Chapter 36

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A/N please read the authors note at the bottom, it's important. Thanks x

So now I'm 10 weeks pregnant and today is my first scan. My belly is showing a little but I'm still managing to dance which is a bonus, just not the acro/gymnastics side obviously. The baby has begun kicking and moving, it occasionally hurts, and that excited Charlie and I as it made it feel that more real. We don't want to decorate the nursery just yet as we want to find out the gender so we can make it that bit more personal.

It's 11:15am, my appointment is at 11:30, so currently I am sat eating my cereal whilst Charlie is ready. He better hurry up. I can't stand being late anywhere. It annoys me so much it's unbelievable.

"Charlie hurry up! We're to be late!" I yelled from the bottom of the stairs as I put my bowl in the dishwasher and slipped my ballet flats onto my feet.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. I'm here," he said running down the stairs, car keys in hand, and throwing his Nike Airs on. He kissed my lips softly which made me smile as he grabbed my hand and rushed for the front door. However, I pulled him back sharply.

"Charlie, I love you," I smiled as he turned around.

"I love you too. Let's go find out the gender of our baby," he grinned. We locked up the house and headed to our local Doctors Surgery.

We arrived and we signed in. Within a couple of minutes, we heard "Emily Mary Lenehan," being called form the doors. We followed the nurse into the room and I sat on the chair coincidently giving my bag to Charlie, who sat next to me on the chair.

"So how are we doing today Emily?" The doctor asked.

"I'm good thank you. How are you?" I politely asked.

"Good thank you. So, how many weeks are you predicting that you are along?"

"Approximately 10 weeks,"

"Okay let's have a look shall we," the doctor said whilst applying the spine-chilling jelly to my stomach; making me squeal slightly at the shock. The scanner found it's way to my stomach and soon enough I could hear the heartbeat.

Ba dum, ba dum, ba dum, ba dum.

Like a drum.

I can hear it. My baby's heartbeat.

"Oh," the doctor said. A look of pure panic flashed through my face as I sharply looked at Charlie whilst grabbing his hand tightly.

"Is everything okay?" Charlie cautiously asked.

"It is if you were expecting twins," the doctor stated blankly.

Twins. As in, two babies. As in, double. Two babies growing inside of me. My mouth was left hanging open. I can't believe this. Twins. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they're there and I'm over the moon. It's just that's a lot of pressure; and with Charlie's career and mine, I had my doubts about what one would do, now two.

"That's amazing! Incredible," I hear Charlie saying. Oh, I'd snapped into my own little daydream.

"Do you really think so?" I sheepishly asked Charlie.

"Don't you?"


"Em, if you're worried about the fact that there's two babies, don't worry. I'm going to be here, right here next to you, every step of the way. It's going to be hard, but we can make it work, I promise," Charlie reassured. I'm so glad that I have Charlie, I don't know how I'd get through everything in one piece otherwise.

"Thank you Charl, I'm so happy that both of our babies are going to be okay,"

"So am I princess,"

"Well it looks like you are two weeks further than you thought, which makes you twelve weeks along. Would you like to know the genders?" I nodded eagerly. "It's looks like baby A is a... Boy! And baby B is a... Girl! Congratulations. And here are your babies..." The doctor announced, turning the screen so we could see.

There they are. Right on that screen. Our babies. Growing inside of me. My handsome son and my beautiful daughter. Wow. I look to the side of me and see Charlie crying with happiness.

He's such a softie when it comes to me and our family.

A/N so SURPRISE! It's twins! Predictions on names below please! Whooo! Only 14 chapters remaining... Oooooo...
Updates may be a bit weird for the next week and a half for a few reasons:
~ it's my mums first Father's Day without her dad (my grandad) so it's affecting all of us
- Dance auditions for Once Upon A Fairytale are on Friday
- end of year exams are next week and I'm stressing

The main the main thing I wanted to announce is very important... I'm going to be entering 'You Are My World' into the #Wattys2015 so please can you get all of your friends to read and please promote it with the #Wattys2015 on social media as it would mean the absolute world to me as I feel that you guys have all done so much for me that this would be a really cool thing to happen. Also, we all know the power of the Bambinos💪🏼 so please promote anywhere, if be eternally grateful. You can tag me on Twitter/Instagram with @emywalton (me) and the #Wattys2015
Thank you all so much for everything you all do!
Love ya✌🏼️

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