- chapter fourty -

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• Demi

"Demi, come on! You always have something in that brain of yours! You can start off anywhere you would like. The chorus, bridge, solo verses.. Anywhere!" I groaned and rubbed my temples. "Mark, I just can't. There's literally nothing that's coming to my mind." He sighed and leaned back in his chair. I huffed, only wanting to get out of this studio and be with Sierra. "Can't we just call it a day? Maybe I'll have something better tomorrow." All eyes turned onto me, boring into me. "Demi, you've never called off a studio writing except when something is bothering you. What's going on?" My other co-writer, Alex said. "I'm just having a bad day, alright? I'm leaving." I said whilst gathering my bags up. "Demi.." Mark said, standing up. To tell the truth, it wasn't just a bad day. I've had a horrible week and have been extremely stressed and worried about Sierra. Not to mention, I've been here every single day since Sierra has been in treatment with not the right mindset. Madison is having some health problems and I've been forced to call my Demi World Tour off and postpone it for later next year. I could feel tears burning in the back of my eyes from the stress. "Guys, I need to go home. I'll see you later." I blurted out, and began to run out to my car just in case someone else wanted to shower me with questions. I slid into my seat and was about to drive off but not before I got a phone call. I groaned and reached into my purse. I didn't bother looking at the caller I.D. and put it to my ear. "Hello." I heard some noises on the other line. "Hey, Demi." I instantly recognized this voice as my mom but she sounded really tired. "Hey mom, you okay? You sound really tired." My mom chuckled a bit. "I'm fine but I am tired. So, Madison came down with the flu and has a fever of 103 fahrenheit." I cringed. "Poor baby." I whispered. "Yeah, and all she has been saying is for you to come home." I instantly begin to feel guilt rush through me. I haven't seen my baby sister in months. What wonderful sister I am. "Okay, um, I'll try and make it over." I said. "Alright, Dems. I love you." I sighed. "Love you to mom." And with that I hung up. I put my phone away and started my drive home. So now I have to book a plane ticket. Fantastic. It's not that I don't want to see my sister, I really do. But I still have Sierra in treatment and I don't want to neglect her, which I've already done a good job of. I'll just see Madison for a day and then fly back up, I'm sure Sierra will be fine. I'll just call up the treatment center and I'll be on my way.

After I called the treatment center and booked a plane ticket, I threw some things in a backpack. Figuring I wouldn't be there long at all. I sighed and grabbed my backpack, leaving my house. Once Max picked me up and dropped me off at the airport, I got my ticket, went through the security, and boarded my plane. I snuggled into my seat, thankful I would be able to relax. However, my mind had different things planned. I began to worry and stress over every little thing. I groaned and began to let the tears I had been holding in for a long time out. Quiet tears began streaming down my face as I thought about the problems I was facing. Sierra, Maddie, my tour, new music, and then the added pressure to keep myself on track. I hadn't been taking my medicine for my bipolar disorder and I could feel myself falling into my old ways. Into the depression that ripped me and my relationships. It's always hard to face the fact you need help but I was scared. Scared that I would end up back in rehab, that the people that looked up to me would be disappointed and even worse give up. I shuddered at the thought of it. So many people have told me I saved them and how they wouldn't have a reason to live without them. I'm so compelled when people tell me this but now, now I'm scared. What if I'm the reason they hurt themselves or give up? Don't get me wrong, my Lovatics are strong warriors but even I needed something to keep me going. Music, my family, friends and my Lovatics. I shook my head from my thoughts and began to ponder on Sierra. I wonder if Sierra needs me as much as I need her? Ever since Sierra left I've felt depressed and anxious all the time. Maybe that's how Sierra feels to.. Maybe sending her treatment wasn't such a good idea.. Demi, you know she needs this and don't you dare begin to even think she doesn't need it. I nodded along to the voice in my head, I mean obviously it's a good voice. It's reasons are valid and has value to me. I'm sure Sierra will be safe, it is a treatment center after all..

• And another cliffhanger, we still don't know who was in Sierra's room ;) Anyways, thank you so much for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it. We didn't reach the goal but that's okay, you all are amazing! Also, I have a new story that's coming out and I hope you all will take look at it. :) it's called 'next door neighbor' and it is a Demi fanfic. Anyways, stay strong and God loves you!

Next Update : Monday
Early Update : 60 votes and 12 comments

• you're a warrior • { demi lovato fanfiction }Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon