- chapter thirty seven -

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{ • please read before going on • }

• sooo, I was slightly confused at my last chapter I updated and I thought that I lost all my readers :( but I didn't realize that when I updated chapter thirty six it wasn't after my 'please read' update. So if you didn't read thirty six, which things won't add up if you don't, I deleted 'please read' so it'll before this chapter. xx thanks for reading and now enjoy! •

• Demi

"Your daughter Sierra, is cancer free!" The doctor exclaimed. Relief spread through me as I heard that. The anxiety all built up, just disappeared. I could finally breathe. I turned to the Fifth Harmony girls and gave them all huge hugs. I'm honestly compelled at how much they really care for Sierra and I, and the effort they put forth to be there for us. "Anyways, would you like to see Sierra." The doctor continued. I nodded eagerly and the girls followed. We sped along the halls back into the cancer department and into the lab where Sierra was. Sierra didn't even look up at us upon entering, she simply stared at the wall numbly. "Sierra!" Dinah exclaimed, pushing past the girls and I. Sierra tore her eyes away from the wall and for the first time, they had emotion. "Dinah!" She yelled and ran into Dinah's arm. I bit my lip as I watched them hug and Sierra's eyes light up talking to Dinah. Did I not bring that to Sierra. I drew in a long breath and the rest of the girls all went up to her. Sierra seemed so happy with them so I decided to stick to the side. After what felt like forever, Ally finally broke it up saying they had to go back to the studio. I watched as they all said there goodbyes to Sierra and rushed a goodbye to me and scurried out the door. Sierra stood there awkwardly, fidgeting with her hands. "I'm sorry Demi." She said bluntly. I smiled softly. "It's fine, you haven't seen them in forever." I said and walked over to her and began to play with her hair. "I know but still, I knew you were jealous." She said and looked up at me. I blushed and let out a light laugh. "Let's go, baby." She nodded and intertwined our fingers together. As we made our way out the doctor passed me a folder and told me I needed to read it. I thanked him and shoved it into my purse. Sierra and I both got into my car and we began to make our way home. Just the two of us for once.

• Sierra

"Sierra?" Demi yelled from her room. I groaned and dragged myself off my way to comfy bed. It felt so good to finally lay down in my own bed. I walked into Demi's room, where she was laying down on her bed with a folder in her hand. "Yes?" I sounded and she looked up from the folder. "Come here." She said, opening her arms. I got on the bed and laid down next to her, automatically cuddling into her side. "Baby, you need help." She stated. Of course, what's new? I'm some crazy mess up and I've known this for a long time. I didn't need help. I have a prefect way to make this all go away. Kill myself. No matter how much treatment and therapy Demi will shove me in, it definitely won't fix me. "So I've been told." I mumbled. She began to play with my hair. "Sierra, you don't know how bad this really is. When your depression is causing you to be on the verge of cancer, it's way long overdue for treatment. In fact, I should've gotten you help when I first found out about what was really going on." I rolled my eyes. "Demi, it's not a big deal. I'm going to die one day or another, why not now?" My eyes widened at what I said. I definitely didn't mean for that to come out. Demi sat me up and held my shoulders. "It is a big deal, and just by what you said, you definitely need help and I'm not waiting any longer. That's very true Sierra, we are all going to die at one point but in the mean time we need to take the gift of life that God gave us and use it wisely. Ending it all and purposely letting your health problems get out of hand is throwing that gift away and that's not right." She said firmly, but her eyes showed concern and care. I was stunned when she said that. I was definitely not expecting that. I rubbed my hands over my face and sighed. I simply didn't want to live anymore but I guess my wishes won't be granted. Demi removed her hands off of my shoulder and sat back, rubbing her hands on her thighs. "I'm going to go research some treatment centers and pack your suitcase." My jaw dropped and I tried to speak but nothing came out instead I sat there shocked. One of my nightmares was coming true. Demi gave me a kiss on the head and rubbed my arms. "You'll be okay." She whispered and got off the bed, leaving the room. I sat there speechless, the numbness in me increasing to the max. I couldn't cry, I couldn't do anything. And then that familiar itching made its appearance on my wrists. It wouldn't matter now, would it? I shakily stood up and quietly went into my room and into my bathroom. I opened the cupboard and felt around but I didn't find my blade instead I found a folded up note. I unfolded the note and recognized the writing as Demi's.

There are no more blades. You can resist and stay strong. I know you can.
x Demi.

I slumped up against the tub, defeated. I was drained of everything in me. It wasn't worth it going downstairs and telling Demi off. I was done. Done with trying with life. I weakly pushed myself up and stumbled back into my room. To my surprise, Demi was in there packing my suitcase. In that moment, anger swept through me and took over me. "Stop!" I yelled and ripped the suitcase away from Demi. Demi's head snapped up and she bit her lip. "Please don't make me go!" I screamed, clutching my head. "Baby, I don't have a choice anymore." She said quietly. "Yes you do! You can help me!" She shook her head as tears surfaced in her eyes. I couldn't believe this, this couldn't be happening. "Sierra, I-I wish I could but I can't. It's gotten way past my ability." I squeezed my eyes shut and swallowed the lump in my throat from the anxiety. "Demi, please don't make me go." I whispered, as a tear escaped the resistant I had tried to form. Demi opened her arms for me. "Baby girl, come here." Something about Demi always makes you want to be in her arms and even thought I was upset I couldn't resist anymore. I sat on her lap and I wrapped my arms around her as she put her arms around me protectively, rocking me back and fourth. She began to kiss my head repeatedly and whispered encouraging things to me. I sobbed into her chest, my tears soaking through her shirt but she never seemed to mind. She put a hand on the back of my head and kissed my forehead. "I just want to stay here with you." I whispered and even then my voice cracked and was breaking. I heard a soft whimper come from her and that made me cry harder. "I know baby, I want you to stay here but I can't risk it anymore." She squeaked out. I hugged her tighter, the both of us crying our eyes out. Once we both started to calm down, I began to pull away and look at Demi. Her mascara was smeared across her face. She let out a small laugh. "I know I've got mascara smeared across my face." I smiled at her regardless of the tears flowing down my face. "And you still look beautiful." Demi's eyes glistened with love. "As you do, my beautiful warrior." I blushed and hid my face in her neck. I didn't want to darken the mood anymore so I just stayed silent. Because I darn right knew that I was definitely not a warrior. "As much as I would like to stay like this forever, I have to finish packing your suitcase." Demi said quietly. I merely nodded and climbed off her lap and sat beside her. I watched as the suitcase became more and more full until Demi zipped it up. Things were going way to fast and before I knew it I was in the car and on on our way to the treatment center.

Hii, so this kinda late. Sorry about that. Anyways, so what's your thoughts on this chapter? I hope you enjoyed and thank you for reading! Stay strong and God loves you! x

Next Update : Monday
Early Update : 40 votes and 12 comments

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