Chapter 24

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Today is the day. Today is the day that I marry Charlie.

Turns out mum, Victoria, Leo and Charlie all knew that Shannon was coming as a surprise so they ordered her a bridesmaid dress weeks ago. Jemima, Victoria, Shannon and Imogen have all taken my phone off me to avoid my having any sort of contact with Charlie. At first I was reluctant but eventually gave in.

My day started by Mel and Brooke running as fast as they could into my old room and launching themselves onto my bed. (The girls wouldn't let me stay in their room as apparently I needed a 'good night sleep').

"Emily! Emily! Emily! Wake up! The hair and makeup lady will be here soon to make you look beautiful!" Brooke shouted whilst jumping up and down. I got out of bed and hopped in the shower and washed my hair thoroughly; it had to be perfect for today. I used my new body scrub and once out, I blow dried my hair and put some joggers and a vest top on. I didn't do anything with my hair as that's the stylist's job.

"Emily, the stylists are here," Jemima said, pooping her head round the door.

"Okay, I'm coming down now,"

"Are you excited?"

"Yeah and nervous,"

"Don't be, it's Charlie," she smiled as we went downstairs to be greeted by everyone and handed a bacon sandwich as the stylists got set up.

I sat in the chair as they begin to work their magic. I'm having my hair in a twisted back braid with the rest down and curled. My make up is foundation, eyeliner, slight smokey eyes, a lot of mascara (as my eyelashes are super small) and red lips. It looked great.
The girls all had their hair down with the front pinned back whereas Brooke and Mel had plaits.

So far, everything is going as planned. Now it's almost time to go. Mum brought my dress out as everyone 'awed' and I couldn't help but look like the Cheshire Cat. I went into my room and slipped into my dress and heels. I love them. Mum came in and attached the veil, with the help of the stylist so she didn't ruin my hair. Tears began to form in the corners of her eyes.

"Mum, why are you crying?" I asked.

"Because you've grown up so fast. I doesn't seem like two minutes ago that you were born,"

"Aw mum," I smiled and hugged her tightly.

Soon enough the cars arrived, white limousines. Dad and I were going in the last one and everyone else in the first one so that they arrived first. We set off and headed for church. This was cute, spending time with my dad.

"You know that no matter who you live with, how far you are away, how old you get, you will always be Daddy's little princess," he said.

"I know dad, I love you,"

"I love you too darling. Right, we're here. Let's go give you away," he smiled as the driver opened the door for us and dad helped me out. Mum and Karen had gone in and taken their seats. The girls were all waiting when I got there. I was about to marry Charlie.

The music started and I linked arms with dad. Mel and Brooke headed down the isle in front of the packed church. Then Imogen and Kyle, then Jemima and Nick. Now it's my turn.

The audience stood up and turned around but Leo made sure that Charlie stayed facing forwards. I could see his arms were together in front of him. I held my red and white roses bouquet and started walking down, being careful not to fall. I couldn't help but walk in time to the music. Dancer genes in me.

All my family, Charlie's family and our friends were all watching. I smiled as I walked towards the front.

As I arrived, Victoria and Shannon took my bouquet as dad kissed my cheek and went to sit with mum as Leo left Charlie's side, signalling that he could turn around.

His amazing smile and dimples appeared as he looked me up and down. Charlie hugged me tightly, kissing my lips lightly.

"You look like a princess, beautiful," he whispered into my ear (making me blush) as he intertwined our fingers.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to witness the marriage of Charlie-Joe Lenehan-Green and Emily Mary Whitworth," the vicar started. "To join this man and this woman in holy matrimony. If any person can show just cause on why they may not be joined together, speak now or forever hold your silence,"

*tumbleweed moment followed by a slight laugh*

"Through marriage, Charlie-Joe and Emily make a commitment together to face their disappointments, embrace their dreams, realise their hopes and accept each other's failures. Charlie-Joe and Emily will promise one another to aspire these ideals throughout their lives together, through mutual understanding, openness and sensitivity together. Time for the vows. Charlie-Joe, you will go first,"

"Emily, when I met you, you were a 14 year old girl who dreamt of making it big in the dance industry. I was there from the start and I promise I will be to the end. Now you are 17 and the most beautiful girl I have ever met. You're kind, caring and you know me better than I know myself. We've had our ups and downs but it's brought us back stronger than ever. Emily, I've loved you since I was 15 and I'll love you forever more," Charlie said, taking both my hands. Tears formed.

"Charlie, I always knew you as Leo's best friend for about a year before I finally met you. I didn't just fall for your looks, it was everything else as well. That time in my life was really tough but you were there throughout, you held my hand even though you lived 192 miles away. When you moved closer, 191 miles closer, I knew that it would be the best thing ever. I've supported you since before I had even met you and I will love you forevermore and that is a promise," I smiled.

"Do you Charlie-Joe Lenehan-Green take Emily Mary Whitworth to be your loving wife, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only to her as long as you live until death do you part?"

"I do,"

"Do you Emily Mary Whitworth take Charlie-Joe Lenehan-Green to be your loving husband, to live together after God's ordinance in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon her your heart's deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto her as long as you live until death do you part?"

"I do,"

"May I have the rings please," the vicar asked as Leo handed him them then sat back next to Victoria. "The ring is an endless circle, a symbol of the covenant you are making here today.
Charlie-Joe, as you place this ring on Emily's finger, say 'As I place this ring on your finger, I pledge myself to you, I am yours',"

Charlie took the ring. It was perfect. He insisted on buying them without me looking. It was a simple silver band with an infinity sign at the top. However, engraved inside was 'always and forever'. I gasped and my hand went to my lips.

"As I place this ring on your finger, I pledge myself to you, I am yours," Charlie slid the ring onto my finger so it joined with my engagement ring. I couldn't help but admire it.

"Emily, your turn," the vicar said.

Charlie's ring was a simple, plain band but the words 'always and forever' were, once again, engraved on the inner section.

"As I place this ring on your finger, I pledge myself to you, I am yours," I grinned as Charlie took both my hands in his once more.

"Then by the power invested in me by God, I know pronounce you husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Lenehan. You may now kiss the bride,"

Charlie and I looked into each other's eyes as he grabbed my waist and pulled me into a loving kiss. Our first kiss as Mr and Mrs Lenehan.

A/N this chapter is my most favourite that I have ever written! It's so cute🙈🙊 If you're wondering how I knew what the vicar said, Google is great. The outfit is all in the media section. I hope you liked this chapter as much as I loved writing it! Thank you for all the votes/comments/reads/follows, they mean the absolute world to me!
Love ya✌🏼️

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