Issue #28: Bad Romance

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Komand'r stood in the hallway alone for a moment as (Y,N) faded away into smoke leaving her to wallow in her hatred. Hatred for what? Pick your poison. She hated Flag, Terra, Russia, Earth, Herself. She didn't even remember why she was here, and not in the sense she got so wrapped up in her own delusions she forgot what the mission at hand was. She didn't know why she went through with the mission after they lost communication with Belle Reeve. Then it came back to her. That fucking jerk, (Y,N). The snake in the grass. Used her for his own personal gain, the monster... wait how did he use her again? What did he get out of it?

It didn't matter. She was going to get the last laugh now. Left to her own devices she was going to get revenge on those assholes for... being her friend. Wait, that doesn't sound right. She had to have a reason to hate (Y,N)... wait, did she hate (Y,N)? Wait, yeah she does!

"That's slime ball got my hopes up to just ditch me for that ex-Titan loser! Why would he do that to me? Why would he get my hopes up and then get all over Terra like that when he clearly knew I was into him!?" She shouted to herself before she realized something and her heart sank when she remembered she wasn't innocent in this. "Shit, I hit on Dmitriev to make him jealous before he even gave Tara a second glance." She said out loud. She also noticed something about the whole night. She had been feeling cold the entire night and now it was getting to her. She was shivering. "What the fuck is that about? And why the fuck wouldn't I hit on Dmitriev? I mean, the guy knows how to make someone feel like a princess!" She said before thinking about Rose and multiple other girls who she tried to block from her head that seemed to be batting eyelashes at the new co-op Russian dictator tonight. "I mean... it doesn't feel as special when he treats every girl he meets like a princess." Unlike (Y,N). She thought the last part.

And just thinking about it reminded her how much she missed hearing him call her princess. God, she missed hearing him call her princess. Every time she heard it she could just imagine him in traditional Tamaranean royal robes taking her hand as they were about to take a walk around their new palace surrounded by pain and misery of everyone who hurt her. Not just her. Them. There was one human she could visibly see and she was right next to Starfire, but she never met the human. She knew who it was, though. It was that Elsa girl who ruined him and caused him to stop himself from making any friends... wait.

. . .

"... that night we vowed we'd never make another friend again. That we'd never allow a betrayal."

. . .

"You're a liar and a backstabber!"

"I have been brutally honest with you and Tara to a fault and I'm just a stabber in general."

. . .

"This is a service for you. Friendship promises things I can't keep. The Crimson Ghost is an indiscriminate murderer who wants to kill everything he sees. And I'm not exactly a good friend if I try to kill you for no reason!"

. . .

"you don't want to be our friend because you want to protect us from you..."

. . .

"I tried so hard to protect you from the horrors of who I truly am but you continued to push me to this."

. . .

"Don't you see that you've killed me? No matter what after tonight I am dead and you killed me. I've grown weak trying to protect you but you just had to keep pushing and pushing and pushing."

. . .

"The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist. I'm sorry Komand'r but you fell in love with the devil and forced him to expose himself to you."

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