• chapter one •

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• sierras pov •

'beep beep beep beep..'

Groaning, I turned over and slammed the off button on the alarm. Ugh, Mondays. I threw the covers off of me to get ready for the day. Grumbling about myself, I walked over to the dresser and grabbed blue skinny cropped jeans and a black v neck shirt. I didn't really work hard on my appearance. My weight? Yes, but no matter how much make-up I plastered on my face I was just as ugly anyway. I walked into the bathroom and got into the shower. While I was rinsing the conditioner out I remembered something. A small smile crept onto my face. Today Demi was coming over. And I mean the Demi Lovato. A few days of the week, when she had the chance, she would come to the orphanage. Help out, play with the kids, you know that kind of stuff. But one of my favorite parts was when we got to spend time together. Watching a movie, going on a walk, or just talking. She said from the moment she met me she felt a connection. She didn't know why but she said she felt it. I always looked up to her and when she came here, I was beyond happy. Those days that she comes over are most definitely my favorites.

"Sierra, are you gonna eat that?" Avery asked, as she was eating her waffle. I looked down at the untouched waffle distastefully. "No, I'm not hungry. You can have it." I replied, Pushing the plate toward her. I got up from my chair and hurried up the stairs, taking note I only had 10 minutes until the bus got here. I grabbed my bag, phone, and earbuds. I looked at the mirror before leaving the room. I tucked a loose piece of hair behind my ear. I was fat. Very fat. I stood there, letting some silent tears fall before hearing Katie, the careworker shouting amongst the other kids yelling and talking. "Sierra, the bus is here!" I snapped out of my trance and quickly wiped the tears off of my face, and quickly made my way downstairs. I had a gut feeling today was not going to be good.

Walking into the school, I abruptly felt self conscious. It wasn't unsual for me, but something was off. I couldn't tell exactly what, but it probably has to do with Melanie. Melanie Fallon. The Perfect popular  everybody yearned to be like. She was the girl who was perfectly polished, lived in luxury. And seems as if she had endless amounts of money. And hates my guts. She was always on point with insults. And today I think she had a little more to throw at me.

"Hello, Sierra." 

I cringed at the all to familiar voice that was over the top happy and obviously fake.

I turned toward Melanie. "H-hi." I stuttered out. 'Sierra, keep it together'  I remind myself. Melanie pouted her lip out and twirled her hair around her finger. "Is somebody scared?" she said in a babyish voice. "I..." she slammed into my locker and slapped my face. I restrained from crying, that only make everything a lot worse. "Well you better be." Holding me against the locker, she called over her shoulder. "Boys!" my eyed widened and an unintentionall "no" came out. "Ohhh, but why not? You deserve it, fatty"

Soon enough, I was being beat into shreads. Kicks, punches, slams, insults, slaps, and all that trash." They finally ended it with a hard slam against the locker, leaving me on the floor.

"Sierra!" I heard the familiar voice say. It was none other than my one friend, Andrea. I looked up at her smiling a little. She helped me up,  bringing me into the bathroom. Sighing she cleaned me up and cleaned the blood off. "You know, those jerks better lay off." she said, embracing me into a hug. "Yet we both know they never will." We stood their for a few minutes. Then I heard the announcer. "Students, we have a very special guest who will be talking to us.....  Demi Lovato." I let that sink Demi. Bullies. The bruises. She'll find out. "No" was all I could get out.

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