Chapter 39

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I'm eight months pregnant and I've never been more uncomfortable in my life. Ever. I'm getting more stressed because I'm hormonal so I'm lashing out at people, mainly Charlie, without meaning to and the nursery isn't one hundred percent complete and just... Arghhhh.

I hate stress.

The doctors have told me I need to stop as it's affecting the babies. I'm trying, I promise.

"Charlie! Is the bag ready for the hospital?" I shouted, getting agitated.

"No," he shouted from upstairs.

"Why not?"

"Because I've been busy, I've not had time,"

"That's a stupid excuse, I knew you cared more about your career than you do me. Leave me alone," I harshly spat and stormed upstairs.

Charlie's POV

Woah. What happened there. Saying I don't care about her, is she crazy? I care for her more than she will ever know. I understand that she has mood swings and she's getting uncomfortable but there's boundaries. The babies aren't due for another couple of weeks so of course I haven't packed the hospital bag yet. I probably should've done but what's wrong with her doing it herself. Just because she's pregnant.

Leo and I have been working in the studio recording new material so I haven't exactly had spare time and any that I do have, I'm spending with Emily so she feels like I'm not forgetting her. It just feels like I can't do anything right anymore.

I sorted out the washing and went to take it upstairs into our bedroom. She's just lied there on the bed on her phone. I stay absolutely silent. Why should I apologise when it was her that did wrong.

Emily's POV

The silent treatment. Oh wow Charlie. How childish.

"Well are you going to say anything then?" I ask sharply.

"Why should I? You're the one that snapped at me and said I didn't care about you. Are you crazy? You honestly don't even see how much I love you. Lately, it feels like I can't do right for doing wrong. Everything I've done, you turn into something negative. Take today as an example. Today I've: recorded a song this morning, come home, made lunch for us both, hoovered the car and cleaned it, tidied that back room and finally done three loads of washing. All you've seen is that the hospital bag isn't ready. Well you know what, DO IT YOURSELF," Charlie shouted. He's right. I've been so selfish. How haven't I seen it.

"Charlie, I'm so sorry. I've been focusing on myself and the babies without thinking about you, which I should be doing. Charl, I love you so much, you don't even know how sorry I am," I cried getting up and hugging him tightly.

"It's okay baby. Couples fall out, we wouldn't be healthy if we didn't. I love you so much Em," he said planting little kisses along my forehead.

"I love you more Char," he hugged me tightly. I felt a slight pop in my stomach as I pool of water suddenly came oozing out of me.

"Em, I think you need the toilet..." Charlie giggled.

"No Char, I need that hospital bag. That's my waters, they've broke, the twins are on their way," I said.

"What? You're only eight months though. What... What if something's wrong?" Charlie panicked as he shoved things into the big suitcase as I grabbed my fluffiest pillow.

"Calm down. Just get me to the hospital," I said, taking deep breaths. I can't deny the fact that I'm nervous. What if something is wrong? What would happen to the twins? A million and one thoughts are spinning endlessly round my confused mind as I buckled my seatbelt and Charlie started driving.

I intertwined Charlie and I's fingers and looked lovingly at him.

"Let's go have our babies," I smiled, a glint of nervousness adamant in my eye.

A/N are the twins going to be okay? What will happen?
Good news, Exams are done! Updates will resume to regular times had once again, I'm extremely sorry for all the corruption but sometimes school has to come first! Please continue to #Wattys2015 and tag me on Twitter/Instagram and tell your friends to read and vote to earn shootouts!
Thank you so much for all the support, only 11 chapters left until we're finished!
Love ya✌🏼️
P.S anyone from the northern areas going to Can You Dance Leeds convention on Sunday?💃🏼

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