Issue #30: The Crimson Ghost

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"<There is still no word from comrade Dmitriev after his order to release the bombs.>" A soldier at the military base told one of his superiors.

"<He sounded distressed and if I remember correctly he wanted to televise his pulling of the switch himself.>" Another one said.

"<It is safe to assume Dmitriev has unfortunately passed. But his death will not go unavenged.>" The general said. He then looked to all of his men out in the room. Dozens and dozens of agents. "<REMEMBER MEN! ALL UNAUTHORIZED PERSONNEL WILL BE SHOT ON SIGHT! AND BE ON THE LOOK OUT FOR THE SEVEN CRIMINALS THAT ESCAPED CUSTODY BUT THIRTY MINUTES AGO!>"

"<It is a shame America put up no real fight.>" A guard playing 21 with another said.

"<To be fair brother, they did send a shark man.>"

"<What the fuck was a shark going to do in the middle of a bunch of snow!? And on that note why did they attempt to defeat us in Winter!? Have they never read a book?>"

"<You know what they say. Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it.>" Another guard said before the lights in the room turned off, followed by red emergency lights turning on.

"<THEY'RE HERE! EVERYONE PREPARE YOURSELVES!>" With that, every gun in the facility was cocked, locked and ready to unload. Waiting for the enemy to reveal itself. They had not realized, however, the enemy was with them already. Present in the air. A thin layer of "smoke" surrounded the room. One guard started to get a sort of chill up his spine. He ignored it at first, then he felt something scratch the neck of his neck. He went to rub it before feeling like he had been bitten! He grabbed what he thought but him and threw it. He then saw what he threw and proceeded to scream. It was a black widow spider, his biggest fear in the world.

"<̵̢̝̹͚͐W̵̻̠̟̾̇͊̑̉ḩ̸̧͈̣̘̙̯̞̭̥̃͛͆̋͂̑̉͐̽͘͜͝ḁ̵̛͐͊̓͌́̀̃͋̌̽͗̂͂͘t̸̢͇̣̥̩͚̼̘̭̫͎̲̩̃̏͆̏̄̋̇̔̉̋̔'̷̳̘͈̭̑̐̈́s̶̛̺͕͙̜̱͓̋̀͋͌̃͘ ̸̢̡̛̮̖͔̣̞̲̫̯͉̭̭̻̌̍̇͊̊͌͊͂̎̏̋͌͠͝ẉ̵̢̱̯̦̟̭̰̗͓̟̫͊̎͐̐͂̂̋̽̏̈́̂͠r̵̘͉͌͒͆̓̀̐͌ö̷̮̖̖̺́n̶̡̨̘̦̪̻̻̫̯̦̗̂͐̀̋͐̇͜g̶͓̬̖̀̈̽͊̽ ̶̙̈́̓̃̀̽̉̽̈́̎̎̑͊̇͜͝͠b̵̛̻̲͍͓͖̥̙͋̀̈͊̽͜͠͝͝r̶̛̛̥̙͔̝̘͕̫͗̀̀͒̓͑͛̒͆̌͛͝o̷̩̺̳̬͔̍̄̐̎͊̋͌̍̔t̵̨̜͇͇͓̦̦͓̫̩͓̾͜h̵̢͙̯͈̰͓̝̰̻̞̞̄̈́̈́͊̇̇͑̚͜͝͝͝ĕ̴̢̛̹̤̪̲̭̓͘ŕ̸̛̬͓͇̘̳̪̪͖̺̿̔͆͆̔̏̏͗̊͌̐͝?̴̩̬̘͓̼̼͕̭̖̯͇͐̉̒́̓̋͑̈́̋̄̇͒̀͘͠>̷̢̞̩̲̎̈́" He looked over to his

side and screamed as he saw his brother in arms had been completely covered in the arachnids, resembling a million spiders imitating a man rather than an actual one. In his panic, he screamed and unloaded a clip into the spiders. The spiders, however, were unfazed. They jumped off their former host and began biting the man until he succumbed to the piercing bites and collapsed dead.

"<DID YOU FUCKING SEE THAT!?>" Another soldier shouted standing over a grate in the ground on an elevated level.

"<HE APPEARED FOR A SECOND AND DISAPPEARED AGAIN!" One next to him said. Then his partner shot the dead bodies. "<WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?"

"<ARE YOU MAD!? WE HAVE TO MAKE SURE THEIR HEADS ARE BLOWN OFF BEFORE THEY COME BACK! THEN THOSE ZOMBIES WILL BE AFTER US!>" The first guard responded before a zombie jumped out of the grate and dragged him down in with him. He got his neck ripped wide open by the zombie's teeth and blood started to coat the shoes of his comrade in crimson red. With one last breath he said "<I will not... become one... of... you...>" and blew his brains out with a pistol, although his blood loss had already sealed his fate. His partner then heard something behind him, like a wild animal blowing smoke. He turned around and saw what he once thought was an irrational idea: a rhinoceros running towards him and before he knew it, it's horn penetrated his jaw and came out his body through one of his eyes, before it unburied itself from his skull and pushed him down to the abyss below.

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