Thank You

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So this is it.
150 chapters.
One crazy year.
And a whole heap of thank you's along the way.

When I first started the whole book, I just wanted somewhere to tryout my writing skills and perhaps get 100 reads.
I reached that.
200 reads would be great I then thought.
I then reached that
Then it escalated in a whirlwind. You Are My World now has over 69 thousand read and 2 thousand votes. Infinite Love now has over 12 thousand reads and over 1 thousand votes. I can't even begin to explain how thankful I am to each and every single one of you. Whether you were here from the start or began reading last week, I love every single one of you.
You Are My World is now the third most voted for Charlie Lenehan fan fiction and the fourth most read Charlie Lenehan fan fiction. That is amazing. I honestly am flabbergasted.

During the time that I've been writing my book, I've had the best experiences of my life:
~ Florida
~ Alice In Wonderland
~ National Theatre Connections Hacktivists
~ Meeting and seeing Bars And Melody
~ Meeting and seeing Joey, Ryan, Ollie and loads more

But it's also brought the worst of my life. In November 2014, the day after Remembrance Day I lost my Grandad. I didn't know what to do. My whole family were in pieces as it was so sudden and un-expected. Then six weeks later, I lost my great-Grandad. It was hard for me as I had to remain strong for my younger brother and mum. But writing for you guys and reading all you're comments helped me so much. You're all so supportive it's unreal.

The fact that you take 1 minute out of you're life to comment on my book makes me so happy. I love writing for you guys.
I'm not going to ramble on any longer (thank you if you've read this far).

My new fan fiction "Not Quite Forbidden" (Brooklyn Beckham) is now up to read! I, going to be making a Leondre Devries one very shortly so make sure to follow me so you get notified and I'll post it on here too.

To keep up to date with any part of my life (not that you'd want to), here's my social media links:
Instagram: @emywalton
Twitter: @emywalton I'm very active on Twitter, just saying
Tumblr: hopefuldreamergirl Trying to figure out how to use Tumblr atm

Once again, a massive thank you to all of you. I love you all so much!
If any of you are at the Manchester BAM gig on Monday 2nd November, come say Hi!
Love ya✌🏼️

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