Chapter 49

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It's almost the twins first birthday. What. When did they grow up. I can't believe my babies are almost 1 year old. Where has this year gone?

Currently, Charlie and I are cuddling the morning after the concert.

"Hmmm. This is nice. Just cuddling without the twins," Charlie said whilst playing with my hair.

"Yeah it is. We haven't done this is so long," I smiled, kissing his soft lips.

Five minutes later, Siân and Cody came toddling in and tried jumping on the bed next to Charlie. However, they're still too small, bless.

"You want help," Charlie asked.

"Yeah please dada," they both said. Charlie brought them up and planted them both in the middle of us whilst they giggled. We tickled them until the physically couldn't take anymore.

"Mumma stop itttttttt," they giggled. Once we stop, they bounced on us giving us tight hugs.

"What are you both wanting for your birthday?" Charlie asked.

"Princess',"  Siân shouted.

"Fotty ball," Cody shouted. Cody has developed this love of kicking a ball around. I don't get it but he drags Charlie regularly into the garden to play. It's quite funny because I know, deep down, that he hopes Cody will follow in his footsteps.

"Siân are we going to get you in dance class with Miss Abbey next year?" I asked. She was always dressing up in my costumes and running round. It was cute until she insists on wearing them for dinner, to which o have to refuse. I don't want them spoiling. One of my dreams for her is for her to wear my national winning so costume for 'Crying For No Reason' for her national title, if she wants to go down that route. It may sound like Charlie and I want them to be exactly like us. That's a lie. Yes it would be lovely for them to follow in our footsteps but at the end of the day, they're their own person. If Cody wants to take up football and be the next David Beckham, I'll support him one hundred percent. If Siân decides she wants to be the world's best medical doctor, I'll support her one hundred percent.

The twins soon got bored sitting with us so they went to go play in their room.

"We really need to plan their birthday party," I said, sitting on Charlie's knee.

"How about we just get everyone round here," he suggested.

"That sounds good. But when will we set it up without them knowing?" I asked, playing with the back of Charlie's hair.

"When they're having their afternoon nap. It shouldn't take too long to put some banners and pump some balloons up," Charlie said. "we can get Jordi, mum, your mum and dad, Mel, Brooke, Leo, Victoria and the rest of Overload to help as well,"

Two hours later we let Karen look after the twins as Charlie and I went shopping for their presents. I want their birthday to be the best ever; even if, when they're older, they won't remember it. We piled into the car and set off to the shopping centre in Leeds.

Charlie and I arrived and headed straight for Toys R Us as we'd already preordered the twin's presents so it was just a case of getting decorations. For the theme, we decided to go with what Siân and Cody wanted: football and princess. Hmm... Not too sure on how them themes can be put together. Princess footballer's maybe?

A/N I'm so sorry that this is so late. I hope you can understand that I'm on holiday with family so it's family time (yay... I suppose haha). Also I had really bad writer's block for this chapter so I may edit it later but I'm fairly happy with it. One chapter to go.........
Thank you for all the votes/comments/reads/follows. I can't believe I have over 1K on this book - over 3K votes in total on 2 books! I'm so grateful, thank you all so much!
Love ya✌🏼️

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