- chapter thirty one -

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Sierra's p.o.v

I sat on the edge of my bed, my eyes fixated on the wall as I let my thoughts consume me. I thought of ways to protect us, Demi and I, from my parents. I don't what they want or what they're coming for, so I have to be prepared. I don't if they're going to hurt Demi or me, or quite possibly the both of us. I sighed in frustration as I massaged my temples. The harder part is, when are they coming. Which freaked me out. I stayed up all night last night just worrying that something could happen at any moment. My door creaked open and pulled me out of my thoughts. Demi had a small smile on her face as she stepped in. "Hey. I'm going to go shopping, so you need to get ready." My eyes widened. "We can't go shopping!" Demi frowned. "Why not?" I ran my fingers through my hair. "I would prefer not to be murdered, but you know, whatever." I said sarcastically. Demi sighed and sat on my bed next to me. "We're not going to be murdered." I laid down on my bed and stared at the ceiling. "Do you know how scared I am?" I whispered. Demi pulled me close to her and wrapped both of her arms around my waist. "I-I don't want to lose you." I whispered, trying to blink away tears. Demi tightened her arms around me. "You'll never lose me. Even if your parents want you, I will fight to keep you mine." I squeezed my eyes shut as a tear broke free. Demi turned me to face her with concern written on her face. "You're going to be okay, Sie. Nobody will hurt you." She said quietly and wiped away my tears. "But what about you? What if you get hurt because of me." She tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear and gave a small smile. "I can't say that I won't get hurt, but I don't care. If I can keep you safe I will do anything. I would literally die." I frowned. "If you're not here, I wouldn't be here any longer either." I said quietly, looking away from Demi. Demi rubbed her lips together as her eyes became glassy. She took a deep breath in and kissed my forehead. "How about we just go shopping and forget about our worries?" She asked. I nodded, I could definitely use an escape. Demi unwrapped her arms from me and we both stood up. "I'll be waiting downstairs." She said, leaving my room. I changed into black skinny jeans, a red flannel and my black low cut converse. I tied my hair up in a pony tail and slipped my phone into my pocket before going downstairs. Demi was sitting on the couch on her phone but stood up once she saw me. We got in her car and she started the engine and pulled out. As she was pulling out she backed into the garbage can. I sighed loudly and shook my head. Demi pressed her lips into a thin line and blinked. "Oops?" I nodded with my eyebrows raised. "Yeah, 'Oops'." Demi pulled forward a little bit and then got out walking around to the back of the car. Demi moved the garbage to the side of the road and then got back in the car. "Well, now I need a new garbage can." I smirked. "I don't think you should be allowed to have a license." Demi huffed. "Whatever." Thankfully we made it to Target without any mishaps. Well, she was speeding. But when does she not?

// Demi's p.o.v

I stared at the contents in my shopping cart going through a mental list of things I needed. Milk? Check. Veggies? Check, and so on. I pushed my cart through the aisle, trying to think of anything else I needed. I think I was set, so I set out to find Sierra. I spotted her over in the 'Entertainment & Electronics' area. As I approached her I noticed she had spread out the copies of my album, DEMI, over other albums. I laughed lightly catching her attention. "I taught you well." I said, going for a high five. She high fived me and then I took a picture of her 'creation'. I attached the photo to twitter and tweeted it. '@ddlovato: I taught my baby girl well didn't I? @sierralovato pic.twitter.com/LrQeM4'' I put my phone away and then Sierra and I made our way up to the registers. I chose checkout 5 and started to unload my things on the conveyor belt. As the lady scanned my items, I couldn't help but think she looked like Sierra. My stomach turned into knots. Could this be Sierra's mom? I looked over at Sierra who's eyes were trained on the woman's face. Sierra, as well, looked uneasy about this. "That will be.." The woman looked away from the monitor screen and looked at Sierra and I. Her jaw fell open and stared at Sierra. Sierra cowered back into me and I wrapped and arm protectively around her. "Oh. My. Goodness." The woman said. "Um.. Not to be rude but how much? We have to go." The woman paid no attention to me and strained to see Sierra. "S-Sierra? Is that you?" The woman said slowly in utter shock. "Who are you?" I asked bluntly. The lady slowly took her eyes off of Sierra who was shaking because she was that scared. "Oh, I'm Abigail Munroe. The mother of Sierra Munroe, whom you have." I raised an eyebrow. "Okay, well she's not legally yours anymore, so if we could just finish this up..." I said, gesturing towards the contents in the bags. She stood there speechless. "You're not even going to let me see my daughter?" I narrowed my eyes. "You mean my daughter?" She rolled her eyes. "Sure, whatever you say." I looked down at Sierra. "Well that's up to her." Sierra shook her head and mumbled a bunch of 'no's''. Abigail looked taken aback but shook it off. "Well, that takes care of things. Now, how much is it? You have people in line." She narrowed her eyes at me and then looked back at the monitor. "$55.27" She said, giving me a cold stare. I took out my card, swiped it, and then signed my name on the digital pad. "Alright, well thank you, have a good day." I said as I picked up my bags. Her hard, cold stare never left me. I smiled at her and started walking away. As I reached the door, I turned back and waved at her with a big grin on my face. She shook her head in disgust and went onto her next customer.

// Sierra's p.o.v

I sat on my floor curled up in a fetal position. Demi didn't know this, but 'my mom' handed me a small slip of paper and you want to know what it said? 'I will kill you' that's all it said. And since then I have been trying to digest that, but it's not going well. At all. Tears started to flow down my face faster than they were. I felt the urge to cut so badly my hands were shaking. Go get the blade, Sierra. You're going to be killed anyways. It wouldn't matter, now would it? The voice said. I nuzzled my head into my elbow further. Blade. Blade. Blade. Blade! I couldn't stand this anymore. I paced around my room, my hands pinned to my side. I couldn't trust myself right now. Cut! The voice screamed. I looked over at the clock in my room. 3:47 A.M. I haven't slept at all and Demi told me we were leaving at 7:00 for a rehearsal for her tour. I let out a long shaky breath, wiping away the dry tear stains on my face. I lowered myself to the ground, huddling into a ball shape form. The urge to cut didn't stop, it only grew. My body started to shake vigorously and my hands automatically began to claw at my arms. Finally conscious of what I was doing, I flung my hands away from my arms and hugged myself. I didn't want to wake Demi up, but what other choice did I have? I was losing it. I stood up on my shaky knees and slowly and quietly made it to Demi's room. I crept into her bed, pulling the covers over me. I started to move closer to Demi until she instinctively wrapped an arm around me, bringing me closer. I snuggled into her but the comfort didn't last long. My war was at mind and I was trying my best not too give in. My breathing picked up as my body started to shake. I whimpered as tears broke free. I didn't want to go through this all over again. Several, several minutes later I had calmed myself down just as an alarm went off. I groaned in frustration as Demi started to sit up and rub her eyes. She looked over at me and smiled. "Morning, baby." I didn't have the strength to even force a smile. I'm just depressed in general and not getting sleep puts me even deeper in the dumps. She frowned and a concerned expression took over her face. "Baby, what's wrong?" She said, brushing hair out of my face. "Nothing." I whispered. Demi sighed. "I know there's something wrong, let's not play that game." She said softly, laying back down next to me. I didn't dare look at her. Last time I just broke down. I do not want a repeat of that. "Baby girl, look at me." I kept my eyes trained at the ceiling. Demi took two fingers underneath my chin and made me look at her. My lower lip quivered but I refused to let myself cry. She bit her lip, looking over at her phone. "Maybe I should call off rehearsal.." She murmured. My eyes widened as I threw off the covers. "No! Don't do that! I'll get ready!" I said, panicked. I rushed into my room, grabbing an outfit and hurriedly putting it on. I finished in the bathroom and then slipped my black low cut converse on as always. I went back into Demi's room just as Demi walked out of the bathroom. She picked up her purse and gave me a small smile. I walked down the stairs and out too the car. "This time, Demi, don't run into anything." I said. Demi narrowed her eyes at me. "Whatever." She muttered. "Oh, and we have to eat out. We didn't have time to eat at home." I slumped against my seat. I was hoping I would be able to get away with no breakfast. Demi pulled up to a Tim Hortons drive thru. Demi got a coffee and a bagel and I just got a bagel and water. Demi held onto the steering wheel with one hand, and ate her bagel in the other hand. Not a good idea. Demi swerved into a lane, barely missing a car which resulted in honking. Demi grimaced and then quickly pulled into a parking lot. "Alright, we're here." Demi said, undoing her seat belt. "Yeah, we barely made it." I scoffed. She playfully hit my arm. "You know you love my driving." She said and slung arm over my back. I leaned into her. "Yeah, totally. I love coming close to death anytime we go somewhere!"I said sarcastically. Demi smiled sheepishly. "I was right!" She yelled with sarcasm. I rolled my eyes and smiled. Man, do I love Demi...


While Demi was rehearsing, Madison and I went exploring around the warehouse type place. When we were finally able to come home all I had on my mind was sleeping. But unluckily for me I had found another note. I found it posted on the door to our house. And this one freaked me out just as much. Soon. I guess it's good that I know when she'll attack me.. But when exactly is soon? A minute? An hour? Four days? I collapsed onto my bed as tears started to run down my face. I laid there in silence until someone spoke up. "You thought I wasn't coming back, but you were dead wrong...."


Thanks for reading! Y'all are amazing and beautiful and wonderful. So I'm not sure where I'm gonna go with the story, but if you guys have any ideas I might be able to use them. So comment below. Also for every comment I get, I will add 100 words. I normally aim my chapters to be 1000-2000 words long. So if I get 10 comments that will be another 1000 words. I don't how this will go but I'll see. Anyways, Stay Strong and God loves you!

Next Update : Monday

Early Update : 6 comments and 35 votes

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