- chapter eight -

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Demi's p.o.v 
I paced around the waiting room, asking any question that came to mind. "What if...What if she dies?" I practically yelled. "Demi.." Bree groaned. "You've asked that like ten times already." She rubbed her temples, and looked at me. I sat down. "You just don't understand." I whispered. She placed her hand on my should. "I love her too. And I know this is very hard for you. I regret letting him take her. He seem really nice..." She said trailing off. I straightened up. "Does that mean I get to adopt her." Bree shrugged. "If she agrees." She said. "And she agreed to go with that man? After all the men who had abused her." I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Demi. They persist, sometimes they even offer the kid money. They pick and pick at you until you just give up and give in." I nodded. There was silence for a few minutes until the doctor came in. I stood up, and smoothed my jeans out. "Hello Demi. Hello Bree." He shook our hands. He filed through some paper and then talked. "Sierra doesn't have anything major. Many cuts and bruises, but nothing severe." He said, smiling. Relief spread through me. I know she didn't pass out, but hey. If you lose to much blood.. "Can I see her?" I asked. He nodded "Room B248." He pointed to a room. Then Bree and I walked over to the room. Sierra was lying down on her phone. She looked up at me, and gave a weak smile. "Hey Baby." I said, gently sitting on the bed. "Hi." She put her phone down. We talked for a few minutes. Then a nurse came in asking for Bree to sign her discharge papers. Once that was finished, Sierra and I went back to the care home in our car, and Bree went in hers. The one thing that was on my mind, was adopting Sierra. 


Sierra's p.o.v 

I can't take anymore. I really can't. I've been abused to long. I've been threaten to long. I am sick of it. I am done. I refuse to ever be adopted again. Ever. Yeah sure, I could risk it. But I'm done with taking risks. I looked over at Demi who seemed to be in her own world. Well wherever she was, she wasn't paying attention to the traffic. "Demi!" I shrieked. We almost hit a car. Again. Her eyes widened and she swerved around it. "Back to Earth, Demi." I said, leaning against the window. "Sorry." She murmurred. Once we arrived to the car home, I jumped out of the car waiting for Demi. Demi shook her head, mumbling something. I bit my lip, 'did I do something?' I felt guilt wash through me. Maybe she was upset at me for not cooperating with her. I walked into the care home and up to my room. I threw my phone on the bed, and took my jacket off. I just remembered something. My razors were at Drews house. I gulped. I can't cope without them. Especially now. My breathing rate picked up. I tried to calm myself, but it didn't work. I didn't know what to do. I needed Demi. But I didn't want to bother her. I started to scratch my wrists. But it still didn't give me that relief. That feeling that I crave and need. I wanted to call Demi, but I aslo didn't want her to find out. I went in the bathroom, searching for something to work with. Then I suddenly remember I hid a blade, under the sink. I opened the cupboard, looking in there. I finally saw it and grabbed it. I heard my bedroom door open. "Sierra?" Demi asked. I shoved the blade back in the cupboard and opened the bathroom door. I felt guilt rush to my cheeks. Maybe because it was the way she was looking at me with concern and careness. Maybe it's because she would want to know. "H-hi..." I stammered out. Demi just came over and gave me a hug. She brought me over to my bed, and held my hands. "Sierra, I have a question." I almost brokedown but composed myself. "I-I was wondering..." I nodded for her to go on. "I-if you.." I sighed. "Demi, just spit it out." Demi shut her eyes then opened them. "If I could adopt you." She rushed. I was shocked. "Why do you want me?" I aksed. It just came out, I couldn't help it. She softened. "Because I love you so so so so much. And I've always felt a connection with you. I just love you Sierra." She said. And I also loved Demi more than she could imagine. I just don't get why she wants me. "Are you pitying me?" She shook her head. "I've always wanted you since I met you. I was just to nervous. I really do love you. And I always wanted you. And I love you so much. I-." I cut her off. "Demi. I love you too. I'm just scared..." I looked down at my feet. Demi lifted my chin. "About what, sweetheart?" She asked. She made feel so secure and safe. "Just, the last ten past years I've been abused..." I said. "Baby, I would never ever do anything to ever hurt you in anyway. What I would do, is try in every way possible to make sure you never get hurt." I smiled. "I know. I just can't help myself." We sat there in silence and I knew my answer. I'm going with Demi. I looked up at Demi. "Demi?" I said. "Yeah?" She looked at me. "I'm going with you." 


Demi's p.o.v 

"I'm going with you." Sierra said. "Oh my goodness! Sierra!" I yelled. I held my arms out. She jumped into them and we hugged each other. Tears of happiness started rolling down my cheeks. I was so happy that I could finally have her. I loved her so much. We broke apart and Sierra and I walked down to the office. I knocked on Bree's door, hearing a soft 'come in'. I walked and sat down. Sierra on the other chair. Bree looked up and smiled. "So...?" She asked. "Well. I'm adopting her." I said. She smiled even wider. "That's great!" I nodded. She pulled out adoption papers and handed them to me. I flipped through the papers. There were alot here. "Hey. Sierra? Can I talk to you?" Bree asked. Sierra nodded and followed her out the door. Still amazed by the amount of paper work, I sighed and grabbed a pen starting on the first page. After about fifteen minutes, I still had half of the paper work left. The door creacked open, and I looked behind my shoulder and saw Sierra and Bree in tears. I gave a weak smile. I was going to say something, but decided to let it go.They sat down and it was all to quiet. I just sighed and finished the remaining paperwork. Than it came to the question. 'Parent or Legal Gaurdian'. I tapped Sierra. "Look at this." She looked over my shoulder and smirked. "Whatever you feel more comfortable with." She said, and leaned back. I just smiled and circled Parent.. It doesn't matter if she ever calls me Mom, all I want is to supply the love she never got. After I finished the paperwork I handed it to Bree and she started looking thoroughly through it, page after page. After that she started filling paperwork out, made some phone calls, and started typing things into her computer. Two hours had passed and Sierra had already fell asleep. So I decided to carry her up to her old room. I sat there for another hour on my phone, when I heard a knock. Bree came in with a huge smile on her face. "She's yours now." She said. I shrieked. "Can I please bring her home today?" I begged. "Yeah. Why not?" Bree said. I told her thank you and then she left. I remembered that her clothes and stuff were still at Drew's house. But I'll just buy her clothes and things some other day. I shook Sierra awake. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "We can go now Baby. You're finally mine." I said. A big smile appeared on her face. "Demi! Thank you so much!" She said wrapping her arms around my waist. I hugged her back. "No. Thank you." I said. We got up and she grabbed her phone and jacket heading downstairs with me. Bree stood near the door, biting her lip. She had her arms open wide, knowing this would be the last time. Sierra gave her a big hug. They whispered something and then broke apart. I went over to Bree, hugged her and thanked her. "Are you still gonna visit?" She asked. "I will. After Sierra settled in, but I will. " I said. She nodded, then we broke apart. We both walked out of the care home and into my car. I was beyond excited and happy....


Sierra's p.o.v 

I still couldn't believe this happened. I finally had a person who I could trust. And nobody who would abuse me. The car parked in a driveway. I looked up to the huge mansion. "Wow." I was left breathless. This mansion was beautiful. We both got out and she took my hand. She stuck the key in and unlocked it leading us into the corridor. I started to take my shoes off but Demi stopped me. "It's alright babe." I smiled at her. "So, I already have your room set up and everything." She explained. I looked at her. "Already?" Demi just laughed. "Remember? I've always wanted you and have had it prepared a for quite a while now." I looked at the chandelier. "Oh right." I smiled, awed by the beauty of this house. She led me up a staircase and down a hall. "Are rooms are right across from each other." Both of the doors were shut. She pointed to the one on the left. "This is yours." She said opening the door. My eyes widened. This room was amazing. The walls were white, and the comforter on the bed was black. The bed was huge. On one of the walls, it had a black and white floral print cascading down it. "Demi. I absolutely loved it! Thank you so much" I went over and hugged her. "My pleasuere." She said. I looked at the bathroom and walk in closet than we went back downstairs. 

I looked at the chicken and broccoli in front of me. I sighed, and took up my fork dangling it from my hand. "Demi? Do I have to eat this?" I asked. She looked at my food. "You haven't even touched it, Sie." I looked down at my food. "That's the point." She took my hand. "Baby you can do this. I know you can." She said. I was about to give in and that's when the voices came back. 
'Sierra. Don't eat it! You'll just get more fat.'  I knew they were right. 
"I-I can't Demi. Please." I begged. She looked at me in sympathy. "You have to eat some of the chicken and all of the broccoli." She wasn't going to change her mind. I started picking at the brocolli. I had to get this over with, I'll throw it up later. I started eating the food and finally after what felt like hours I finished it. After I had finsihed it I placed the dish in the dishwasher and headed to the bathroom. "Nope." Demi said, she picked me up by the waist and brought me upstairs. "Demi, let go." She raised and eyebrow. "I know what you're gonna do. So no." Ugh. I couldn't hold it in. She brought me to her room, turned on the t.v. and laid on the bed with me. I could feel tears building. 'I had to get this out.' I saw Demi had fallen asleep and I took this chance to go. I quietly left Demi's room and into my own. I ran into the bathroom, shut the door and locked it. I crouched by the toilet and sticking two fingers down my throat, disposed of all the food I had ate. I washed my hands.Then, I found a razor smashed it on the ground, and rolled up my sleeve. I started slicing at the skin. Then I heard the doorknob jiggle. And then it opened. I threw the razor in the corner of the room, which resulted in a loud 'clink'. Demi just stood there shocked. Tears were flowing down her face. I lowered my head in shame. Demi just wrapped me up in her arms, carrying me bridal style to her room. She went into her bathroom and cleaned my cuts up. She pecked my forehead. "Baby. We're going to talk about this tomorrow." I just nodded. I changed into some of her pajamas. We both climbed in bed and I snuggled up to her. She wrapped her arms around me.  "You're Beautiful Sierra. Never hurt yourself. I love you so much. Goodnight Baby girl. I smiled. "Goodnight Demi. I love you more..." 

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