stood up as my vision started to blur. "No.." I whispered. I went to the sink and washed blood off of me. It didn't do any good because it kept on bleeding. I grabbed a bandage and started to bandage it as best as I could. I sighed, and walked out of my bathroom with my blade in hand. Didn't think I was going to need this but I stand corrected. I slipped into my suitcase. I threw on a hoodie and headed downstairs. As I was walking downstairs, I remembered that there were blood stains on me. And then Demi came up. "Oh hey. Bye." I quickly said, as I rushed back up the stairs. I ran into my room and shut it. I quickly changed my jeans and opened my door to see Demi there. She had a concerned look on her face. "Is everything alright?" She asked. I nodded. "Yeah I'm fine! Why?" I rushed out. "Baby, why do you have a hoodie on? It's hot in here." Demi said, sounding even more concerned. "Well, I'm cold." She didn't look convince. "I know somethings up. Take your hoodie off." She said. "Demi, no." I said. She sighed. "Baby, come on. Take your hoodie off." I shook my head. "I'll be cold." She started to come closer and took my hands in hers. Then she started to roll my sleeves up. "Demi, please no!" She took a shaky breath in as she saw the bandage. She started to take it off, and then she saw the deep cut. She let out a sob at that. "Baby..." She mumbled, as she wrapped it back up again. I held back my tears. I felt bad that I made Demi cry, and just everything. Lately, I've just been wanting to cry, but I can't let myself. She picked me up and I rested my head on her shoulder, as soft tears began to trickle down my face. She laid down on the bed, as I still clung onto her. I pulled away and looked at her. "Baby, you don't need hurt yourself. I know how it feels, I know how it hurts, but baby, anytime you feel like hurting yourself, just come to me, call me, whatever it takes." I sighed. "I can't." She started to play with my hair. "Why, baby, why?" She asked. I took a deep breath. "Because the only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain." I said. That also, was one of my favorite quotes. She stopped playing with my hair and looked me straight in the eye "Yes, yes there is. Be of good cheer. Do not think of today's failures, but of the success that may come tomorrow. You have set yourselves a difficult task, but you will succeed if you persevere; and you will find a joy in overcoming obstacles. Remember, no effort that we make to attain something beautiful is ever lost. Remember that baby girl. Be happy you have the chance to recover. You still have time. But time flys by, and I wouldn't waste it if I were you. Some people couldn't go on any longer, they just couldn't. So they ended it. But baby, you're a warrior; you're my warrior. You want to know why? Because you haven't ended it. And maybe in your mind it might be a bad thing that you're still in the war. But it isn't. Keep fighting, no matter how hard it gets. And then one day, you'll notice that you won. But you don't need to be alone. God is with you. And I'll be here with you too, each step of the way." She then kissed my head, and I wrapped my arms around her as I began to cry. I tried to hold it in but I couldn't any longer. Demi just gave me a speech of how to be strong, yet within a week I have to end it. I shook and sobbed and Demi just held on tighter. "Demi?" I asked. "What baby?" She whispered. "But what if I ended up ending the war. Would you be disappointed in m-me?" Demi stroked my hair. "I'll never be disappointed in you. I would be heartbroken though; heartbroken because you weren't able to find the strength in you, when it's been there all along. Heartbroken because my baby girl isn't her anymore. Heartbroken, because you could've of won it. But baby, don't end the war. Because you can win the war. I believe you can. But you need to believe you can." I sobbed into her more. "But w-what if I have to." I whispered. "You'll never have to baby. Ever." I shook my head. "Yeah, I do." She shook her head. "Says who?" I tried to breathe but I couldn't. "Breathe, baby, breathe. In and out. In and out." After Demi helped steady my breath, I took a deep breath in. "Says Gabrielle and Hadley." She hugged me tighter. "Don't listen to them baby." I cried harder. "But, they said i-if I-I didn't k-kill myself in a week they would hurt t-the p-people I-I love! Starting with you! Demi, I can't lose you. I love you!" I sobbed. I could feel her tears on me. "But they can't hurt us baby." She said. "Wanna know why?" I nodded. "Because we are warriors." And with that, I sobbed harder. 


Demi's p.o.v 

I felt so bad for Sierra. But it's good she let it out, she definitely needed that. However, the whole 'people harassing my daughter' needs to stop. I put Sierra's and I's suitcases by the door so we would be ready when my family comes. We're all meeting here, and having lunch. That way we don't have to worry about cars, since Max is driving us and dropping us off there. And Sierra will be able to at least meet them. My phone buzzed, notifying that my mom had texted me. 'We'll be there in about five minutes! So excited to see you Sweetheart!" I smiled and quickly texted her back. Sierra was asleep, but I didn't want her to be confused when she woke up, so I decided I'll wake her up so she'll be able to meet them. I walked up to her room and quietly opened the door. I smiled at her. She looked so peaceful. I layed down next to her and kissed her cheek. "Baby, time to get up." She rolled over and slowly sat up. She smiled slightly. "Is your family here?" I smiled back. "Almost." She nodded and then climbed into my lap. I hugged her tightly. "We're going to have lunch before we leave, and I know you can do it." She shrugged. "I'll try my best." I kissed her head, and then we sat there in a comfortable silence. Then the doorbell rang like ten times in a row, which scared Sierra. And me. She clung onto me and let out a scream. I in turn clung onto her. "It's my family! We gotta hurry!" I ran downstairs, with Sierra on my back. She hopped of my back right before I opened it. "DEMI!" They all screamed, tackling me in a hug. They all let go and got ancy. "Where's Sierra?" They asked in unison. I laughed. Sierra then stepped out from behind me and gave a small wave. "Hi." She said softly. Madison then engulfed her in a hug. "Hey nugget! It's been a while." Sierra perked an eyebrow. "I'm older than you. I'm twelve turning thirteen in like two months." Madison scoffed. "You're still a nugget. My nugget." I stepped in between them. "Hey! First off she's mine. Second off, she's mine." Madison giggled. "Oookay, Demi. Whatever you say." I rolled my eyes. "Come here, jerk." But don't worry, Madison and I have a bond like that. We don't hate each other. I engulfed her in a hug. "Missed you baby girl. How are you?" I said as we let go. "I'm good." Then Dallas pushed past me and towards Sierra. "Wow." I said. "Hey Sie, I-" I playfully slapped Dallas. "That's what I call her, you can call her Sierra though." Sierra let out a laugh. "Demi are you jealous?" She asked. I crossed my arms. "Maybe. Maybe not." The whole room started laughing at that. I turned to my mom and gave her a hug. "Hey Sweetheart, how are you?" She asked. "I'm good, you?" She kissed my cheek. "That's good, I'm good too." I smiled and then hugged Dad. "Hey Dad, I missed you!" He laughed. "I missed you to, sweetheart." I gave Dallas a hug and talked to her a minute. And then we all went down to eat lunch. We all sat down and then Dad prayed. "Dear God, thank you that we all get come together and be able to go on a vacation together as a family. And thank you for Sierra, that she is now part of our family. She really is a blessing. So thank you God for her." I looked over at Sierra who was blushing. I smiled to myself. It was true, she was a blessing. "Bless this food to our body, In Jesus's name we pray, Amen." We all broke apart, and dug into our food. You see, Mom insisted that she made the food, because my cooking skills weren't up to par. I looked over at Sierra, who was hesitant with each bite. But she ate it and that's what counts. I smiled at her and she gave a weak smile back. After we all ate, washed the dishes, loaded our luggage, and locked up... We got in the car and then we were off to Bora Bora. 


I said really soon and long. I carried it out right? Thanks for reading guys! Hopefully you enjoyed it! Also, I won't be able to update until next weeks Saturday. I'm going camping! But Next week I'll try and make it long! You're beautiful and God loves you! 

Next Update: Saturday (Not this week, next week)
I can't do an early update but lets see if we can get four comments and eighteen votes! 

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