- chapter seven -

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Demi's p.o.v 

Last night, after thinking for a little while, I decided  I would visit Sierra. You know, see how things are going. I think things are fine over there. I mean, after all, he treated Sierra like a princess. But I still wanted Sierra as mine. I'm not gonna go over there and ask for her. I mean, no matter how much I need her. I'm still a modest person. I finished eating the eggs and washed the plate. Then I went over to the couch, pulling my phone out. Sierra had finally answered me from last night. 

Sierra : Why? 

I bit my lip. Maybe she really was happy... I shook the thoughts of jealousy away and tapped the back of my phone thinking of what to type. I just went cheesy. It was still true, but whatever.

Demi : Because I love you!

I sighed. I didn't even know where she was. I'll just ask her. I felt my phone buzz on my thigh, so I opened and looked at Sierra's message. 

Sierra : How about some other time. 

I almost wanted to cry. Even though it hadn't even been 24 hours since I saw her, I just really wanted to see her. On another not, I think she mgiht be hiding something. Again

Demi : I'm coming whether you like it or not. Now please tell me the address, or you'll have a very sad Demi. 

Sierra hesitated, but after several times I finally pried it out of her. Marissa came walking into the room. She stretched then looked at me and smiled. "Morning Dems." She said groggily, staggering into the kitchen. I smiled. "Morning. Hey I'm gonna leave in about ten minutes." I said, following her into the kitchen. She nodded. "Are you stable or..." I hugged her. "Yeah, I'm all good." She leaned into me. "I'm so proud of you Demi." She said. I knew what she meant. She knew how hard this was for me, and if I had been alone I might of slipped up. Then I walked into my room, grabbing my bag. I said goodbye and thanked Marissa, and then I left walking out to my car. I put the car in ignition and put the address into my gps. On I got to the house, I parked the car and took my keys out. I gripped the steering wheel and took a deep breath. I walked up to the house, hesitating on knocking. Once I knocked, someone opened the door. "Hello?" The man asked, I stepped back a horrible stench filling my nose. I knew what it was. Alcohol. I coughed and then held my hand out. "Hi.. I'm Sierra's friend and just wanted to say Hi." He stayed silent for a second than waved me in. I slowly walked in and sat on the couch. "Soo. What's your name?" I asked slowly. He smiled. "Oh. Right! I'm Drew!" He said, putting his hand out to shake. I shook it, then he asked me a question. "And who are you?" I smiled. "I'm Demi." He nodded. It was getting really quiet. "Where's Sierra?" I asked. He nodded to the stairs. I shrugged then went up the stairs. I couldn't figure out which room she was in, so I guessed. And, I guessed right. Opening the door, there Sierra was propped against her bed frame. She looked shocked to see me, a little guilty, and excited. She quickly got out of bed and gave me a hug. She looked up at me and smiled. "I missed you." I just hugged her tighter. "Me to." We went over to her bed and sat on it. We talked for a little while til' there was a knock on the door. "Yeah?" Sierra asked. Drew opened the door, saying it was time for lunch. Sierra gulped. "No thanks. I'm not hungry." I looked at her, then grabbed her hands. "Sierra, please eat. For me?" She sighed. "I-I'll try." I kissed her forehead. "I know how it feels." I said. I grabbed her hand and we made our way to the table. I pulled out the chairs for Sierra and I and we both sat down. I looked at the plate in front of me. A b.l.t sandwhich. Sierra looked at hers distastefully. I squeezed her hand and we said a prayer. I watched Drew get up and to the refridgerator. He got out a can of... Beer? Sierra watched him, her eyes on his every move. I furrowed my eyebrows. Did he abuse her? I watched Sierra pick at her sandwhich. And every so often she would glance at Drew. I didn't want to be rude, but I think I should bring Sierra somewhere else. Where Drew isn't. I picked her dish up, and she looked up at me. "Come here, Sie." I said, waving her up the stairs. I heard two chairs scoot back. "Execuse me? What are you doing." I stopped in my tracks, feeling color rush to my cheeks. I looked at Sierra then Drew. "It's okay Drew. She just wants me to do something." He looked at Sierra and then at me. "Alright." He said, sitting down. Sierra and I walked into her bedroom and sat down on her bed. "Alright Sierra. You can do this. I know you can." I smiled at her. She hesitated but then took a bite. Then another bit and another until it was finished. I smiled widely at her. "You did it baby Girl!" She didn't say anything in reply. She tried to get off the bed, but I wrapped her arms around her. "Baby, no. Stay Strong." I whispered. I could see tears threatening to spill. But she gave in, leaning into my neck. There was a loud knock that startled the both of us. I looked at Sierra telling me to let go. I shook my head no and answered Drew. "Yes?" I said, scooting away from the door, just in case. Sierra struggled to get out of arms, but I refused on letting her go. The door swung open, there a drunk looking Drew stood. He smiled. "You need to leave." He said, waving me toward the door. I just shook my head, moving backwards more. He frowned stepping in more. "I said leave." This time more firmly. I stood up, keeping Sierra behind me. "Okay, I will." I said, gripping onto Sierra's hand tightly walking toward the door. We made it out of the room safe, then I felt Sierra yanked out of my hand. I whipped around but the door shut and clicked lock. There was nothing I could do, so I ran downstairs and grabbed my phone. My hand was trembling but I dialed the polices number and Bree's. I quickly walked back upstairs, jiggling on the door knob. I could hear the quiet whimpers of my baby girl every few minutes. Which broke my heart. The door opened, and the police ran up the stairs and kicked the door down. I stepped out of the way as more came up the stairs. In less than a minute Bree appeared, her face full of worry. I went to Bree and hugged her. She rubbed my back and gave me a hug. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and there I saw Sierra. There was blood and bruises, and her eyes full of pain. I watched them take her away and to the ambulance. Sierra turned and looked at me, her eyes telling me her story.... 

Once again, thank you for reading. :) 

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