Chapter 14

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Calm... Calm... Calm... Calm...

No I can't!

IT'S TOURING DAY! Finally this day has arrived! I can't contain my excitement! It's just... Argh!

It's about 9am so Charlie and I are going to the tour bus about 11am to then set off at 11:30 but we want the best room. I woke up to an empty bed by the side of me however a note was laid on the pillow.

Just taken Brooke to the park, should be back around 10, wanted to spend some time with her before we left. Make yourself look prettier than usual, if that's even possible.
Love you

He's so cute with Brooke. Our suitcases (yes that's plural but hey, it's two weeks on the road) are packed and ready to go. I got up and put a hoodie on over my pyjamas to go downstairs for breakfast. It's going to be Nutella on toast. Yummy. Once I was ready to eat it, I went in the living room with said breakfast to where Karen was watching 'This Morning'.

"Mornin' Karen," I smiled.

"Morning sweetie, are you ready for today?"

"Yeah I think so,"

"Good, Charlie told me about what happened with your dance friends,"

"They were picking on stuff I'd done for no real reason and gossiping behind my back," I shrugged. Come on, I'd gone through enough in my life. This was just like a tap on the shoulder compared to what I've been through.

"They're just jealous hunny. You've got what they all have always wanted. Don't let them spoil today, it's your day,"

"Thanks Karen,"

"Anytime Emily dear," she smiled warmly. Living away from home without my parents was hard, but having Karen here makes it all easier as I can talk to her about anything. She's always there for me.

I had finished my breakfast so now I need to get ready. I decided on a cute summer dress as it's warm outside, brown sandals and a denim jackets. Complete with simple makeup. This is what I want to wear on stage tonight, just making the makeup stronger so I don't get washed out from the lights. By the time I was washed, dried and ready to go, it was around 10:15am and I could hear voices talking downstairs so I made my way towards them.

Charlie and Brooke were back. I stood quietly behind Charlie and looped my arms around his waist. This doesn't work quite as well as I'd hope as he's at least a foot taller than me. Small girl problems aye.

Charlie grabbed my arms and pulled me round to face him properly. He planted a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Hey baby girl,"

"Hey Charlie," I smiled.

"I'm going to go have a quick shower then we'll set off okay?" He asked.

"Yeah sure,"

**45 minutes later (turns out a 'quick shower' isn't so quick)**

All the suitcases are in the car ready for tour, now all we need to do is say bye to Karen and Brooke.

"Mum! We're going!" Charlie yelled as Brooke came and gave me a massive cuddle.

"Have fun on tour Emily! I'll miss you lots, love you,"

"Aw Brookie, I love and miss you too. I'll try to bring you a little present back," I smiled. This made her giggle, her giggle is the cutest. She gave Charlie as big cuddle and kissed his cheek.

"Right Charlie-Joe. You know the rules so stick to them. You're there to have fun but it's also work. Enjoy it and stay safe, and stay young (😏). I love you," Karen said embracing Charlie tightly in a hug.

"Have an amazing time and make sure Charlie looks after you, otherwise he's in bother. Good luck, I know you'll be amazing," she smiled hugging me too. After all the goodbyes, Charlie and I headed for the tour bus. Time for the hard work to really begin...

A/N short update but might try to update again tomorrow! I hope you liked this chapter lots, let me know as always! Thank you so much for all the reads/votes/comments/follows!
Love ya✌️

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