- chapter nineteen -

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Sierra's p.o.v 

"I'm not Dinah." she said,  I immediately tensed up in their arms. She noticed I had tensed up and loosened her grip on me. "Don't worry, it's Camila." She said, reassuringly. I slightly relaxed in her arms. "Where's Dinah?" I asked, pulling out of the hug. "Right here." Dinah piped up. I looked up at her and stood up, embracing me in her arms. "What happened?" I shook my head against her. "I-I don't want to talk about it." She hugged me even tighter. "Sweetheart, please tell me." She pleaded. I just stood there in silence. Her hand was on my head and it found its way to my cheek, and it stung horribly. She felt the trail of blood on my cheek, and stood still. "Sierra? What is this?" She asked. I shrugged, burying my head into her. "Stay with Camila, I'll be right back." I nodded and sat on the ground next to Camila, hiding my face. Camila moved closer to me and wrapped her arms around me. "Did someone beat you up?" She asked softly, playing with my hair. I didn't reply, I just sat there. It didn't matter if I answered, I bet she already knew. "You know, you don't have to scared. I won't judge. You're one of the most beautiful-est and wonderful-est girls I know. And if someone hurts you, it's really serious. You can't just let it slide..." She trailed off. A few more minutes passed, and Dinah returned with some wet paper towels. She sat down on the ground, gently brushing the hair out of my face. "Babe, look up." I looked up but kept my eyes closed. She pressed the wet paper towels on the cuts until they stopped bleeding. After she cleaned my face, she leaned back and set the paper towels on the ground. "We should probably call Demi now." Dinah said quietly. My eyes widened and I jerked up. "No. Please don't. Please." I begged, tears begining to form. "Sweethea-" I cut Camila off. "No. Something very bad will happen. I know you're a lovatic, but please please do this for me. Please." My voice cracked at the end. Camila bit her lip, her gaze set on the ground. Dinah let out a sigh. "Mila. What do you think?" Camila looked up at Dinah. "Well, I guess we could bring her to the recording studio. And have Demi pick her up from there." Dinah nodded. "Alright Sie. Come on." She said. We all stood up and went to Dinah's car. 


Once we were inside the studio, I started to feel nervous. They'll all ask questions, and then call Demi. And Demi can't know. Camila grabbed my hand, and walked into the lounge area. All the rest of the girls were laughing at the table and they had some drinks and a few snacks on the table. Once we approached, the girls all looked at me and I felt like a deer in the headlights. "SIERRA!" They screamed, and they all tackled me into a group hug, I looked over at Dinah with fear in my eyes. "Hey hey, guys give her some space." Dinah said loudly. They all let go of me in an instant. I weakly smiled at them. "Wait. Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Lauren asked. I bit my lip, trying to find an answer. Thankfully, Camila helped out. "Guys it's all good. Everything's taken care of. Don't worry." I walked over to Dinah and sat beside her on the couch, curling up next to her. Which resulted in all the girls awing. She wrapped an arm around me. "Thank you." I whispered. "No problem, baby." She said, and started to play with my hair. I almost fell asleep, but my phone started ringing. I groaned, and pulled it out. It was Demi. I was hesitant, but I knew I had to answer. I hit the answer button and put it to my ear. "Sierra Grace Lovato! Where the hec are you?" She yelled. "Hi Demi. I love you too." I said sarcastically. I could hear Demi sigh angrily. "Where are you?!" She asked. "I sat in the parking lot and I also looked around the whole school!" I wanted to cry. See? I am a burden. "I-I'm a-at uh, a r-recording studio w-with Fifth Harmony." I said quietly. It was completely silent. "What the hec! Sierra, there are so many things I want to say, just give me the name of the recording studio." I asked Dinah the name of the recording studio, and told Demi it. I hung up and closed my eyes as tears started to fall. Dinah kissed the top of my forehead and gave me a reassuring hug. "Don't cry baby, it'll be fine." I just sat there in silence, as I waited for Demi to come pick me up. 

I heard a loud slam of a door, and I quickly sat up. There stood a very furious Demi, and I automatically clinged onto Dinah. It's an instinct. "Come on Sierra, let's go." She said angrily. I held onto Dinah tighter, burying my head into her side. Demi pried me off of Dinah, and grabbed my hand. "Before I leave, who's idea was it to bring her here?" Camila slowly raised her hand. Demi furrowed her eyebrows. "And you didn't call me why?" Demi asked, staring at Camila. I didn't want Camila to be in trouble. I loved her. "Mama, I told them not to call you." I said. A look of hurt flashed across her face, but she quickly masked it. I loved Demi, but I just couldn't let her know. "Whatever, let's go Sierra." She said, I quickly mouthed thank you to Dinah and Camila and they returned a small smile. We got in the car, and Demi just sat there in silence. I kept my gaze fixed on the window until we arrived at home. I followed behind Demi and once the door was open, I darted up to my room. "Hey. Get back down here, missy." She yelled. "Can't we just chill out first?" I yelled back. There was silence. "Fine." She replied. I slipped into my room and locked the door, flopping onto my bed. I stared at the ceiling, as minutes passed. Sometimes I just wish I could stay in my room forever. Lock myself away from the harsh cruelty of the world.  I replayed the day in my head. I got to be face to face with the person I never wanted to see again, Hadley, aka the other person I never wanted to see again either. I also got to see her scars, which I never wanted to see on her. Or anyone. I got to be beat up, and I also get to face the wrath of Demi. What a fabulous day. At least I'm alive. But to think of it, I don't even want to be alive anymore. I heard Demi's footsteps outside of my door. "Can you open the door?" She asked. Sighing, I got up and unlocked it. She came in and sat on my bed, and patted the seat next to her. I sat down on the bed, but Demi had different plans. She gently pulled me down and wrapped her arms around my waist. "Sweetheart, Why didn't you just call me?" She asked softly. I shrugged. Well of course, I knew the answer.  But I couldn't tell her. "Please? Tell me." She said, as she started to play with my hair. "I can't say." She sighed. "And why is that?" I know Demi wants to know, but I couldn't. I can not tell her why. "What's wrong?" She whispered. Everything. I thought to myself. "Demi, just put in the past." I said. "I'll call you next time." She sighed. "Why did you call them?" I groaned. "Put it in the past." I mumbled, burying my face into a pillow. "Well if it's serious, I need to know." I shook my head. "Sierra, I don't want t-" I cut her off. "I got beat up okay!" I yelled. It's even harder saying it out loud. It's like fully acknowledging it. I could feel tears starting to pour. I hated this. I hated that I had to be beaten up. At every. single. school. Demi wrapped me in her arms. "Baby, breathe." I couldn't focus on her, as sobs escaped. "I hate it!" I yelled. "I know it's horrible. But you can get through this." She whispered to me. "What you need to do, is stand up for yourself." I started to calm down. "Don't let them push you around like this. You need stand up for yourself." She kissed my forehead. "It will get better, baby girl." Or so we hoped... 


Okay. I know I haven't updated up lately. But here it is! I'll try and update faster. So you won't want to wait long for the new update after this! Thank you so much for reading! So yeah. So there's this really smart idea. (Not my idea.) It's and early update. And for an early update you have to reach a certain amount of votes and comments, and if we don't reach it I'll just update on a set date. (Unless something happens.) And I'm going to try it... 

Next Update: Monday 
Early Update: 5 comments and 15 votes. (If you reach this, I'll update as soon as I can write it before Monday.) 
So yeah! God loves you and stay strong! Never forget you're beautiful and loved! Thanks for reading! 

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