Chapter 29

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We packed ours bags and printed our plane tickets off in the hotel's library. We caught a taxi to the airport and told them to hurry as the plane was leaving soon, it was a last minute flight.

I can't help but panic. I can't stop shaking and I'm constantly checking my phone. I'm so worried.

"Em baby, Mel will be okay," Charlie soothed and ran his hand down my thigh.

"But you don't know that," I snapped. I know I shouldn't of done, but I just can't help it.

"Em, we have to remain positive," he said. It's times like these when Charlie is so supportive. Even if I do snap.

"Thanks Charl, I'm sorry I snapped. I don't mean it," I apologised.

"Come here," he said pulling me towards his chest. "It's okay. I know you're worried but she's in the best possible place. They'll be doing the best they can for her,"

"We're at the airport. That will be £15.65," the taxi driver stated. Charlie handed him to money and we got our luggage out and headed to the terminal. As the plane was leaving in 30 minutes, we had a special service to get through all of the customs first.

Before I even new it, we were sat on the plane and taking off. This will be one long flight...

**15 hours later**

I don't think I've ever rushed through customs as fast in my life, ever. But I need to get to the hospital. Charlie and I dropped our bags off at home quickly and got back in the car to go to the hospital.

"You alright?" Charlie asked as he pulled out of our driveway.

"I will be when I see her,"

"We'll be there soon, I promise," Charlie said as we headed to the hospital.

The ride seemed to last forever, and I mean it. I just wanted to see Mel. During the journey, Charlie put Capital FM on the radio to try and cheer me up and make me less stressed. You all know me by now, I get stressed so easily (we remember what happened last time I got stressed) and I don't let it go until I know it's all okay. We arrived at the hospital twenty minutes later and I literally ran down the corridor to Mel's room. I burst through the door and ran to her bedside.

"Emily! Charlie! What are you doing here? Why aren't you in Hawaii?" Mum asked bewildered that we came.

"Mel needs me here," I said as I hugged mum.

"Oh Emily. What about your honeymoon?" Mum asked.

"Angela, we'd rather make sure that Mel is okay," Charlie smiled reassuringly. I went over to Mel. She looks so peaceful. Her soft brown hair is in cute plaits. Obviously done by mum. Her little face looked smaller than ever and she just looked drained. Tears started falling as I pulled my sleeve up to my lips, what I always do when I'm crying.

"Baby, you okay," Charlie asked as he came up behind me and rest his arms on my waist. I shook my head in response. No words could physically get out of my mouth. None. I have been through this and I know how horrible it is so I hoped Mel would never have to experience this.

"What have the doctors said?" I managed to get out.

"They haven't said too much. Just that we were lucky they got to her in time. There's a 75% chance she might slip into a coma but it won't be a deep one. If that happens, she will 100% wake up, we just don't know how long she will be out," Jordi explained coming over. I can't cope with this. I turned around into Charlie's chest and burst out into more tears.

Sometimes, life just isn't fair...

A/N quite a sad chapter. Sorry there wasn't an update last night but I went to see my friend in hospital at Leeds then went to my other friend's house and we were out by the campfire until like 1:30am then I had dance today so I've been super busy ahaha. Hope you enjoyed this Chapter, let me know what you think and what you predict will happen in the comments! Thank you for all the votes/comments/follows/reads!
Love ya✌🏼

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