IDK what this is but it' now turned into a talk show 😂

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I'm well aware that I've been gone for quite a few months, and I guess it just became an unannounced mental health break. Let's just say writer's block took a toll on me! And I surprisingly didn't shoot my laptop with the gun we keep under my bed to shoot the wild animal that keeps annoying my pet cat Nezuko. It's a full-on shotgun but without bullets, it's like these metal point things, kind of like the rip of an arrow! No, I'm not quitting this book, I'm not quitting any of them, I shall finish every fanfiction that I have planned even if it takes me to my death bed! I'll lay in my hospital bed hooked onto life support and tell the nurses to pull the plug when I finish this and the fucking sequel for this damn book I decided to start to escape from my trauma! 

So you're all probably not asking but I'll say anyway! What the hell have I been up to during my break? Cry myself to sleep, tests for school, get traumatized every month, and put that shit on repeat! My school is fucked! Just last week we did nothing but CAT's (It's like assessment tests until you're in Year 10) for the week! Just for English I had been planning and procrastinating this one story, we were doing horror writing this term and I was hyped! I love anything scary, so decide to write and plan a story about a serial killer in Edinburgh. The word limit for writing was 400 words. I wrote nearly 3000 words. I better get an above level for that CAT so help me. Before I moved out of my mum's this year I was living with her and Covid hit at a very bad time, but the school I actually went to when not in Online Learning was quite new for me. I had my very first proper school endangerment lockdown and it traumatized me. It was some incident with an adult man and a student, I'm sitting at the table eating lunch with my friends and I hear screaming right next to me. I turn and see a grown-ass man and student just bashing each other in a bush! With a baseball bat! I was the closest one to it and just wanted to perish at that moment!

Do any of you have really weird family members? Because I have many but my uncle is definitely the weirdest. When I was little he grabbed a piece of cooked pasta and moved it up his nose, it gets grosser. He then proceeds to keep his hand near his eye and PULL THE DAMN PIECE OF PASTA OUT OF HIS EYE SOCKET. He can do the same thing with milk, he'll drink some and then it'll come dripping out of his eye. When I first saw that I immediately thought he was a fucking demon, look at me now, I'm an atheist simping for anime demons because what else could I turn to!? He is now also my favourite uncle because we don't like the rest of my mum's family 😂

I'm definitely gonna write more like this I love being funny from time to time, I will try to publish soon since I've finished all of my tests.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2021 ⏰

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