Chapter 28

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As soon as the doors open, we get greeted by a giant hall full of people.

I knew GOT7 works with a lot of groups, but I guess I never heard or guessed the exact number of groups.

That number seems more visible now that I'm seeing all these people gathered in one space.

The hall itself looks like it was a giant living room, but all the furniture and decorations were moved to make room for people. In front of us are a few steps down onto the floor, which holds probably close to 200 people all standing around talking to each other. Everyone is in either suits or formal floor length dresses for the occasion. Throughout the people, a few men in identical tuxedos walk around with trays of food and drinks for people.

In the back of the hall, a small band is playing softer music on a stage to fill the space with a casual atmosphere. On the right side, a long table stretching the entire wall holds different plates of food and assorted drinks for everyone to enjoy.

Looking up, all the way around the hall are balconies from the second and third floors. No one stands on them though, everyone probably has to stay in the center.

After a moment for us to take in everything, Chan comes to and motions us to follow him. On the base of the few steps, a woman in a simple black floor length dress comes closer to us.

"Good evening, Sir. May I know the name of your team for tonight's record?"

"Yellow Wood."

"Thank you. Before you proceed I'm required to tell you that access to other parts of this mansion is prohibited. Mr. Lim would like for all the guests to remain on the center floor." She pauses and looks towards the tables.

"The food prepared is free of charge and available for all guests to enjoy. As are the drinks being handed out by other staff members. Enjoy your night, gentlemen." She finishes with a small bow to us.

We thank her and continue to walk into the floor, immediately blending in with the crowd. There are a lot of people here, but the hall is big enough for everyone to have a little space to themselves.

We just kind of stand together for a moment, not really talking to anyone (because we don't know anyone), before someone starts speaking.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention." We all turn to see GOT7 standing on the stage in front of the band which had stopped playing.

"Thank you all for coming tonight. This is the first of what is hopefully an annual event. This gathering was made for all our clients to get together, make alliances, deals, and maybe laugh at the poor attempts of the police." The crowd lets out a laugh all together.

"Tonight is meant to bring together the criminals, fugitives, and outlaws that run this city and many others. You all already know us," GOT7 all wave to the crowd. "But you don't know each other. As the center of a huge crime-filled spider-web, you all are connected to us. But we're sure someone you would like to be connected to other groups too."

The people around us look around at each other. Some groups slightly smile to each other from talking before this speech.

"Your mission is set. Talk with other people, have fun, dance, dine, enjoy yourselves. If any problems come up, we have it covered."

JB motions for someone to come up onto the stage. GOT7 all scoot over for 7 more men in suits to step onto the stage next to them.

"I'm sure you all are familiar with the super crime group, BTS or Bangtan." They all bow slightly to the crowd and wave a bit.

"These guys are our very good friends and the group responsible for the security and staff coverage tonight. We literally have an ARMY of staff and security if you will. We didn't plan a gathering of a bunch of criminals and not think that something could go wrong."

Everyone either looks around with suspicion or laughs at the truthfulness of the statement.

"Now, I'm done with my speech. Enjoy yourselves, and welcome to our home. Guys, is there anything you would like to add?" JB turns to his group.

One member by the name of BamBam steps forwards and takes the mic.

He quickly inhales. "Skrrt Skrrt." And starts to walk off stage. The rest of the group follow and starts to playfully punch BamBam while the crowd laughs and applauds.

Now I guess we just stand around for a few hours.

I start to look around at all the groups here. There is an even split of men to women, but that isn't surprising.

Subconsciously, I start to look for a certain person. I can't be doing this, this could be a chance to stop talking to him. But I can't bring myself to cut him off just like that.

Not too long after, a tall man with whitish-blonde hair comes up to us. Behind him is another man and two women in similar dark red dresses.

"Hello, you're the team Yellow Wood, right?"

"Yes, and you might be...?"

"Kim, Matthew Kim. Leader of my team, Kard." He reaches his big hand out and firmly gives Chan a handshake. "I'm Bang Chan."

"I was talking to GOT7 earlier and they recommended us to talk to you. You guys help the homeless in the area, right? That's very generous of you."

"Yes, we have experienced similar situations in our lives and we want to try to help those who are going through that now."

Matthew nods and perks up a little.

"I think there is someone you should meet. They do something kind of similar and might be a good ally to have. Would you follow me?" He asked and gestured towards another area of the hall.

Chan looked at us and we nodded for him to go ahead. With the reassurance, he turned back and continued talking with Matthew towards the other group.

Chan always says that when he is gone, I'm the oldest so I have to be incharge. And as the one in charge, I say we move out of the middle of the hall.

Gently, I grab Jeongin's and Seungmin's sleeves and pull them a little.

"Guys, let's move to the side a bit please." They follow and stand next to one of the giant pillars holding the upper balconies up.

Once we settle again, I slightly look around a bit to try to find Lee Know. I don't mean to be doing that, I just don't really know what else to do while we stand here.

After a bit, I feel someone grab my arm and pull me harshly backwards.

Sorry I'm a bit late, I got distracted.

But today I'm planning on posting three chapters to celebrate over 1K views.

Here's the first meme for today:

Give me a bit to get the next chapter out.

Love you guys!🖤❤🖤❤🖤❤

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