Chapter 44

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Since we introduced Mel to Siân and Cody, she's been playing with them ever since. She's still in the hospital, but she isn't on drips anymore so we set up a little play area for the twins so Mel can interact with them. It's so cute when she chases them as they can only crawl, walk with assistance. It was cute.

Charlie's POV

Watching Mel with the twins reminds me how fast they're growing up. Wow. The doctor soon walked in.

"Hello Melissa and her family. I've got good news, which is a change. Melissa can return home tomorrow morning so long as she takes it steady," he finished.

"Are you being serious?" Angela asked. Emily came and sat on my knee, playing with her fingers; I can tell she's nervous when she does this.

"100% I wouldn't lie Mrs Whitworth. Melissa just needs to come in once a week for a review," he said. I can't believe this. That's the best news we could've ever asked for.

In typical baby style, Cody had to start crying. Mum said I was a cryer. Like father like son aye. I picked him up and started giving him cuddles.

"Dada," he said cuddling into my chest and stopping crying. What. What. What did he just say? What. Emily turned and looked at me wide eyed.

"Em, did you hear that?" I asked. She just nodded her head.

"Cody, say that again baby," she said coming over and stroking his hair.

"Dada mama," he said. Oh my god. My son has said his first words.

"OMG Charlie," Emily gasped.

"Em, Cody has just said his first word," I breathed. Just to clarify, his actual first word was Dada. Can we all verify that? I believe we can. Let's just document that.

"Well done baby boy," she cooed kissing his cheeks as he begun laughing and giggling. Angela and Jordi crowded round to see what all the fuss was about.

"What's going on here then?" Jordi asked.

"Cody just said his first words," I smiled, handing him to Angela.

"Grandma is proud of you little man," she said tickling his belly.

"Mummy, I'm tired," Mel moaned. To be fair, she has just come out of a coma, met her niece and nephew and has just been playing for the good part of two hours. She's done well. Angela returned Cody to me and Jordi tucked Mel up in bed. Emily and I quietly said our goodbyes as we took Siân and Cody home.

"I'm so happy Mel gets to come home tomorrow," Emily sighed as we entered the house with sleeping twins.

"It's the best news we could've asked for. I tell you what, why don't we do a surprise party for her tomorrow? It won't be big, just us, them, Leo, Victoria and Overload," I offered.

"Yeah sounds good, I'll text mum tomorrow telling her to keep it a secret," she said.

"I don't tell you this enough but I love you," I smiled, pulling her hips and kissing her soft lips.

"I love you more," she kissed.

We bathed the twins, much to their dismay and gently put them down to sleep. They're getting better at this as they aren't so clingy anymore. I kind of miss it as it means that they're growing up but oh well.

**the next day**

Emily's POV

Charlie, Leo, Victoria and I are currently getting my parent's house decorated for Mel's return. I even had a little 'Welcome Home' cake done especially for her. If you're wondering where the twins are, something must've possessed me to let Jordi look after them.

We had almost finished decorating so I text Jordi, Joey, Ryan, Ollie and Andy to bring the twins. As soon as they got out of their car seats, Victoria and I squat down in front of them and they crawled to give us cuddles. I love my kids. Honestly.

About half an hour later, mum text that she was pulling into the drive way so we all hid, Charlie taking Cody and me taking Siân.

I heard keys rattling and the lock click. The slump of bags being dumped as tiny footsteps headed in our direction; the living room. I mouthed to everyone '5... 4... 3... 2... 1...'


A/N thought it was a cute way to end the chapter to be honest. 6 chapters remaining... Only 1 week left at school before SUMMER! What you all doing over the holidays? I'm going to Spain for 2 weeks, then rehearsals on and off which will be cool! Thank you for all the votes/comments/reads/follows it means the world to me!
Love ya✌🏼️

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