Chapter 42

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"WAHHH WAHHH WAHHH WAHHH," Siân screamed from one of the Moses baskets at the end of Charlie and our's bed.

"She's got your lungs on her," I groaned with my head firmly in the pillow. It's 2am for gods sake.

"I'll get her," Charlie offered. As much as I weren't getting up to sort her out, I couldn't get back to sleep. So, still in the dark, I sat up in my bed and watched Charlie.

"Hush little baby don't say a word, mumma's going to buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird won't sing, mumma's going to buy you a diamond ring..." Charlie continued to quietly sing to Siân. It was honestly the cutest thing I've ever seen. I began to video it and upload it to my Instagram.


Look at daddy Charlie getting little Siân back to sleep, knew she'd be a daddy's girl😴

I put my phone back on the side as Charlie gently put Siân back down. He climbed back in beside me and pulled me in for a cuddle.

"Next time, it's your turn," he said whilst kissing my forehead in between. I nodded back off to sleep.

However, I wasn't asleep very long as before I knew it, both of them were screaming the house down.

"Charl, they need feeding," I said, yawning.

"Thats a you job. That's the one thing I physically can't do," he smirked. It's 8am. 8am. That's not too bad actually.

"I know," I sighed and got out of the comfort of my luscious bed.

I picked Cody up from his Moses basket and took him downstairs. I began feeding him and eventually Charlie brought Siân down too and sat on the other sofa.

"Sleep well?" He asked.

"Could've been better," I said, a smirk appearing slightly on my lips. Soon enough, Cody had finished feeding so I swapped with a Charlie so I could feed Siân. Charlie turned on the TV so everything didn't seem so serious. Once they had both had a feed, I took Siân upstairs and got her changed into a cute little outfit for today. Then I swapped her for Cody and did exactly the same. Charlie and I decided, whilst we were getting ready, to put them in their little play pen.

I hopped in the shower and washed my hair etc.

Once out, I dried my hair as Charlie went in the shower. I did natural makeup and chose to wear my loose fitting daisy shorts (they hid the part off my bump that hadn't gone down fully yet), a white lacy bralet with and oversized brown cardigan over the top. We were only going over to Mum's anyway.

"You ready Em?" Charlie asked as he started putting Cody in his seat as he was now fully dressed.

"I think so," and I buckled in Siân and took her to the car, Charlie and Cody hot on my heals. We arrived at mums to a door of welcoming arms, including those of Overload's.

Jordi took the twins out and him and the rest of Overload played with them on the floor. The seven of them get on fairly well, sometimes it feels like they all have the same attention span anyway.

I left them to it as I went to go see mum.

"Hey darling, how are you feeling? You look great to say you had twins two days ago," mum asked.

"Not too bad but Siân had us up at 2am,"

"Oh dear, you were the same though. Constantly screaming. It would get to the point where your dad and I would have to take turns on who sorted you out," mum reminisced.

"I made Charlie get her and I fed them both this morning. It was so cute honestly, he just kept singing to her," I smiled.

"Whatcha taking about?" Charlie asked, walking in and putting his arms around my waist and planting his head on my left shoulder as I played with his hair.

"You," I smiled. Suddenly the phone started ring so mum answered it.

"Hello?... It is... Oh my god are you serious?... Yes... I'll be there right away," mum rushed. I gave Charlie a worried glance.

"Mum is everything okay?"

"It's Mel... She's... She's woken up..."

A/N cliffhanger! Let me know what your predications are!
Only 8 chapters left guys... Omg I can't believe it!
Hope our enjoyed this chapter, thank you so much for all the lovely votes/comments/reads/follows they honestly mean the world to me!
If any of you ever have any questions about the book, comment them down below and I'll answer them!
Love ya✌🏼️

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