Chapter 12

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I know it may of seemed tight not wanting to talk to Emily about the honeymoon but that's only because I want to surprise her with something... I don't know what though. Hmm... Maybe Hawaii... I don't know.

"Em, come on baby. We need to get to the meeting. Leo's text me saying that he can't make it as the movie started late and stuff so I'll tell him everything," I told her and I sat up; we'd been cuddling on my bed.

"Okay," she replied, sorting her hair out in the mirror. I intertwined our fingers and I shouted to mum that we were leaving. We then hopped into my car and drove to the meeting.


I still don't know why I let Charlie drive. I'm so blonde...

Anyway, we arrived at the meeting bang on 3pm. It was to last an hour then I personally had to have a rehearsal with Kyle, Nick, Jemima, Imogen and Becca for the routines for tomorrow! Right now, Charlie, Overload, the dance guys, Blair, Miss Abbey, Tiffany and I were all sat down ready to start.

"Right so. The tour kicks off tomorrow in Leeds. Are we all excited?" Tiffany started, earning a massive cheer from us all. "That answers that. So, the tour buses will leave from the dance academy's car park at 12:30pm prompt. They will be open from around 11am for you to take all you're belongings into and get settled if you so wish. On bus 1 will be: Leondre Devries, Ryan Robertson, Jordi Whitworth, Ollie Garland, Andy Fowler, Joey Devries, Charlie Lenehan, Victoria and Emily. They don't need an adult as all of Overload are over 18. The second bus will have: Kyle, Becca, Imogen, Jemima, Nick, Blair, Miss Abbey and me on it,"

"What time will we arrive in Leeds?" Ryan asked.

"About 1pm but then we have to set up at the O2 Academy and is Une check and everything. The stage has to be clear by 4:30pm for final technical checks to be made and the audience to be allowed in at 6pm," Tiffany informed.

"You need to make sure, dancer's especially, that you all keep warmed up during that break time. The last thing we want is to do all this hard work in preparation, to get to the show and you not be able to perform because you've pulled your muscle or strained your voice. This is vital," Miss Abbey said.

After another forty five minutes of tour talk (which I won't bore you with now), we could finally leave for rehearsal. I kissed Charlie goodbye and said bye to the Overload boys, including Jordi, and headed in the direction of the dance studio with the guys.

"So, how's everyone feeling about tomorrow?" Jemima asked.

"Excited but nervous. Talk about the biggest crowd we've ever danced in front of," Imogen replied.

"That's not true, the one at Nationals two years ago was huge," I said.

"That's okay for you to say, you were on Broadway and being in a music video. You had it handed to you on a silver platter," Becca spat. Jemima quickly gave her a slap on her arm and 'the look'.

"It's not my fault that opportunities luckily came my way,"

"It's not by coincidence you know. You're Miss Abbey's favourite. As far as she's concerned, you're the only one who's going to make it big. So, she's ensured that that happened and had left the rest of us to fend for ourselves so that you could have amazing opportunities. Just take a look at the year you won Nationals, his many solos, duos, trios or groups danced did you have in that showcase? Most of the show, point proved," Becca continued.

"That's not true," I tried to defend.

"Really? Because that's what we believe," she said signalling the five of them.

"Do you all think this?" I asked them all.

A lingering silence hovered in the air.

"All this time, you guys have thought the same thing and not one of you. Not even you Kyle. Wow, some best-friends you guys are. You know what. Tell Miss Abbey I'm not feeling well and I'll catcher up tomorrow," I said, getting all upset. I walked in the opposite direction, down towards the lake.

How did they all think this and not tell me? It's not my fault I'm the favourite. I never asked for it. It just sort of happened I guess. I had no idea that it was effecting all of them as well. They should know me mad that I never want to hurt anyone.

ARGGHH! What shall I do? I leave for tour tomorrow so I'll have to spend two weeks solid with them on my debut tour. Which from the sounds of things, they're really jealous...

A/N what should she do?
Short update but I'm to update tomorrow! Hope you enjoyed you'd chapter, let me know as always! Thank you for all the continuous support!
Love ya✌️

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