- chapter eighteen -

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Sierra's p.o.v 

I stood there in shock as I saw the person in front of me that I never ever wanted to see again. I slowly walked into the classroom, hiding my face as well as I could. I took a seat at the back of my room. I really hope that we don't have to go around saying our names. He cleared his throat and began to speak. "Hello class. So today we have a new student, and even though you don't want to, we're all going around and saying our names." Gary Randall. The man that ruined me for good. "Starting with the first row and going onto the back." He said. Names and Names went past but one caught my eye. "Hadley Anderson." I perked up and shook my head. That was not possible. My stomach turned into knots, now I have two reasons why I don't want to say my name. All eyes turned to me when it was my turn, anxiety taking over. "S-Sierra." I stuttered, keeping my head low. "Sierra...?" He asked. "And please look up." I looked straight into his eyes. "Lovato. Sierra Lovato." I said. A small smile played on his lips, and my anxiety was rising. "Well anyway, let's begin..." He said. I couldn't even pay attention. Two people I never wanted to see, were here. All I wanted was to be in Demi's arms. This counts as problem right? He concluded his lesson and we all began to pack up, and I tried to get out of there was fast as I could. "Wait, Sierra. I want to talk to you." He said. I stopped in my tracks. "Kay." I whispered. "So let me get this right. Demi Lovato adopted you?" He asked. I nodded, looking at the ground. "Look at me you idiot."  I quickly looked up at him. "You don't deserve her. You're a worthless brat that should be dead. I thought you wouldn't have lasted this long. You're weak." He whispered, with the same familiar hate in his voice. Before I could respond, he slapped me across the cheek. I blinked away the tears, and held my cheek. "Have you experienced reality since the last time I've seen you?" He asked. I nodded. "Yes." I whispered. "Good." He said, before giving a hard kick in the stomach, sending me across the room. I hit my head on the desk, and used all my strength to stand up and scurry out of the room. Once I had gotten out I met with Hadley. Hadley, a.k.a the girl who would rather lose her friends than ruin her reputation. "H-Hi." She stuttered out. I raised an eyebrow and walked away but she pulled me back. "S-Sierra. I-I'm sorry I-I was w-wrong. I-I should've stuck w-with y-you. " I didn't know how to respond to that. I was surprised that she had the nerve to pull me back, let alone talk to me. I felt anger begin to rise in me. I forgave her, we all do things we regret. I don't see why people would regret leaving me, after all, I am a weak worthless being. But it still hurt to see someone you trusted turn their back on you. "Now you say that." I whispered. "It's too late. I thought I could trust you, but boy was I wrong." I whispered. "P-Please. I understand how you feel..." She started to trail of and rolled her sleeves up, revealing many, many white scars. They were old, but the fact she did that got to me. "I- Why?" I asked. "I started to get bullied too." She whispered. "That's why we moved here." I merely nodded. "Oh. I'm sorry." I said. She shook her head. "I deserved it." She said bluntly. "No one deserves it." I said, walking to my locker. She didn't reply. It was uncomfortably silent for a little bit. "Do you still do it?" She asked. I froze, if I told her she has the power to reveal it to the people. And I'm not going to lie  "I'm going to say if I do or don't." I said. She huffed. "So you do?" I faked a laugh. "I never said that." She crossed her arms. "But obviously you do, because you're not answering the question. If you don't do it, than you would be proud of yourself." She argued with me. "I don't feel comfortable talking about things like that to people I don't trust." I shot back. She pursed her lips, and raised an eyebrow. "So much for trying." She said. She walked away, and I turned back to my locker, grabbing my books for math. One hour in and this day was horrible. 


I stood in line for lunch, only for the sake of Demi. I did not at all want to eat, but at least I would make Demi happy. I got a few vegetables and a yogurt. It's something okay? I always feel self conscious eating in front of people, so I went to a table in the corner. I started to stab the vegetables, not realizing there was a person looking straight at me. She was surrounded by people, probably because she was the popular person. I stopped eating immediately, and looked down at my feet. I can not eat in front of popular people. Ever. I picked my tray up and threw out everything. I quickly walked out of the cafeteria, not really knowing where I was going to go. I did not want to talk to her, see her, or her look at me. I could hear heels run across the floor. No. Not today, not ever. There wasn't really a place to hide, so I slid to the floor and pulled out my phone, pretending to play with it. The heels stopped right in front of me and bent down to me. "So you're Demi Lovato's kid?" She asked. "Yeah." I whispered, keeping my gaze on my phone. "Well being a famous person's kid you deserve endless special treatment." She pulled me up, and we just stood there. Before I knew it, she fisted me in the stomach. I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach. She took her heel and kicked me in the head. I shrieked in pain. My hands going to my head. I laid there for what felt like forever being beaten up. She finished it off by kicking and digging her heel into my stomach. "Do not tell anyone about this." She said firmly, and turned on her heel. When the sound of her heels had faded, I stood up shakily. I immediately collapsed, my body to weak to do anything. If I called Demi that would be going against whatever the girls was rules. And that would mean big trouble for me. So I decided on Dinah. "Dinah? Come pick me up." I begged into the phone. "Baby? What's going on?" I squeezed my eyes shut, as pain shot through my body. "I can't even walk. Dinah come pick me up." I whispered into the phone. "Alright Baby, I'll be there." I told her the address. I laid there, as the pain kept growing. I felt arms wrap around my body. "Dinah." I croaked. "I'm not Dinah.".. 


I know, it's shorter than normal. But I started on it late so I didn't have much time. So the next chapter it will be a lot longer. And yay! Cliffhanger! Haha I thought it would be a perfect place to end. Anyway I got three comments! Thank you guys so much! So now I'm aiming for four comments, and 10 votes. Anyway, thank you guys for reading! You're beautiful and strong! God loves you and stay strong! 

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