- chapter fourty three -

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• Dinah

I pulled my car into Demi's driveway after punching her code in. Demi had called me earlier and told me that Sierra and her were in a bad position right now. She was saying how bad of a mother she was and how she couldn't take care of her. She was falling apart, really. Even though they're having a rough time, I know Demi is capable of being a mom. She's showed Sierra what love really was and you can see it in her eyes when she looks at Sierra. I just can't bear to see the relationship that helped Sierra and even Demi become better people fall apart. I turned my car off and walked up to Demi's front door. I rung the bell and within seconds Demi answered it. She had a smile on but it was obviously fake. Her eyes were bloodshot, her hair was messy, and her smile was clearly forced. "Hey Dinah." Demi said and embraced me in a hug. I smiled and hugged her back tightly. A hug is exactly what she needed. A hug that's full of reassurance, love, and care. "Alright, well, you can go up to Sierra's room. Call me if you need me." I nodded and smiled at her before walking up the stairs to Sierra's room. I knocked on the door but nobody replied. I knocked on the door again and I thought maybe I should introduce myself. If she doesn't want to see Demi then she probably won't answer until she knows who it is. "Hey Sierra! It's Dinah!" I yelled. No reply. I started to feel anxious but I didn't know why. I felt as if something bad had happened. I decided to go with my instincts. I can't risk anything bad happening. "Sierra, I'm coming in!" I opened the door and the sight in front of me resulted in a horrific shriek. "SIERRA!" I screamed, looking at the lifeless body hanging from the rope. "Is everything alright?" Demi called from downstairs. "NO! CALL THE AMBULANCE! NOW!" I screamed and quickly went to work to get her out of the loop tightly gripped around her neck. I held her body in my arms as I ran into the bathroom. I quickly rinsed the blood off of her arm and grabbed a roll of bandage. I wrapped her arm up as tears leaked out of my eyes. I heard Demi run up the stairs and scream. "OH MY GOSH! WHY IS THERE IS A ROPE? WHERE IS SHE?!" She fell to the ground beside me and dropped the phone. At first I thought she was going to stay calm but in a matter of seconds she went into a full blown panic attack. "MY BABY GIRL JUST KILLED HERSELF AND...And it's all my fault..." She whispered at the end. She stared blankly at her daughter. I could tell she was slipping into a depressed state. "Demi, it's going to be- it's going to be okay." I said sadly staring at the lifeless girl in my arms. "DON'T SAY THAT!" Demi screamed, startling me at the sudden outburst. "EVERYBODY SAYS THAT BUT IT NEVER HAPPENS! SOMETHING ALWAYS HORRIBLE WILL FOLLOW! MY DAUGHTER GETS SHOT, THEN ON THE BRINK OF CANCER, THEN SHE KILLS HERSELF IT'S NOT GOING TO GET BETTER! SO STOP SAYING THAT!" I opened my mouth to say something but before I could a smash interrupted the silence. Demi had smashed Sierra's bedside table against the wall. I didn't know what to do in these situations. I had never experienced this before and I was scared. She fell to the ground, sobs ripping through her body. Her body shook violently as the the medical workers rushed in, taking Sierra out of my hands. It happened all to fast and then we were in a hospital. There was nothing I could as I watched Demi fall apart. And that's when I could tell Demi needed Sierra. And Sierra needed Demi.

• Demi

I rocked back and forth on the waiting room chair, anticipating for the doctor to inform on what was going to happen. I was mad. Mad at myself that I had been such a careless, selfish person. That's not normally like me but for some reason it just happened. I wiped away the the remains of my tears. If Sierra wakes up, I know I'll be the last one she'll want to see. I was taken by surprise as my mom entered the room. I never even called her. Her face was full of anger and disappointment as she looked at me. "DEMETRIA DE-" I cut her off. "Mom! Stop it. This is not the time." I said and fell back into my seat. "Demetria, don't even start. This is the second time you've turned your back on that child. Once was enough. And I do remember that I said you would be in trouble if that happened again and you definitely are. We're taking Sierra and you're going to schedule daily therapy sessions." My jaw dropped and I felt tears build up. "Mom! You can't do that! I need her!" I exclaimed as my hands began to pull at my hair. "Demi! Don't do that!" She said and quickly pulled my hands away, keeping my hands in hers. "It's for the best Demi, you will thank me later." I shook my head. "No! You can't do this! I adopted her! Not you!" I said, raising my voice. My mom just gave me a look. "Do you really want to fight this? Is it really worth it?" I stood there and looked at the ground. "Mom, I need her.." She smiled softly and pushed my hair out of my face. "Well, we'll have to see what she wants to do if she wakes up." I looked at her strangely. "If?! Are you saying she's not going to wake up!" I whisper shouted at her. "Sweetheart, I don't know when or even if she'll wake up." I forced the tears back as I thought about how bad this could really be. I want it back. The relationship we had, our care for each other, the way she snuggled into me when I wrapped my arms around her waist. We were meant for each other. It sounds romantic but the real point is we need each other, even though I did treat her horribly and do not expect to be forgiven. If I could've kept my mouth shut, this probably wouldn't have happened. My mom kissed my forehead and led me over to a chair. "Sit down, sweetheart. It'll be okay." I nodded. However, I knew it wasn't going to be okay. Soon My dad, Madison, and Dallas rushed in and engulfed me in a hug. I gladly embraced them melting into their caring arms. After chatting with them for a while, Dinah crept in slowly with Camila, Ally, Lauren, and Normani. I weakly gave a smile. "Hi girls." I croaked. They all gave me sympathetic looks. "We're so sorry." Camila said as she took a seat across from me. I shook my head. "It's not your fault." I muttered, keeping my eyes locked on my feet. My family and the girls chatted but I just wasn't in the mood. I crept out of the room without them noticing and I wandered over to the reception desk. "Can I get an update on Sierra Lovato?" The woman looked skeptical so she ended up asking me twenty questions about my identity. Fun. "Alright then. Well, she just got out of surgery due to the cuts on her arm. They did a few stitches so nothing too major there. Of course, she did lose some blood." The lady scanned the folder. "They don't have anything else to say expect that she might be in a coma. They'll have to watch for a while though." I nodded. "Okay, but, uh, chances of.. Of death?" She looked slightly confused but shrugged. "I have no idea. In my eyes, no. But the doctor will go over that with you." I nodded and took a shaky breath in. On my way back to the waiting room Dinah came out and stopped me. "Uh, you might want this. I found it on her bed." Dinah said whipping her tears away. "It's sad." She added. I sighed and breathed out a thanks before finding an empty waiting room to read it. I hesitated at first but opened the letter and began to read it...

Dear Demi,
I know you probably won't care but I just wanted to let you know I love you. I couldn't thank you enough for giving me the best time of life, for adopting me, and showing me what love really was. You made feel safe, happy, and loved even in my darkest days. You helped me get better. Yes, therapists and prescriptions can help but there is nothing like the medicine of love. Nothing. You made me feel beautiful. You taught me that imperfections are beautiful. You taught me how to become stronger and overcome things that hurt. But I know I was never as strong as you. Don't cry when I'm gone. Just cherish the memories that we made. There will never be enough words to express my love towards you. So I'm going to end this with three last words.
I love you..

I clutched the letter to my chest, my tears soaking through the paper. My body shook violently as the tears came one after another. I didn't understand how she could could still love me when I had turned my back on her. I don't think I ever will understand. I gripped the letter in my hands and tried to keep the tears in. I didn't feel like being clambered my people right now. I just need silence. I walked back into the waiting room where my family and Fifth Harmony were. I gave them a weak smile when they all looked up at me. I sat down and sighed, running my hands through my hair.

Hours passed and Fifth Harmony had left. They said to keep them updated and they are praying for Sierra. Now it was just my family and I. Normally we were the family to talk and talk but whenever we were worried silence filled the air. "Demi?" My mom said. "Yeah?" I said and looked up at her. "You should go home and get some sleep." I shook my head no. "No, I'm staying here." My mom gave me the 'mom' look. "This isn't good for you. You haven't been getting much sleep and eating properly. You and I know very well, that this well mess with your disorders." I crossed my arms. I knew she was right but I didn't want to leave. I wanted to be here when or if Sierra wakes up. "Fine but I'm coming back tomorrow as soon as I wake up. Somebody has to stay here, please." My mom smiled warmly at me. "Thank you. We will stay, Demi, don't worry." I nodded and said goodnight to my family before going out to my car. On my way home, I stopped at SubWay. I ordered a sub to go and decided I would eat it at home. I parked my car outside of my house and then slipped my key into the door. I sighed and began to eat my sub. I couldn't stand being in here. All I could think about was how right up the stairs is where Sierra committed suicide. Who knows if she will wake up. I flopped onto my couch and pulled a blanket over me. I didn't want to sleep up stairs. All that's up there right now is a blood stained carpet in Sierra's room and the pill bottle on the floor that will forever haunt me......

I rolled over the next morning but before I was conscious of where I was, I rolled over onto the floor. "Oomf." I laughed at myself. Should I be surprised? No. I pushed myself off of the ground and got ready for the day. I took a quick shower, got dressed, and then ate breakfast. Before leaving to go to the hospital I picked my phone up and saw that I had twenty-five missed text messages and seven missed calls all from my mom. I gulped. This can't be good. I looked at the most recent text. 'DEMI COME TO THE HOSPITAL NOW!!!!!' I shoved my phone into the pocked of my jeans. "Oh no." I groaned. Tears started to surface as I made my way to the hospital. I tried to reassure myself. She'll be okay, she'll be okay. On the bright side, maybe she had woken up. Maybe that's why my mom had texted me. I pulled into the hospital parking lot and parked. I jumped out of my car and locked it. Running, I made my way to the front door and to the elevators. Out of anxiety, I clicked the button for level four several times. "Please be okay, please be okay." I prayed, scrunching my eyes shut. The elevator dinged and I scrambled out and to the reception desk. "Mother of Sierra Lovato. Where is she?" I rushed out. "Are you Demi?" She asked. I nodded and showed her my I.D. card. She smiled weakly. "Uhhhh, I can't tell you but, um, your family is in room 412 which is Sierra's room. I nodded and walked away slowly. She's dead? But she can't be. I walked to the room 412 and watched as my family bawled their eyes out. And in that moment, I knew she was dead..

• uh oh?... Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! ALSO YOU GUYS PASSED THE GOAL BY A LOT! Ugh I love you all so much. :) sorry for the late update :( I'll try harder! Anyways tell me what you think will happen. Remember comments and votes always motivate me and make me happy :) I love you all sososososo much! Stay strong and God loves you!

Next Update : Thursday
Early Update : 67 votes and 16 comments

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