- chapter sixty one -

772 40 13

• sierra

I have made some very stupid decisions in life, and I mean stupid. Did I ever get on a bus to Chicago with a stranger? I never did but now I have. Grief makes you do funny things, huh? I checked my phone for the 57th time and yes, I have been counting. It is now 3:27 A.M four minutes from 3:23 A.M the last time I checked. I have been on this bus for almost three and a half hours and I have now realize as my adrenalin has faded away, that this is the most impulsive, stupid decision I have made so far. My 'stranger' friend I still have yet to know the name of, is still asleep and I am deeply regretting my decision. The only person who cared for me is now dead and "I hate you" were the very last words I said to her. She didn't deserve that and I need to fix that but of course, they are now dead. What is my life? I have had tragic thing after tragic thing after tragic thing happen to me and amazingly I am still standing on two feet. Sure, my legs are cut, bruised, and weak but I am still standing and that is what makes me strong. Will it ever end? Probably not, anyways not by the looks of it. Will I put up a fight? Heck yeah. I looked at the girl sleeping beside me peacefully. I don't want a new life, new friends, or new anything. I want my life and I want Demi. Los Angeles is where Demi is, not Chicago. I stood up and and ran down the aisle of the bus. I need to go, I need to go. I stopped at the bus doors and jumped through the glass doors not hesitating at all...

I shot out of the bed and was greeted with loud beeps and bright lights. I looked around the room and I saw Demi in a wheelchair, holding my hand, right next to me exactly where she's supposed to be....

I updated!!!! surprise, surprise.
just take a minute and be happy
I couldn't kill Demi off even if I tried ❤️
comments & votes are appreciated

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