Chapter 18

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Leo and I were sat chilling in the green room with Victoria when suddenly Tiffany ran into the room.

"Charlie, Victoria, Leondre. One of you ring an ambulance now," Tiffany ordered. What's going on! Why do we need an ambulance!

"Tiffany what's happened?" Leondre asked as we exchanged a glance of worry.

"It's Emily..." She started but I'd already taken off for the stage. I ran passed all the technicians trying to hold me back, even the Overload boys and the dance guys. I needed to get to her. The audience was going crazy with panic, I can hear it.

There she was. Lying on the stage, microphone slipping away from her cold fingertips. My heart sunk to my stomach.

"EMILY," I yelled and ran straight for her. I fell to my knees by her side. "Emily baby, come on. Em, baby. Come on baby girl wake up," I said lifting her head onto my knees and gently patting her cheek, hoping she'll respond.
Leo and Victoria came over with the paramedics.

This is a scene I've witnessed twice too many now. They checked her pulse and lifted her onto the stretcher as one of them asked Tiffany what happened.

"Sir, we will need you to let go of her hand," the paramedic instructed.

"No, I can't do that. She's my fiancé. You can't tell me to do that,"

"Sir, I'm afraid..."

"I SAID NO," I shouted as tears brimmed me eyes.

"Right then sir, I assume you'll be coming in the ambulance with her?"

"Too damn right I am," I said. I walked alongside Emily to the ambulance.

"Bro, we'll meet you there," Leo said patting my back as Victoria gave me a reassuring hug.

"She'll be okay," Victoria whispered. I smiled at her weakly. Onwards to the hospital...


God sake! Why does something always happen to Emily! She's got enough going on.

"Leo baby, we need to get the audience out of here. I need to be with my bestfriend," Victoria said discreetly to me.

"Okay princess," I started whilst looping my arm around her waist. Our bestfriend is on our way to hospital, we need to be with her. "Ladies and gentlemen. I apologise for the scene that has just happened but I'm sure you can understand that these things definitely aren't planned. We will try to rearrange the concert and rest of the tour but Emily's health has to come first. Thank you for your cooperation in this incident. We will keep you up to date on Twitter with the condition that Emily is in. Thank you and good night,"

The audience began to leave and Victoria, Jordi, Tiffany and I hoped in the car; heading to the hospital. Everyone else stayed back so we could get our heads around everything without it being overcrowded. Within about 20 minutes, we were there in the waiting room. We sat on the sofa, my arm around Victoria tightly and her head resting on my shoulder.

"Leo?" Victoria asked in a quiet voice.

"Yeah princess?"

"Emily's going to be okay isn't she?"

"I don't know baby, I don't know," I said. She started crying, burying her head further into my shoulder. She was wetting my t-shirt but I don't care, she's scared for our best friend. Now isn't the time to be worrying about as stupid shirt being wet and slightly mascara stained. I stroked her smooth hair. Jordi had reached through to their mum and dad but they suddenly had to go away on a business trip so Emily was technically under the guardian of Jordi or Karen. He sat down next to Victoria and ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

"Jord, she'll be fine," I attempted to reassure.

"But what if she's not Leo? There's always what if. She's been through too much for a seventeen year old. This isn't right. She's had to grow up so quickly but she's my little sister. I need her too, not just Charlie," he said tearing up.

"Let's try to stay positive Jordi. We will deal with the negatives if or when we get to them. Emily needs us to stay positive for her,"

An hour later, Charlie emerged from her room along with the doctor. He looked at us, the floor, the doctor then came to sit with us.

"Miss Emily Whitworth..."

A/N hey guys! So I'm back from the best weekend of my life! Honestly, Kendal 2015 with my Connections family has been thee best. I've never laughed so much. We met some amazing other companies from North Wales, Wigan and Dumfries in Scotland. We got especially close with the Dumfries company so much that our directors are going to try to arrange something so we can see each other again which is pretty cool!
However, as you guys all know, I am legit the blindest person you can get. I had two of what I call my Emilyisms in the weekend and they're hilarious haha! But now connections 2015 is over until November *sigh*. I'm going to miss my little Hackers (I say 'little' but infect I was the youngest by like 10 months haha)
Anyway, enough about me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Let me nod what you think will happen next! Thank you for all the support as always! I'm 2 followers off 100! What is that?! Amazing is the answer ahaha!
Love ya✌️

P.S Congratulations to the Duke and Duchess Of Cambridge on the birth of their new baby girl; Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana of Cambridge!🇬🇧

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