Issue #55: I'll Keep Your Memory Vague

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"You were marvelous out there, Jane. You've broken through his trust barrier. Getting him to gush like that." The entity that resembled (Y,N) complimented Jane by the entrance of the Underground late into the night.

"Whatever gets me out of prison and these suicide missions quicker." Jane said. She didn't want to think about how good of a time she had anymore. "So what's your stupid plan all about again? Why do I need him to trust me?"

"Because you'll have a hunch on Punchline's whereabouts. You remember seeing her on the news during her initial arrest saying she was Alexis Kaye of Snyder University. She stayed in Finger Hall." He was interrupted by Jane laughing.

"Finger Hall?" Jane repeated through her laughter. "Is that by Fisting Hall?"

"Cute. It was named after the creator of the Bantam book series about a detective that had his work stolen by his coworker."

"Bantam? Sounds a lot like Batman."

"None of that is important. What is important is (Y,N)- and the rest of you search for her in the hall!"

"How do you even know that we'll find her there?"

"Like previously stated the two went to the same school and Alexis stayed in that hall. (Y,N) passed her many of times."

"Why would she be there now?"

"She may be there, she may not. Her time as Punchline began long before her expulsion and she was obsessed with the clown. There's a... possibility she rigged the room to kill anyone if they entered it and she forgot materials in it. It can't hurt to check."

"A possibility? What do you know about Punchline you're not fucking telling me!?"

"(Y,N) has locked out parts of her in his head."

"But you know them, right? So tell me."

"I've told you all that is necessary." He began to grow tired of Jane's disobedience.

"Listen here you fuck! I've been playing fucking nice with you but I haven't liked you since the second you came into my fucking head unannounced! So either you tell me what I want want to know or you can get the fuck out!" Jane shouted at him. The right side of his mouth lifted into a smirk for a slight second, almost like a muscle spasm.

"Snyder University. You saw it on the news. He goes there or everyone dies." His eyes looked around the underground for a second. "Everyone." He repeated. "I mean I sense Waller grows tired of the group's lack of progress. And she might want to get a record for most casualties. Sixty-Four heads for the price of one."

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY TO ME YOU LITTLE SHIT!?" Jane said stomping towards him but he vanished into a cloud of smoke with a cackle. Jane was now starting to feel uneasy.

Almost like she was... scared.

. . .

I was woken up from a deep sleep by someone licking my face.

"Cleo c'mon someone can walk in at any point..." I told her lightly pushing her face away from me. She was a lot furrier than I remembered.

"Hm?" Cleo muttered next to me... still licking me on the other side of my face. I opened my eyes and I realized it was actually a golden retriever.

"Oh, hello." I said before slowly petting his head.


Afterwards I heard giggling as two kids and Babydoll went running passed us. A boy and a girl, presumably Devin and his younger sister, Amanda's kids.

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