Chapter 12

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The door to the roof opened so fast, followed by three bodies coming out of it.

I couldn't see who the new people on the roof were as the guy in front of me pushed me behind the door to hide.

I couldn't see who the new people on the roof were as the guy in front of me pushed me behind the door to hide

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I catch myself before I fall and turn to see that guy running back to the front of the door.

He's trying to hide me? Is it to keep me safe, or to keep those people from finding me?

Either way, I think it might be best for me to stay here, or at least until I'm sure it's safe.

Carefully, I peer around the corner of the door wall. I can't see anyone's face very well, especially since it's dark already.

"Hyung, we have to go now!" Someone says urgently. Their voice was really deep and had some sort of accent to it.

The guy from before walks in front of me and the other people to block me from their view more.

"It's ok. The pipe to slide down is right there on the side. Go down quickly and get in the car, I'll follow in a second." He says.

"Bok, come on!" One person yells as they grab the deep voice's hand. They both run to the end of the roof and the deeper voiced guy climbs down first.

The third, taller guy starts to follow the other two slowly, he doesn't seem to be in a rush for some reason.

While those three are getting away, the guy who pushed me behind the door starts to make his way back to me.

I sit down a little further behind the wall so he won't know that I was peeking the whole time.

He comes from around the corner and crouches down to be level with me.

"Look, you don't know me yet, but listen to me. Come t-"


".... What?"

"I-I said no." I say standing up with the squirrel plushie still in hand.

He follows suit. "Why not?" He says a little angrier.

His face is still visible to me as he doesn't have his mask up. The way he was passive then angry was scary, how can someone change their expression so fast?

I back up a little from him, but don't get very far as I hit the wall behind me.

"B-because I d-don't know you." I say in panic.

The guy comes closer to me, close enough to have the tips of our shoes touching.

He stares into my eyes for a second, I stare back out of fear what will happen if I don't.

Out of nowhere, he slams both his hands on either side of the wall beside me. Now I'm trapped between him and the wall.

He gets closer to me and leans a little more towards my ear.

"I know you don't know me, but listen to me well. Come to the park by 10pm tonight, meet me by the biggest oak tree along the river." He says.

"O-or else w-what?"

That was a stupid question by me.

Before he answers, he pulls the squirrel from my hands and stands back from me.

"Or else you won't get this little guy back." He says, wiggling the squirrel by its tail with a smirk.

He- he took my squirrel!

"H-hey, you can-"

"If you want him back, just meet me like I asked you to. See you tonight." He winked.

He steps back from me and walks back around to the front of the door.

I start to follow him before a voice comes from the other side.

"Hyung, what took you so long?"

"Oh, nothing. I was just .. watching the police for a bit."

"No, you were talking to someone. Who's over there?" The person says. They sound annoyed, but that might also just be their voice.

The voice starts to come closer but the guy from before steps in between me and the person.

"Move, hyung."

"No, we have to go, the other two are waiting in the car."

"But wha-"

"Come on, we have to go now." He says more sternly.

They both turn and quickly walk towards the edge of the roof. Before he climbs down, the one who asked me to meet him turns and winks at me again.

Once they're both down the pipe, I watch their van pull away and drive off behind the other buildings. Now what do I do?

Chan and Seungmin definitely already left and I have no way to get back to the house.

Unless, I go to the warehouse. Maybe they'll think to look for me there?

I guess I'll go, it's the best plan I have right now.

That picture took me 3 minutes to make, I know it's bad.

I'm almost done writing the full story. Right now I'm writing about 2-3 chapters a week, I still have school to worry about.

Yesterday was Bang Chan's birthday, so I wanted to wish him a happy belated birthday.

Here's a Chan related meme:

Also TXT'S first concert was last night and I'm pretty sure I need to sleep more 😬

Love you guys!🖤❤🖤❤🖤

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