Chapter 5

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"I need you too," I said welling up.

"Em, I'm so sorry I didn't believe you. With everything going on, I didn't know what to believe and what to not but I've spoken to both Kyle and Leo and they both said the same story. I'm so sorry princess, I miss you so much," Charlie said sitting down next to me.

"I miss you more,"

"Take me back baby," Charlie asked hopefully. Just then, my phone rang.

"Sorry, I've gotta take this, it's my agency," I apologised as I left the room. "Hello? Emily speaking?"

"Hello Emily, this is Tiffany,"

"Oh hi Tiffany, how are you?"

"Good thank you how are you?"

"Erm, there's good and bad days,"

"Well I'm going to get right to it. Your friends; Joey, Andy, Ollie, Ryan and brother Jordi have sent me a little video of you singing tonight on karaoke. I never knew that you could sing,"

"Well I've never done it professionally apart from a little on Broadway and filling in for support acts,"

"We'd like to offer you a debut tour of the UK covering Leeds, London, Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Essex, Bournemouth, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Dublin,"

"Wow! How has this all come about?"

"The video your friends sent us proved your talent, we emailed it to a touring agency and they said they'd be delighted to back your debut tour,"

"Thank you so much!"

"You're very welcome. The tour starts next week, we will help promote. The set needs to be about 90 minutes to 2 hours. You can pick two support acts to take with you as well a dance troop,"

"I can't believe this is all happening!" I smiled excitedly. Charlie gave me a confused look as he was only hearing one side of the conversation.

"Believe it. You are very talented young lady. We will contact you in a couple of days with the final details,"

"Thank you again,"

"You are more than welcome. Bye Emily," Tiffany said.

"Goodbye," I said hanging up the phone and biting my lip in excitement. As I had my back to Charlie, he tapped me on the shoulder to turn me around.

"What did they say?" He asked intrigued.

"I'M GOING ON MY OWN DEBUT TOUR!" I screamed getting hyper again.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" Charlie cheered. He picked me up and spun me around as we both were smiling like Cheshire cats. He put me down and we are really close, our foreheads practically touching. We stared into each other's eyes, all of the other thoughts went out of my head apart from what was happening right in front of me.

Without warning, our lips met. It felt familiar, warm, right. We pulled away, surprised at our actions.

"Emily, we should go tell..." Charlie started awkwardly.

"Just one second..." I interrupted as I held his cheeks and went on my tip toes to kiss his lips again. At first, Charlie was shocked but eventually he kissed back. His hands went around my waist as mine to his neck.

"**cough**" we heard at the door and we quickly snapped out of our little daydream to see everyone stood at the door.

"What's going on here?" Ollie asked laughing.

"Erm, nothing," I said quickly.

"Really because to me that looked like something," Ryan smirked.

"Well, you see, what happened was," Charlie started.

"You kissed Emily," Victoria said.

"Yes," he said firmly.

"So does this mean you're back together?" Leo asked.

I looked at Charlie and he did the same to me. I reached for his hand and squeezed it tight.

"I've got her back," Charlie smiled proudly pulling me in for a massive hug. He's back mine, and nothing is going to break us apart again.

A/N they're back together🙊 aw☺️ did any of you expect that? Thank you all so much for all the reads/comments/votes/follows/support! It means so much and I'm so thankful to you all! Over these next couple of weeks, I'll be editing You Are My World so I'm sorry in advance for all of the notifications haha
Love ya✌️

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