Chapter 30

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Charlie's POV

Since we've got back, life hasn't exactly been easy. Emily is visiting the hospital every day without fail, I tend to go every other day to give her some space. Leo and I have been busy in the studio getting the album ready so I haven't been there for Em as much as I probably should and I feel bad, I really do but the album is important too. Just, a different sort of important.

"You all okay with that then Charlie?" The producer says. I really need to start paying attention in these meetings.

"Erm... Yeah totally," I reply, hoping that this is the answer that they're looking for.

"Great, Charlie will be our representative in Alaska for the next two years," the producer said.

"Wait. What? No!" I panicked. They can't do that!

"Then I suggest you start paying attention Charlie," he said. Phew, he's only joking, I was going to say...

"Char, he's talking about the album name. Are we definitely sure we want to call it 143?" Leo prompted.

"Yeah absolutely," I agreed.

"Right then, it'd sorted. The release date is on the 21st August 2015," the producer announced so we both got up and shook his hands. I can't believe we have our album coming out! That is amazing. I only dreamt of things like this. Leo and I say our goodbyes as we get into my car and I go to drop Leo off at his and Victoria's house. Oh yeah, forgot to mention with everything going on, Leo and Victoria moved in with each other whilst we were away. How cute.

"How's Emily and more importantly Mel?" Leo asked as I drove down the road.

"Mel's not doing too well. There's a possibility that she'll slip into a light coma but she hasn't woke up in about a week. Emily's alright I guess. She's just struggling with coping with everything all at once. She has had intense dance training for the last couple of days which has been good as it's taken her mind off everything,"

"Aw mate. Anyway, I'll text you both tomorrow. Night bro," Leo said as we hugged and he got out my car.

"Night bro," I said as the door swung shut and I drove home. I reached home and unlocked the door. It was empty meaning that Em was still out. I out my keys on the side and out my shoes on the rack. I turned the mini TV on in the kitchen and started cooking dinner: Enchiladas with salad; mum taught me well.

Emily's POV

So for the last few days, Miss Abbey has been doing intense classes with us. I've had a few videos to dance in as well so they've been fun and taken my mind off Mel. I still worry about her like crazy, she's my little sister. I saw her this morning and he condition has gotten slightly worse over night which is worrying.

I've hardly seen anything of Charlie since we returned from Hawaii as he's been busy with album stuff and I with dance. The only time we've seen each other is when we get home, which can be quite late. I think he's at Leo's but I'm not sure. After dance, I got Kyle to drop me off home, I really need to take my driving test. I thanked him and opened my front door to the luscious smell of Enchiladas. Mmmmm! They've made my day 10x better.

I put my bag on the counter and take my shoes off. I then re pick up my bag and take it upstairs and into our room. As I open the door, I see Charlie coming out of the ensuite dressed in joggers and a long top.

"Hey baby girl," Charlie smiles as he engulfs me in a warm hug.

"Hey Charl," I say back, my head nestled firmly in his chest.

"I've missed seeing your gorgeous face these last couple of days,"

"Not as much as I've missed yours," I smile and kiss him on his lips.

"You take a shower and get into comfys and I'll dish up dinner and we'll spend all night watching films. Sound like a plan?"

"Absolutely," I said planting another quick kiss on his lips before going into the en suite and turning the shower on. The hot water attacked my back, healing it of all the pain from the last few days or so. Once I was out, I put my fabric shorts and Charlie's top on; on him it was okay however on me it was baggy. I wiped the remainder of my makeup off and went downstairs to see the film The Spectacular Now loaded into DVD player and our two meals on trays with duvets and pillows. Th curtains were drawn shut to eliminate the light. I sat down as Charlie came back in and we pressed play and started to eat.

"This is nice," Charlie said turning to me.

"Yeah it is, just you and me,"

"Spending time with my beautiful wife who I sometimes take for granted and I'm sorry about that," Charlie said taking a bite of his enchiladas.

"It's okay Char, I'm always going to be here," I reminded setting our trays down on the floor because we'd finished. I snuggled into his side and he looped his arm around me. I could feel him bury his head in my mountain of hair.

"I love you so much Em, don't let anyone tell you different,"

"I love you more Charlie,"

A/N little announcement... There are 19 chapters left of this book! That's it! I have it all planned and I hope that you're going to love it! I also have my next two fan fictions planned and they're going to be a Brooklyn Beckham one then either a Ryan Robertson or Leondre Devries one. I think you'll like them as well as they both have storylines which I think are quite unique and different to what I've read! So yeah, only 19 chapters remaining...
I hope you enjoyed this chapter, let me know in the comments. Thank you for all the votes/comments/follows/reads.
Love ya✌🏼️

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