Chapter 35

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Once everyone had calmed down from the news, I took Charlie's hand and lead him outside onto the patio.

"Em what's wrong?" Charlie said, running his hands down my arms.

"Dad. As soon as we told him, he stormed out," I said.

"Do you want me to talk to him and see what's up?" He asked.

"Please Char. I don't want him to ruin this for us,' I said before giving him a quick kiss on the lips and leaving to go back and enjoy the night... Hopefully.

Charlie's POV

Whatever problem Emily's dad has with us having a baby, he needs to take up with me. We're happy and that's all I care about. So long as Emily and the baby are healthy then all will somehow be okay. I walked into the kitchen to see Richard sat at the table. I (uncomfortably) sat down next to him and did an awkward cough to get his attention. Sharply, he looked up.

"Richard, I don't mean to be rude as I respect you a lot. But can I ask, how come you walked out when we announced Em's pregnancy?" I didn't want to say 'stormed out' as he's Emily's dad at the end of the day so I need to be respectful and stay on his good side.

"She's growing up. She's got her life sorted. I sound pathetic but she's my little girl. I'm going to be a grandad. She has you, a successful career, a nice house and soon a little family of her own. She doesn't need me. She's got you now. Jordi is moving into a house with the boys and well, we know Mel's state. It's all just happening too fast,"

"Richard man, she'll always need you. I still ring my mum up for cooking help. It'll be a changed but change is good. We may not be the best parents ever, but we're going to give it a damn good go. No matter what, Emily will always need you. When you walked out, I saw her heart sink as she thought she'd disappointed you,"

"I'll go give her a hug and congratulate her. Congratulations on the pregnancy Charlie. Emily's done well to find a lad like you," Richard said as he got up, patted my back and left to the lounge, assuming to go see Emily. No sooner had Richard left, Leo walked in to get a drink.

"Charl? You alright bro?" He asked concern looming in his voice.

"Yeah, Richard was just soaking it all in,"

"It's a big day when your daughter tells you she's having a kid,"

"Shut urpppp. So when you tying the knot with Victoria aye?" I grinned nudging him.

"Not sure," he smirked. Laughing, we both walked back into the lounge and I saw Emily and her dad talking and smiling so that must mean that everything is okay.

Emily's POV

After everyone left, Charlie and I decided to go visit Mel to tell her about the baby. We found her room, by now I knew this hospital like the back of my hand which wasn't a good thing. She's still laying there, lifeless but still breathing. Which means there's hope. Which means she hasn't given up. Which means we shouldn't give up either. Both Charlie and I pulled up Charlie's to Mel's bedside and I gently stroked her hand.

"Hey Mel, it's only me. Well it seems like I haven't seen your pretty little face in ages but in fact it has only been two days. Charlie and I have some big news to tell you, I know you can hear us so I'm going to tell you because I know you'll be excited when you wake up. I'm pregnant. That's right, you're going to be an Auntie. Auntie Mel, sounds cute doesn't it. It's got a little ring to it. I like it anyway. We only found out yesterday so it's all very new but I'm only one week in so I've got a long way to go. No one knows the gender yet, we find out at the scan in a couple of weeks. I bet you want a girl so you can play dress up when she's older, but even if the baby is a boy I'm sure he won't mind being Elsa. I miss you Mel. I miss seeing your smile and your cute run up to me when you see me. For five years old I can't believe how brave you're being. I know you can do this sis, I love you so much. How about this, when you get out of this place, I'll take you on a shopping spree where we can all new clothes for you and the baby. Pull through Mel you can do this, I know you can. I'm going to go now as I'm going to cry and I don't want you hearing that as you've got enough on your plate without worrying about me. Right, I'll see you later sis. I love you," I said with tears slipping my eyes as I kissed her forehead tenderly.

Charlie embraced me into a comforting hug (just what I needed). He intertwined our hands as we left the hospital.

A/N emotional chapter😭tell me your thoughts and feelings in the comments! I hope you're all having a magical weekend and to all those with exams, good luck and it's the final leg of the journey, you can do it. I have to go to Thomas Land with my cousin tomorrow for his birthday... Woo... I think. Thank you for all the votes/comments/follows/reads
Love ya✌🏼️

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