- chapter fifty -

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// Sierra

I threw the journal across my room. It slapped against the floor with a slight thud. Demi made me write in it every night thinking it would help me deal with my emotions. Truth be told, the journal didn't help me at all infact it made me more upset. I'm not sure why but everytime I wrote it in it, it just made every situation seem as if it was permanent. It seemed like the only way you get rid of the memories that ripped me apart was by burning the journal. In twenty years I don't want to stumble across this journal and relive the memories. I just want to leave everything behind. I want to live free without problems for once. Judging by my luck that won't ever happen but a girl can wish. I had completed one month in my new school and it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. Nobody really made fun of my looks but more how I was quiet, shy, and who I was. In my opinion, it was much better than when people made fun of my looks. I was able to show them that their perceptions of me were wrong not by changing who I was but instead showing them there was a barrier between them and me. Once they cross it, they'll get to see who I really am. Daring, brave, independent.- Independent because I've been able to survive on my own before and now I only see Demi a few times a day. She's always out with friends, working on her album, and going to interviews and such. I'm not bitter, I'm rather happy now that I don't have to feel like it's my fault that she's not doing what she loves to do. Demi promised that she and I would have some time for ourselves tonight and that was something to look forward to. I feel like we've figured out our relationship. We're not too clingy to each other and are able to now worry about each other when we're not together. We also still crave that mother-daughteresque bond. I was starting to be happy after a long, long time in depression. I dried my tears and ran my fingers through my hair. Demi should be here any minute so I decided to go down and wait for her there. I've been really anxious to spend time with her lately. I jogged down the stairs and looked out the window. My jaw dropped at the sight in front of me. Definitely did not expect that. Absolutely horrifying. From the window I could see Wilmer and Demi... Kissing. They broke apart and Wilmer sped away in his car. I ran back up the stairs and slammed the door. I shouldn't be upset, I just need to let it go. It's her love life not mine and I should let her date whom she wants. Don't let it bother you, don't let it bother you. I heard the front door shut and feet against the floor. "Sierra?" I took a deep breath and slowly made my way downstairs. I don't know if I should tell her that I saw her kissing Wilmer or if I should just let it go. I don't want to ruin our relationship and I feel like if I tell her or if I don't something will go wrong both ways. Demi furrowed her eyebrows and cupped my face in her hands." Are you okay? It looks like you were crying." I was suddenly uncomfortable with her touch so I backed away from her keeping space between us. "Yeah I'm fine. I was but I'm better now." I said and flashed a smile. She smiled softly and kissed my forehead which I pulled away from. How can she just act like she's not hiding anything from me? I could feel anger ignite through my body. Does she think that I wouldn't care that she's with the man that raped me? As much as I would like to be chill with this, that sounds messed up to be with the man that raped your daughter. That could be considered self centered but I also know that Wilmer hurt Demi as well. How does she trust him that easily. I felt a wave of mixed emotions flow through me. I didn't know what to think or say. "Um, well I brought us Chinese carry out for our night together." She said her eyes smiling with excitement. I bit my lip and stared down at the floor. I don't if I can make it a whole night watching her laugh and smile and then me having to go along with her constant need to cuddle. Not that I don't like her cuddles but she's hiding something from me and I'm not quite ready to confront her without blowing up. On the other hand, I don't want to disappoint her. I know she's been trying to reserve a night for us for a while now. I faked a smile. "My favorite. So what's your plan?" I said, deciding to go along with it. She smirk slightly and leaned against a chair. "That's the thing. You don't get to know." I laughed slightly. Demi and her sneakiness. And in this very moment, I meant it in a good way. She slipped on her jacket and picked up her keys. "Come on, let's go." She said with a smile and gently pulled on my arm. I smiled and followed her out to the car with no idea of where we were going to go.

We pulled up to a rustic-Spanish house after about fifteen minutes of driving. I don't know any of her friends that has a house like this. "Demi? Where are we?" She pursed her lips and hesitated. "Wilmer's." My stomach twisted to knots. That familiar anxious feeling began to rise. "W-Why?" I choked out. "So you can kiss him?" I said hotly. She sighed and shook her head. "I know you saw Wilmer and I today Sierra. However, it's not what it looks like. It's all part of my plan. In fact, the police are on their way." I sat there in shock, mulling over every word Demi said. Well, it's good to know she wasn't actually with Wilmer. "And why did I have to come?" I asked bitterly. She smiles and glances at me. "Because we're going somewhere else after this." I let the conversation end there as we park in front of his house. "Stay here." She says and closes the car door behind her. Before I could think about anything, a few cars pull in and I'm sure they are the police. I watch as they quickly make their way into the house. I see a glimpse of Demi before they shut they pile in and shut the door. I begin to run everything that could possibly happen in my head. If Demi gets hurt, I will never forgive myself. In fact, I still haven't let go of the fact that I'm wasting her time. The door swung open and I watched as the police men practically drag Wilmer away and into their car. Demi's face is beat red and her hair is messed up, signaling that she had been hurt. I bit my lip and buried my head into my hands. I caused her to get hurt. Again. Within a few seconds Demi climbed back into the car with a smile on her face. "S-Sorry." I whispered. Demi reached out and held my hand. "Sierra, look at me." I slowly brought my head up and locked eyes with her. "I know you feel like this is your fault but it isn't. I promise you, okay?" She tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "We've been through a lot of though situations over this year but we've gotten through it. I don't care what I have to go through to have you with me. Whatever we go through we'll get through it.. Together."


Hiiii.. So I'm so sorry for not updating for literally a month. I took a break and I feel like that's what I needed. I'm not sure how much longer I will continue this story so I need some feedback on what you want. I'm not going to set any update goals for this chapter because I'm really sorry about not updating. I'll try and update within a few days and I really hope you guys forgive me. I love you all and God bless.

P.S. Im really sorry 🙈

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