Chapter 20

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I took a drive once Emily had got out the car. I need to calm down because if I go back home like I'm feeling now, I'll end up breaking something out of frustration. I know she can't help it, but it still hurts.

I eventually got back home to my mum basically bombarding me.

"Charlie-Joe Lenehan-Green why the hell have kissed Becca? Your fiancé's upstairs on your bed crying wr eyes out with Brooke comforting her. Not you, Brooke,"

"Mum, I didn't do it I swear. The doctor said that she'll suffer slight memory disorientation so this is exactly what he was on about. Do you actually think I'd do that to her?"

"I suppose not Charlie. But go to her, Brooke shouldn't have to do this for you,"

I nodded and headed upstairs. From the other side of the door, I could hear Emily crying. A pit formed in the bottom of my stomach just hearing her cry. Allegedly I'd caused that. Technically I haven't though, the accident has.

I cautiously knocked in the door, when Brooke said a faint "come in," I entered my room. There she is. Lying on the bed, red eyes and tissues.

"Charlie why did you do it?" Brooke asked.

"Brooke, I know you care and I love you for it. But please can you give Emily and I some privacy, we need to sort this out together," I asked.

"Yeah, sure," she replied and left the room.

"Why did you do it Char? I warned you," Emily sobbed.

"Princess, I'd never do that to you, I promise,"

"Prove it. Ring Becca on loudspeaker,"

"Okay I will," I replied, taking her phone and dialling. This better work out. My marriage it literally on the line here.

"Hello? Emily?"

"Hi Becca, it's Charlie. Emily's sat here now and she's getting really upset as she thinks I've kissed you. Please confirm that it isn't true and I'm telling the truth,"

"Fine, I'll tell the truth. The truth is that... Charlie did kiss me. Bye losers," she replied, hanging up. I have no words. I'm frozen. Nothing. Nothing is coming out. Em burst into more tears. I have to prove that I'm innocent.

"I told you Charlie. You were even lying to my face. How could you do this?"

"Emily I promise with my whole heart. I didn't. I love you. Emily, please believe me,"

"I can't,"

"I'll ring Leo," I said dialling 'The Nutella Lion' on my contacts list and putting it on loudspeaker once again.

"Charl what's up?"

"Leo, you were with me all day on the day of the concert weren't you. When Emily was on stage, did I or did I not kiss Becca,"

"You didn't. You were sat with me in the green room the whole time,"

"Thanks bud," I answered and hung up.

"Char, I'm so sorry," she said getting up and sitting on my knee. Looping her legs and arms tightly around me and I hugging her at-the-minute fragile body.

"You can't help it princess. The doctor said you would suffer slight memory disorientation. I guess that is what this is. Don't worry Em, I'm not mad," I comforted, stroking her soft blonde hair.

"I love you Lenehan,"

"I love you more Whitworth,"


Argh I'm so angry at myself. Why would I ever believe that Charlie would do that to me? I'm so stupid.

"I'm so angry at Becca," I said to Charlie.

"Oh, because she lied on the phone?"


"Isn't she meant to be your bridesmaid?"

"Ha, looks like I'll have to un-ask her now. Imagine if she comes to the wedding. 'And you can now kiss the bride' then she runs up to kiss you,"

"Don't worry, I'll have security on hand,"

"Sounds weird hearing that. Like the fact that we need security,"

"All to keep you safe Em. We know what's happened in the past and everything,"

"You're cute sometimes," I grinned, messing up his hair.

"I'm cute all the time,"

"You're not when you're grumpy," I giggled.

"I'm never grumpy!" He sulked.

"I rest my case," I giggled. He just wrestled me onto the bed. He began tickling me and I hate tickling. I was screaming and kicking (whilst laughing).

Eventually he stopped. I just collapsed laughing on the bed.

"You may need to sort out the Becca thing now before it gets late,"

"Ugh yeah. Come with me?" I pleaded.

"Yeah course," Charlie smiled. Right, now to go sort this mess out. My life is so stressful.

A/N hey! Thank you for all the nice comments on my last chapter, they meant a lot to me. Hope you enjoyed this chapter! What do you think Becca will say?
Thank you for all the votes/comments/follows/reads!
Love ya✌🏼️

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