Chapter 15

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We got to the tour bus just before 11am and Leo and Victoria were already on there getting sorted.

"Yo yo yo Charlie," Leo called as we brought our suitcases onto the bus.

"Hey bro," Charlie smiled hugging him like brothers.

"Your room is on the left, opposite Victoria and I's,"

"Thanks Leo," I sighed. I'm still sceptical about seeing all the dance guys again. We didn't exactly last speak on good terms.

I'm so stressed it's unreal. I feel like my head will explode at any minute...


"Charl, what's up with Emily?" Leo asked me. Honestly, I'm not 100% sure myself.

"She's proper stressed. She's fallen out with all the dance lot because, well in sort terms, they're jealous as Abbey got her more opportunities than them. Also she's feeling the pressure with the tour and everything. Hopefully she can handle it but I don't know mate. I'm worried about her,"

"You know what Emy's like though. Always over thinking. We'll all just try to keep the amount of stress to a minimum," Leo smiled. He bro hugged once more and I went to go see Emily in our little 'bedroom'. By that, I mean a space that's about 4ft by 6ft with a double bed in it with little hanging space and a TV on the wall.

Emily was laid on the bed, face buried in the pillow, her phone gripped tightly in her left hand. I fell next to her and put my face in her neck as my arm went around her waist. I knew she was awake because I felt her snuggle into me a little bit more.


"Yeah?" She said in a small voice.

"Stop stressing,"

"I'm not,"

"I know you better than you know yourself,"

"Suppose you do,"

"I love you baby,"

"I love you more Charlie," and she turned and hugged me. "And thank you,"

"For what princess?"

"Always being there for me. I don't know what I'd do without you,"

"You're cute Em, what sort of fiancé would I be if I didn't know you inside out hm?"

She giggled.

"Come on smelly, sounds like your brother's just arrived," I grinned and pulled her up; leading her into the main part of the bus. Indeed, the Overload lads had arrived.

"Who's ready to kick off this tour!" Ryan shouted.

"I am!" Ollie yelled as we all started jumping around, partying.

"GUYS!" Emily shouted causing us all to stop. "When you jump, please pointe your toes! It makes me cringe!" (A/N it actually makes me cringe in real life... Dancer problems...😂)

Typical dancer girl coming out in her. She's back.

"What? Like this?" Joey then teasing by over exaggerating the flat-footed jumping. Emily just sort of curled up in a ball on the sofa. Wow, that really does make her cringe.


Two hours later, we're all ready for sound check. If you're wondering about the dance guys, I still haven't talked to them. I can feel Kyle's eyes looking at me in sorrow but I don't care. They didn't care about me and acted as if they were happy for me, so why should I care for them? Anyway...

"Can we please have Emily to the stage for soundcheck please, that's Emily to the stage for soundcheck please," my name cam over the tannoy at the O2.

So this is actually real. All this is actually happening for me. Wow... Okay... That's still not sunk in... Wait!... No, it still hasn't... Wow!

"Okay Emily. This is your microphone, you will have the purple one. Can you please start counting numbers into the microphone so we can get the levels right," the man instructed.


"That's perfect, thank you. Tiffany do you want her to run a song so she can get used the the stage and lights and everything?"

Yes please. Although she is a dancer, so the lights and surroundings won't be a problem. Emily if you sing Thinking Out Loud. Don't worry about 100% effort, try about 85% then you're on voice rest until the show,"

I did as I was told and began singing. Sounds weird hearing my voice be projected like this. A good weird.

After my soundcheck, it was Bars and Melody's and Overload's. I just headed into the dressing room to grab my phone and then just sat in the green room (the room where you can wait for your turn on stage. Not literally a green room).

"Emily," I look up from Facebook and see Kyle and Becca stood there.


"We're sorry," Kyle apologised.

"Sorry won't change anything. The amount of times people have said sorry to me, to me it's just another word in the dictionary,"

"Told you," Becca said to Kyle.

"What have I done to you Becca? I have been there for you through everything,"

"Emily! Look where you are now! You have your own tour, been in countless videos and on Broadway, you have the perfect boyfriend who you're engaged to. You just have everything!"

"So your jealous?"

"Congratulations, you finally noticed!"

"Why did you bring Charlie into this?"

She remained silent.

"You.. Like him don't you,"

She remained silent and just looked at the floor guiltily.

"I'm not dealing with this now. I am enough stressed as it is. Just, stay away from Charlie. Okay?"

Again silence. I sighed and walked off. I now know that one of my supposed best friends likes my fiancé. How would you feel? Well, I can tell you how I feel. It feels awful. There's a pit at the bottom of my stomach.

"Emily? Are you okay?" Charlie asked putting his head round the corner.

Do I tell him?

A/N really like this chapter! Do you think Emily should tell him?
I have a question that I've always wondered... How did you guys find my book 'You Are My World'? Please let me know because I find it so cool how almost 55,000 people have just happened to stumble over it. So please let me know!☺️
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for Al the votes/comments/follows/reads, it means the world!
Love ya✌️

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