33. Plum Blossoms

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The freezing days gradually were replaced with warmer ones as the anticipation of Spring neared. I always thought it was beautiful how the plum blossoms appeared just before the warmer days. It instilled hope in me, and it was the precursor for those cherry blossoms which usually took the spotlight at the end of spring.

Over the holidays I picked up more shifts and focused on saving like as planned. I'd become a lot closer with some of the girls at work, and others still acted like the world revolved around them. Cece and I had bonded the most, to the point where some of the girls even joked about us being sisters. Having her around made the excessive drinking and those annoying clients that made me want to rip out my hair easier to endure. I'd been grinding hard and it hadn't gone unnoticed. I'd jumped up to number 3 in Monthly sales, and by the end of next month the quarterly ranks would be announced. They were more important in hindsight and I was hoping for a good result.

Ji Yong, or better known as G Dragon started visiting along with the other two recently. He chose Serina as his main, no surprise there. It just meant that taking her place at number 1 would be much harder, and, Cece and I have had to pretend to get along with her whenever the boys visited. It was a pain but so far so good. Nothing overly dramatic had happened and I was hoping it stayed that way.

Apart from that, the semester that was about to start was all paid for. It left my account looking dry but I'd fix that soon enough. I'd even managed to get a start on some of the upcoming material for my subjects. I'd tried to call my Mum over the holidays several times but the number was disconnected. I decided I had enough to worry about and tried to forget about it. I'm sure she'll get in touch with me when she can. My parents being unreliable was nothing new.

I'd spent some time with Yoongi and Hoseok over Christmas. Things got a bit wild but it was fun. Not long after that Hoseok found out about my job. At first he was a bit shook, said he didn't mind sharing me with Yoongi or Joon but outside of our group he couldn't come to terms with. We didn't talk for a week until Yoongi convinced Hoseok to let it go and just accept it. I was relieved when he finally came around and apologised, he even brought flowers. I remember crying which made him feel bad but, it was only because I was so relieved.

Since then it's been smooth sailing mostly. I missed the others while they've been gone. Tae sent me videos of him playing with his little cousins. Jimin regularly texted me hearts at midnight on the dot before I got into bed. Joon sent me pictures of art and beautiful skies he'd seen while away, and Jin ended up going back to see his family for a short while too but I haven't heard from him or Jungkook as of yet. But it was okay, everyone had their own lives to live. That's just how it is.

My class schedule was slightly different compared to last semester, but not overly so. I still had Language on Monday but instead my morning was free and it didn't start until after lunch.

I threw on some jeans, a cropped shirt and a light cardigan before leaving for said class. There was no guarantee I'd still be with Tae and Jimin but I prayed I would be as I left the house. As always, I picked up a coffee on the way. The lecture hall had changed to a different building, it was the same one where all the studios were only on a higher level.

As I walked in there were students taking their seats and some stood around in small groups and chatted. I scanned the room in hopes I'd see those familiar faces but then my sights stopped on the back of two heads. I knew those heads anywhere, it was definitely Jimin and Tae.

I rushed up the isle towards them, they still had their backs turned, clueless, so I snuck up closer.

"Surprise!" I linked my arms around theirs and squeezed myself into the small gap between them.

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