Chapter 48

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It's been a few weeks and it's the BAM gig today. I'm really excited but also nervous for my solo. I'll be fine, I'm used to it. I'm trying to get Siân dressed but she's really moody today.

"Mummy no. Mummy I don't want to. Mummy no," she says stropping.

"Siân don't say no to me. Come on, we're going to see daddy and Uncle Leondre sing at a concert," I said trying to bribe her.

"Will Auntie Victoria be there?" She asked.

"Yeah," I smiled. She grinned at this and finally let me put her pretty little dress over her head and straighten it out. I let her go and play in the garden with Cody as I finished getting my costume together along with my makeup, nappy bag and a change of clothes for the twins; you never know what may happen. The bags went to the car as I locked up and got the twins. Life is hard having two of them.

"Mummy, Sian's chasing me," Cody said in a scared tone as he ran towards me and clung onto my legs.

"Siân stop it now," I scowled whilst picking Cody up and drying his tears.

"Mummy I want picking up too," Siân said.

"Let me lock up," I did as I said and picked her up to carry them both to the car.

"Mummy, where's daddy?" Cody asked.

"He's meeting us there, he had extra practise baby," I said as I finished buckling them both in and drove out of the drive and towards the venue, which was two hours away. Great. A two hour journey with twins moaning on my own. Thanks Charlie.

We soon arrived, greeted by Charlie and Leo.

"Daddy!" Siân said unbuckling her car seat and getting out of the car. She ran into his arms as I followed closely with Cody on my hip. 

"Siân Grace Lenehan what have daddy and I told you about getting out the car without either of us to help you. You could've fallen or got run over by fast cars. Don't ever do that again," I scolded. She just nodded and ran to Leondre, who picked her up and took her in the venue.

"How's my handsome little man?" Charlie cooed, ticking Cody as he giggled. "And not forgetting my gorgeous baby," he said snaking his arm around my waist and kissing my lips. "You ready for today?"

"Yeah I should be. How long until the doors open?" I asked.

"An hour so we better get inside before the cues start," he explained whilst grabbing the final bag from the car and leading Cody and I inside. We were lead backstage to where I saw my best friend sat.

"Hola Victoria!" I exclaimed, putting Cody down and hugging Victoria tightly. I haven't seen her in about a week but it feels like an eternity.

"How's things?" She asked.

"Chaos but what would you expect. How's things with you?"

"Leo and I have just bought a house together," she proudly announced.

"Congratulations! Hey, you can now have the twins overnight," I smirked.

"In your dreams Lenehan," she laughed.

The four of us were talking for the best part of 45 minutes and it felt like old times, apart from the fact that Leo and Charlie were playing with jigsaw pieces on the floor. We were laughing before the stage manager called.

"Emily, you have 30 minutes until you're on," he shouted with his head around the door.

"Okay," I acknowledged.

"Em, we'll take Cody and Siân to backstage so they can see everything whilst Vicki helps you get ready," Leo stated. We all went our separate directions. Victoria help with my hair as I did my makeup, seeing as we only had 30 minutes and I had to warm up too.

My costume was a gorgeous two-piece mint green skirt with a mint green and silver drape connecting the two-pieces. Also, it was covered in rhinestones. I mean, who doesn't love rhinestones. As soon as I was ready, Victoria helped me stretch by pushing my leg as far as it can go etc.

Soon enough, I was stood by the side of the stage ready to go on.

"Good luck Mumum," Cody and Siân shouted. As I looked down on them, I noticed that they had cute little banners which read "Good Luck Mummy" on one and "No1 Mummy Dancer" on the other. It was too cute for words.

"Aw thank you my gorgeous babies," I said hugging them both before planting kissed on their foreheads.

"Good luck Emily, I know you'll smash it like you always do," Leo and Victoria smiled. Again, I hugged them both. Last but by no means least, Charlie's turn.

"Good luck my amazingly talented baby, I love you,"

"I love you more," I grinned before briefly kissing his lips and standing ready to go on. The stage manager gave me the all clear and I headed out onto the stage and took my position in front of the screaming crowd.

My music began and I just enjoyed every single minute of it. As much as I love my little family, I've missed being on stage. The exhilaration of the cheers and applauses which fill your soul with pride and determination. I finished my dance and did a curtesy before running back off to hugs all around.

"Mummy, I'm proud of you," Siân and Cody shouted, hugging me tightly.

"Thank you baby," I cooed. Everyone else congratulated me as well. Now it was Leo and Charlie's turn. They had arranged for us to sit on the other side of the boundary, obviously protected by security. Victoria took Cody so I only had to focus on making sure Siân was okay, it being their first gig and all. Security sat either side of us and I gripped onto Sian's waist so that she could still move but I had a firm hold of her. As the boys began singing, the twins were cheering and jumping up and down in support of their dad and uncle. It was so cute. The boys kept looking down and smiling when they saw them.

We were now almost at the end of the concert.

"I want to invite two very special people onto the stage. Emily and I have tried to keep them out of the limelight as much as possible but they're here today to watch. So can you please welcome my son Cody and my daughter Siân up onto the stage please,"

I encouraged them forwards as security helped them up and Charlie and Leo bent down. The twins ran to Charlie and hugged him; earning an 'aww' from the crowd. I couldn't help but Instagram it. Cute.

"Victoria, Emily come on up as well," Leo smiled so we did. I picked up Siân as Cody clung onto Charlie's jumper for dear life, scared of the crowd.

"Aw Cody, it's okay," Charlie smiled.

"Come on, watch this. Bambinos, Cody is nervous about being in front of you all so on the count of three, yell as softly as you can 'we love you Cody and Siân'. Got it?" Leo said. They cheered. I saw Victoria filming it stood next to me.

"WE LOVE YOU CODY AND SIÂN!" The crowd shouted softly, if that's a thing. The twins wanted to stay up on stage for the last twenty minutes of the gig, which was fine by me as security prevented them running off the edge of the stage, so Victoria and I resumed to our previous places of just in front of the barriers. Cody and Siân were smiling all the way through.

A/N so this is the longest chapter I've wrote in a long time so I'm really happy with that. I went to the beach today, sand gets warm. Oh, and tip. Don't fall asleep on a sun bed with your back facing the sun. I did that on day 1 and burnt my back....... Oops!
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Love ya✌🏼️
P.S there aren't any fit lads around the pool, damn hahahaha

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