Chapter 19

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Please can you all read the A/N at the end, I really need your help xxx


"Miss Emily Whitworth has collapsed I'm afraid. We are led to believe that this is due to high stress levels. We aren't sure where she will go from here as of yet but I will ensure to keep you updated," the doctor announced.

"Am I allowed to go see my sister?" Jordi politely asked from his tear-stained face. Emily and Mel really do mean the world to him. I've never seen him so protective of two people ever, even his past girlfriends.

"Yes, only two at a time though," the doctor said before walking away down the corridor. Jordi sighed and stood up.

"Leo, will you come in to see her with me? I can't do it on my own," Victoria spoke quietly.

"Of course princess," Leo replied. Leo was finally with someone he really cared about. I've never seen him as happy before he met Victoria.

"That means that you and I will go in now," I said indicating Jordi. We pushed the door open to reveal Emily laid there lifeless in the bed.

Tears struggled down my face. I'm not one to cry, however if it's either Emily or Brooke it's different. They are my world. Without either I'd be lost. They are my barriers and they keep me grounded. When fans or TV/radio presenters ask 'how do you stop all the fame getting to your head?' I simply reply with 'my little sister Brooke and my girlfriend (more recently fiancé) Emily as they were there for me before everything since Britain's Got Talent'. Sounds cheesy, I know. But I don't care. She's my everything and she's laying there, not even responding.


Here I am. Sat next to my sister. Trying to get her to respond but having no luck. Charlie's stood at the other side, deep in thought. I'm technically Emily's guardian on tour as Charlie and her aren't married yet. I can't believe I didn't see how much stress she had put on herself. She was meant to enjoy this but it's turned like this.

I gently grabbed her cold hands.

"Emily, it's Jordi. I know you can hopefully hear me. Well, please wake up. I need you. Mel needs you. Leo needs you. Victoria needs you. Charlie needs you. We all need you. Forget about all the stress, you just need to enjoy your tour and let haters hate because you never see a hater that's doing better than you, do you? Haha. Anyway, I know you can pull though and we will all be waiting right here for you when you do. I promise. Okay, I'm going to go back to the waiting room now so Charlie can speak to you in private but don't worry, I'm only the other side of that door. I love you little sis, though I suppose you're not that little anymore as you're getting married. I love you," I finished before I lightly kissed her forehead. I hugged Charlie then left to go wait outside.


What Jordi said was the cutest thing ever. I sat in the opposite chair and moved her soft, blonde hair out of her beautiful face. Even when she's out of it, she's still perfect to me. How did I get so lucky to land a girl like Emily? For a start, we had to try and make a relationship work over 196 miles. But we managed it. I've hurt her so many times that I honestly thought we would break up for good. That's how close it's come. But no, I'm now marrying her. The girl of my dreams. The girl I have known since I was 14 and she was 13. The girl I am now marrying. The girl that has been there for me through all the hate. The girl I love.

I sit, stroking her hand through my fingertip.

"I know you can do this Em. I'm sorry I wasn't helping out with all the stress. I should of taken some of the responsibly off you. I'm sorry. I love you baby, wake up,"

Infinite Love (Charlie Lenehan Fanfiction)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ